Saturday, April 28, 2007

Circular No 286

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 28 April 2007. No. 286
Dear Friends,
The last four email from Christopher Knowles, and other miscellaneous lines.

From: "Chris Knowles"
Subject: The truth - as told in Prep B.
Date: Wed, 17 May 22:11:23 +0100
Mr Rai, teaching in Prep B in late 1955, hearing a small boy talking at the back of the class, called out:
'Boy, empty vessels make the most noise!'
Mr Rai didn't think much of this boy's brainpower.
The small boy replied instantly replied:
'What about a chac-chac without beads, Sa!'
I heard it myself. I was sitting in the front, and was awed by such wisdom.
This boy was the youngest of three brothers, and they were all fighters, especially the younger two.
The middle one once took a bite out of Woon Sam (I think it was Woon Sam).
I know from the 'To' list above that about 22 of you were there with these characters.
And the mystery small boy was:
* Christian Goddard!!

Who else remembers this?

All the Best,
Chris Knowles.
MSB 1955 - 1960.
From: Chris Knowles
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 12:44PM
To: "Me London"
Subject: Seasons Greetings!
Dear Friends and Family,

The highlight of my year has been that Cindy had a baby girl, Caitlyn-Ann, at the end of November, and all was and is well.
So, I am now a Grand. I don't feel any different, but no doubt that will change in a few weeks time when I am in Trinidad and greet the new focus of my attention.
Charles will be with me; I wonder how this visit of yet more relatives will be for the infant.
Just another day in the crib, I suspect!

Cindy is working in Trinidad in the same job as she got after graduation last year, and I think that in view of her recent status she will be staying in TT for the immediate future. Charles is within six months of completing his degree, after which he intends to stay in the UK to do further studies.
I finish my course in Occupational Safety and Health soon and later in the year I plan to return to TT to work.
It seems that there is a lot of need for people in that field, now that certain new laws etc are almost out of the pipeline.
When I actually make the move I will pass the word around.
To you all, and all others who you know that I know and can pass this message to, especially Aunts Suzanne and Mille, I send from the three of us (plus the new one) our Greetings and our wish that you and yours have a Happy Christmas and enjoy a Prosperous and Untroubled 2006.
With Love,
From:Chris Knowles
Sent: Monday, July 31, 1:09AM
Subject: Moving on.
Dear All,
The time has come for me to move on.
This is to let you know that sometime between a couple of weeks from now and the end of September I will be back in Trinidad; my mission in the UK has been completed.
Eventually, all good things come to a pause.
My Trini address will be:
In a few days time my UK landline service will cease, but I can be reached on my UK mobile 07900 096 493 while I am still here, or on future visits.
Up until the end of September or so (I will let you know when), for those of you who email me, please send text only, no attachments please.
I will be doing likewise, in my sometime brief style, but maybe not as frequently as recently, until I am fully settled in.
All the Best, and Keep Well,
Chris Knowles.
Back on Line! ...
Chris Knowles
Wednesday, January 3, 2007 4:12:17 AM
Dear Everyone,
Belated Christmas and New Year Greetings to you all!
At last, after some to-ing and fro-ming between the UK and Trinidad I am now reasonably settled in Trinidad.
My Trini contact address is:
Apt E6, 3B Rookery Nook, Maraval, Trinidad, West Indies. Telephone: +(868) 628 7487.
Cell (or Mobile, if you prefer) phone +(868) 345 7987.
This item is welded to my hip.
