Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Dear Friends,
Today I had expected to have received written reports, photos, etc., on last week’s reunion.
All the information that I have received is included below.
I attach other email to fill the Circular.
October Reunion
Don Mitchell CBE QC
Wednesday, October 31, 2007 1:19:52 PM
Hello Ladislao,
I know that Salvador is going to give you a lengthy description of the meeting in Trinidad over the weekend of 27 October, so I shall be brief.
The most important news is that we agreed to found an Association of Old Boys as a legal entity.
The Trinidad lawyers will advise on how this is best to be done.
That will provide for election of officers, regular meetings, etc.
It will ensure continuity of the institution.
Second, we agreed on a major social gathering on the weekend of April 19 and 20.
The first day will be for the organisation's meeting and election of officers.
The second date is for the social function.
The date was chosen for two main reasons.
First, the alternative dates were not convenient and were in the middle of the more expensive tourism season.
Second, we were told the date would coincide with the Venezuelan holiday weekend, and more of those alumni might be able to join us.
Third, We elected the first officers.
They are Joseph Bermont, Rudy Singh, Peter Sammy, Michael Dornellas, Winston Ramsahai, Stewart Henderson, Dennis Gurley, and Jon Golding.
Their job is to get the organisation legally registered and to plan and implement the reunion in April 2008.
The pictures that I took are at "Don's Photos" under links in the right-hand column of the Blog: http://abbeyschool2007.blogspot.com/
I thoroughly enjoyed the reunion, and hope thy will be more regular now.
Keep well.
Photos at Mount
Don Mitchell CBE QC
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 8:34:18 PM
I've put the photos I took on the Saturday at the Abbey on my website: http://www.winkflash.com/PHOTO/public.aspx?u=idmitch.
It's the last album. Sorry.
Sorry also that I appear to have taken exclusively photos of my generation.
I need you to email me any photos that you don't mind me putting up on the site.
It would be nice to have a fuller cross-section of attendees.
Names of persons photographed would be helpful.
Since not many of us visit the Blog, I am hoping that Ladislao will copy some of them and use them in the Circular.
Anyone wanting a full-strength photo, just email me the number from the website and I will send it to you.
It was good to see you all again.
And, a special thanks to the classes of 1980-1985 who organised the meeting.
Don't forget to visit the Blog at http://abbeyschool2007.blogspot.com/ from time to time to see all the Circulars that Ladislao has sent out.
The link to the photos is also conveniently in the right hand column under "Links".
PS: Apologies if there is some duplication in the addressees.
I am using my mailing list and Specs' as well.
From: "nchacha57@aol.com" nchacha57@aol.com
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 8:51:34 AM
Answers - Check it out.
Where did you find these photos?
i cant believe these still exist. its good to hear from you. I will be in Miami for thanksgiving, my dad and my sisters all live in Florida from Miami to Boca Raton .
We would be driving down to the keys for a couple of days.
It will be good to see you, my mobile # 1868 685 1185 or Samjam@bmobile.tt.blackberry.com. send me your contact #.
thanks for the photos, you have a lovely family .
i am always working i run a betting shop in Curepe, good business, the only problem is the high rate of crime in this small island.
take care.
Old Mount Boys 

Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2007 1:05 pm
Hey Shawn,
I am not too sure when you went to mount, but I was there during the time that Roger & Gerard were there, and I am not sure how or if you are related, as I would like to contact them by e-mail if you happen to have heir addresses, just for old time sakes.
Been up here in Canada since 1978 and just had our 3rd Hurricane last night 130 mph and lots of rain, two of our children have no electricity so we are all gathering here as we still have ours.
They will not be able to get theirs till Tues 6th as quite a lot of Nova Scotia are without electricity, but not too much home damages.
How is life in dear old Trini, we probably won't be down this Winter as we may be selling our home & downsizing.
Keep in touch, glad the old boys still have their bulletin going.
Kindest regards,
Art Knaggs
Michael Stein
Thursday, April 26, 2007 12:33:47 PM
I have being noticing a lot of correspondence amongst the alumni, and wondered what is going on in your life since it has been so many years since we last spoke.
Below is my position and whereabouts and attached is a bio describing my adventurous life since the Mount, how about you?
Best regards,
Michael A. Stein
Managing Director
Korn /Ferry International
786-425-8933 Office
786-417-9101 Cellular
Paul Stein
24-May (5 days ago)
Dear Ladislao:
Very good of you to keep us Mount boys in the loop with the photos etc.
I remember your name, however, I entered in 1959 and left in 1966.
Returned to Caracas for my last 2 years at Colegio Americano, ended up going to ASU in Arizona and now reside in Florida .