An alternative mailing address is: PO Box 140, Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies.
I have had various woes lately getting a local email address, and from 23rd December my ntlworld address mysteriously ceased to function (yes, my account is fully paid up), and I have not been able to contact ntl from this part of the world.
The present state of affairs is as stated below.
My thanks to those of you who have been
Restricting messages to text only - you can resume the full flow of attachments etc as before.
All the Best, and I hope to hear from everyone soon,
Chris Knowles.
From: Chris Knowles
Sent: Monday, April 9, 2007 9:30 PM
Subject: Happy Easter.
Dear Friends and Family,
I composed this some time ago, and I can't find a better thought this time!
Greetings and Happy Easter to you All.
I wish you all the Blessings and Greetings of this season, and the continuing favour of the Almighty, difficult to appreciate sometimes, but always there for those of us who need it, and I suppose that just about covers everybody.
Keep in touch!
The latest from David De Boehmbler.
From his lines I deduce that he was not satisfied with the way teaching was conducted at the Mount.
He is one of the few that have expressed discontent with the normal curriculum that was taught; maybe he should have tried the seminarian curriculum where I am sure his doubts would have been answered.
If we have had a larger dose of seminarian aimed education then most of us would have left the school, some of us were barely controllable.
There had to be a balance in what we were taught about God and what was expected as the Oxford and Cambridge requirements.
Dear Ladislao,
I probably will not be doing much with the blog, I am not even too sure what it is. But I have to say thanks to you for putting my request on the site. I really do appreciate it. I did not get much of a response but I tried. Really this is such a failure on those men of the cloth at Mount St Benedict.
Even though they were being paid to give us a secular education they had a much greater responsibility before God to teach us about Him, and what he requires of those who are acceptable to him, after all our eternal future is dependant on what we know about God and what we do with it.
John 17.3 This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.
Math 1;21 "Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. 22 Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’ 23 And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew YOU! Get away from me, YOU workers of lawlessness.
Their failure to teach us is sad because the hope for those who worship according to accurate knowledge is so wonderful. It includes living forever on a Paradise Earth where there is no more war, sickness, crime or death.
Psalm 37;10,11,29 10 And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; And you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be.11 But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.
29 The righteous themselves will possess the earth, And they will reside forever upon it.
Thanks again Ladislao for your kindness.
From: Ginny & Daniel de Verteuil
Sent: Sunday, January 7, 2007 12:24 AM
Subject: Address Change
Please note the change in our email address:
Bye for now,
Dan & Ginny de Verteuil
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2:04 PM
To: "Distribution"
Subject: Change of Address
A brief note to tell you we have moved from Petawawa to Oakville.
Our new contact information is:
2131 White Dove Circle,
Oakville, Ontario
L6M 3R6
Phone: 905 469 6312
No change to email:
Ginny and Dan de Verteuil
That's it for now, keep well.
God Bless
56UN0001CLASS61, photo taken in 1956 of Class 1961
61UN0002CLASS61, taken at graduation with all the names this time, any changes??
58DD0001UNKNOWN, Unknown volleyball player sent in by Daniel De Verteuil

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Circular No 285

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 21 April 2007. No. 285
Dear Friends,
Here is an email composite of a conversation that started with a video on a Japanese Steelband group that have become famous.
Music keeps us united.
Re: Old days of long ago
Norman Smith
Dear all,
What a great surprise!
Nigel, the memory of that Christmas is etched in my mind and heart.
It was so devastating not to spend my first Christmas without my family... but it was so amazing how I felt so welcome and loved in your home.
Thank you and your parents so much!
There is much to catch up on and Roti to eat, that somehow we need to meet in Trinidad again.
We can sit and play with Jeremy.
I'm off to work with a big smile on my face.
On Apr 10, 2007, at 1:35 PM, Rafael Echeverria wrote:
Yes Nigel ... as a matter of fact ... you talk about a small world ??? ... let me tell you a nice story ....
... It was 1964 .... when I arrived at Mount I met Norman Smith and we did not only became best friends ... inseparable... but also learned how to play the guitar together ....
Jeremy De Barry was our professor ... Jeremy and Norman played in a band called "The Interpreters" ... Norman and I got into Beatles real hard.
We formed a Rock Group ...with my brother Gustavo on the lead guitar.... Enrique Gomez on the drums .... Norman was rhythms guitar and I .. of course ... on the bass ....
Paul McCartney would never forgive me if I chose otherwise ... and there we were: the first Rock Band Mount ever had .... Chains ...
We had a great time ... we stood ourselves as being the true reincarnation of The Beatles ... Trinidad Version ....
We eventually played in Venezuela at La Casona ... yes ... the very Presidential Home ...
Raul Leoni was the President at the time .. his son was a Mount Boy and took us there ...
We ... Norman and I ... eventually parted when I went to England ...
he went back home to his family in Colombia and became a true rocker ... member of the most famous band in his country ... toured for two years ... we never knew about each other again ...
But ....this is not all Nigel ... hold on to your seat ... here comes the best part.
... in mid 2005 ... thanks to the Mount Boys Letter and Ladislao Kertesz ... I discovered that Norman Smith was living in Miami ...
I called on that phone ... and there he was at the other end of the line ... I just could not believe it ... after 40 years ...
I had seen this mail from him in the Mount News Letter where Norman was trying to find someone to tell him "...about a guy by the name of Rafael Echeverria ... who was known as CheChe ...." ... can you believe it ? ....
We met that following Sunday at the Mass where Norman was playing the bass .... AFTER FORTY YEARS !!!! ...
This happened a year and a half ago ... can you believe this Nigel? ...
Norman and I see each other rather frequently ... every time I drive "down town" to Miami and stop at his Film Editing enterprise ... The Loft ...
It is all a dream ... Talk about "closing life circles" ... HA !!!!!
.... And NOW .. in addition .... I also have David Boss' email ... and I will get in touch with him again after so many years ...I will copy him as well ..your cousin is the greatest !!!!
I will copy Norman on this mail as well so that you can contact him... he'll be thrilled..
We have been with the idea of getting together again and play .... we in fact did ... briefly ... it was just great ..... as if time had not passed ... all we needed was to be performing at the Mount Students' Hall again ...
The problem is that "distances" in Florida are "criminal" ..
He lives in a beautiful home in the luxurious area of Key Biscayne ....
He has a beautiful family ... a lovely wife and four precious daughters.. and he is already a grandfather ....
I am sure Norman will be delighted to know about you ....
So .... Can you believe this Nigel ???? ....
You see Nigel ... this is THE MAGIC of being a Mount Boy .... and Ladislao Kertesz .... is our WIZARD ... I will also copy him ... I know he will keep doing his magic ...
I'll also Don (the wizard's first assistant) good mount boy friends ...
It was a real pleasure writing this email .. it shows what a BLESSING it is to be a Mount Boy ... yes Nigel ... I feel Blessed ... it is a privilege.... I am so proud of us all .... Mount Boys are blessed ....
Siempre Amigo !!!!!
Rafael Echeverria ... CheChe ....
On 4/10/07, Nigel Boos <> wrote:
Man! .
This is really a small world, isn't it!
I hope you don't mind me copying this to David.
I'm sure he'll be happy to know you still remember him and his family.
Best regards,
P.S. I understand that you were friends with Norman Smith.
He was a kid just starting off in Form 1 when i was leaving in 1960.
I was his Patrol Leader (Woodpeckers) and one year (was it 1959 ?) when there was an airline problem in Colombia, he stayed at our home in St. Augustine until we could get him on another flight.
Great kid.
On 10-Apr-07, at 10:35 AM, Rafael Echeverria wrote:
I know Nigel ...
David and Tina .. were our goooooood friends ... of my wife Norma and I .. in fact, Norma and Trina were school mates in Maracaibo .. they cared for each other very deeply ....
We went maaany times to David and Trina's home to have Roti ... prepared by David .. he had the most wonderful curry you've ever tasted ...
Trina's tragedy was a hard blow for us all.... it was a serious impact on the whole community of Maracaibo ...
Trina's family were very well known by all and David and her were a model of marriage for all ...
shall never forget that funeral Nigel ... we tried our very best to be of some comfort to David and his children, the burden left on David has been hard ... specially the little girl
.... David has lived one of the most dramatic family episodes I have known of in my whole life ... he is true HEROE ....
I have not seen him a long time though but I have seen his brother ... your cousin too ... in my brother in law's home as I refereed in my earlier mail.
I was at Mount after you .. 1963-67 when I went to England ... did my GCE A Level at that time ... then came back to Venezuela to study at University was around 1969 - 1970
I hope to meet with David once again some time in the future ... I care for him a lot ... and eat his Roti .. THE BEST EVER !!!! ....
am now here in Florida USA .... have been here for the past 4 years ... I am an attorney .. I work in International Contracting
Well Nigel .. it is so great chating with you ... really ... take good care man !
Siempre Amigo !
Rafael Echeverria / CheChe ....
19555 E Country Club Dr., Apt 102
Phone: 305-407.8667
On 4/10/07, Nigel Boos <> wrote:
Hi Rafael.