I have attached a photo of a reunion that was held when Bobo came to Caracas , probably the year was 1973 or 1974, thereabouts.
Some of the guys with their wives I recognise, some I do not.
Is it of value to you?
Thanks again for your efforts for staying in touch.
Paul V. Stein
Lauderdale by the Sea, FL 33308
Home: (954) 772-9629
Cell: (305) 773-3756
Mr. Stein is a Managing Director in Korn/Ferry International’s Miami office, where he leads senior executive searches in a broad range of sectors, including professional and IT services.
Prior to joining Korn/Ferry, Mr. Stein was Vice President of Hilton International responsible for operations and development in LatAm, and a Partner with Andersen Speciality Consulting Group for eleven years.
As a Partner, he served on a number of Global 1000 account teams and several medium and large-scale international companies, specialising in business strategies, change enablement and business process outsourcing.
His responsibilities were for the consulting group for Latin America and the Caribbean . He also managed the financial structuring group for the same region.
Prior to Andersen, Mr. Stein was a Partner with Laventhol & Horwath, where he co-managed a speciality consulting group in the southeast US, the Caribbean and Latin America .
Mr. Stein holds degrees/diplomas from the University of Southern Mississippi , Yale University and Cornell University .
laszlo kertesz
Wednesday, June 13, 2007 8:42:57 PM
Re. Yip Chuck
Dear John
Thank you for the email.
Sorry that I took so long to answer, but I am a bit late with the lots of email in the first part of the year that I could not answer and late with the circulars.
I am still missing Andrew’s email address.
I have no information as to his resume for the listing.
I used to be the Javelin and Discus champ for 1960.
Made aeroplanes and rockets.
Used to paint tennis balls for the tournaments.
I believe that you have the attached photo.
I left Mount in Dec. 1960.
The second tallest boy at Mount, after Howard, daddy long legs.
Please send me the article on Yip Chuck. There seems to be a mess up with Chow Fat the other pin pong teacher. Need to clarify.
Any news on Claude Johnson also from St. Lucia , living in UK Telf. 012 28 511747,
44 1228 538 644.
Maybe the telf are wrong.
God Bless
(Still no luck with CLAUDE. Ed-)
Lindsay John Moffat <l.john@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
Dear Laszlo
Thanks for all the information you have recently sent. Also pictures of Yip Chuck.
I must confess that it is Difficult for me to remember your name and wonder if I can with your face to go with your name.
Were you in a class or two above me?? May be Andrew or Nigel's year?? Anyway I still appreciate your mail.
Maybe sometime the jig-say will fall into place.
Andrew is well and living in Taunton , Somerset , England –
At present away on holiday with his wife in Cuba .
Quite a time to be there - I wonder if Castro the admirable old dog will finally pop his socks while he is there?
That will be historic.
Nigel died of complicated illnesses on 25th November '05.
Until then he lived in Bristol - England .
I am an artist and live in Glasgow , Scotland as you probably already know through the network.
I remember Yip Chuck well and with fond memories.
He was my favourite teacher and biology my favourite subject.
I will write more about him later as I am now on the run - (not from the law) - am busy doing last minute preparations in haste to travel off to Barbados to see my ailing Mum then off to St.Lucia to see relatives there too.
All recently arranged trip after many years - so must dash.
Meanwhile keep well and best wishes...................
Lindsay John (Moffat)
From: laszlo kertesz
Subject: Re. Yip Chuck
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 09:11:01 -0800 (PST)
Dear Linsay
I would like a few more lines on Yip Chuck.
Can you???
Nobody remembers him.
God Bless
Use the code that appear on the photos when replying.
This is for now, keep well.
God Bless
Event 07 invitation, .doc
07PS0001PST Paul Stein,
The first two numbers are the year the photo was taken, please help.

Under the Kind Patronage of the Abbot, Dom John Piereira, OSB
to a get-together, at the
Retreat House Refectory, Mt. St. Benedict
on Saturday 27th October, 2007, 11.00 AM
We propose to formulate an organization that would enable the Old Boys to chart a way forward.
We need the input from all past pupils
“Ole” talk & lime included.
Bring your liquids and solids to share.
Dining service , light refreshment & snacks provided.
Parking street side and in front of the church with alternative entrance to the event through the cloister door.
Please call to confirm your attendance or email us at
Your attendance is vital
Mr. Joseph Berment-McDowald
(Interim Chairman) 868-678-8731
www.msbtunapuna/blogspot.com Contacts :
Keith Allen : Peter Sammy : Luke Easton : J. Habib : W. Ramsahai : S. Coscarat
785-2098 : 678-7946 : 375-8783 : 750-6583 : 742-2758 : 1-337-303-6124
Rudi Singh 680-2794 , 753-1965 ,