Nice to hear from you. Can't say we've met, but i do see your name appearing frequently on Ladislao's emails.
When were you at Mount?

FYI, I attended MSB 1955-1960 and have the most wonderful memories of that old place.
Sorry to see that it's all about to disappear, with the passing, eventually, of the monks. There are so few new vocations to the Benedictines, these days. . . .

David, my cousin, still lives in Maracaibo.
His wife, Trina, died some years ago and he's raised his 3 kids alone.
Not too bad.


95 Warwick Ave.,
Ajax, Ontario
L1Z 1L5
(905) 426-8999
On 10-Apr-07, at 9:50 AM, Rafael
Echeverria wrote:
PS. ........ By the way NIGEL it's been a long time I have not seen your cousin David in Maracaibo ..
I saw his brother though .. at my brother in law's home ... they are good friends .. we had a parrilla (barbeque) together ... we had a great time and he told me he was your cousin ... ha has a farm in the outskirts of Maracaibo ... in a region called La Caniada de Urdaneta ...
it's beautiful ...
On 4/10/07, Nigel Boos <> wrote:

Have a look at these Japanese kids.
They'll blow your mind.
Apparently, they've been going to Trinidad for the past few years already and have been learning to play pan, to the point where they're even been invited, as I understand, by some of the well-known steel orchestras to play with them at our Panorama Festival.
So, here they are, on their own.
and here's some more:
This is for now, keep well
God Bless
59NB0001NBOGRP, Norman Smith and Roger Ames
59NB0098, unknown
59NB0097MPR, Manuel Prada
59NB0096MFE, Matias Fedak

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Circular No 284

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 14 April 2007. No. 284
Dear Friends,
To make sure that your address is in the Blog site, I urge that each one should send their email address information to the Blog site to concentrate all the information.
The Blog address is: or to Robert De Verteuil, in Trinidad, this is a request that I would like you comply as the Editor of the Circular or Newsletter.
I hope that finally the oldboys in Trinidad would retake the monthly dinner reunions as I believe it was done in the past, just as we do here in Venezuela.
Also the Association of Oldboys would be revived with the over 250 Alumni strong living in TT.
I shall be cooperating with this effort by including all the email addresses of all correspondents that have actualized their DUES. (50 words per year).
I am making this request as I have had difficulties with the listing I kept.
I am trying to recover from computer problems, hopefully all is not lost.
George Mickiewicz

Saturday, January 27, 2007 10:52:17 AM
While at MSB, the major part of the day, other than sleeping, was spent STUDYING.
These studies increased in Form V when the boys would stay up late and/or rise early in the morning to prepare for the GCE examinations.
My memory is pretty blurry as to what subjects we took in which Form and which teacher taught which class/subject.
Do remember that we were expected to be quiet, pay attention, be organized, participate, do our homework and study hard.
This focused approach developed a discipline within me that helped me very much in my university studies and subsequently in my work.
It is helping me today in my consulting efforts.
Related glimpses:
Bernardo Fontaine mailing me the results of how our class feared in the GCEs.
Miss Kitty sending me the certificate which is the only memento that I have found so far of that era. It is attached. (Please resend, ed.)
Performing crazy experiments in Biology, Chemistry and Physics in the Lab.
Our books were small in size compared to the ones used by kids today. Also significantly lower cost.
Having to perform all mathematical calculations mentally versus the calculators, slide rules and computers that followed in subsequent decades. Abacuses did exist then but we were not allowed to use them!!!!!
Penmanship and spelling were very important; today I deal with the corresponding differences between the British and American versions of the English language.
A real problem if one truly needed to go to the bathroom during class.
Taking piano lessons from the Polish gentleman.
Writing a letter home every week during the evening study period.
Being rewarded for good grades by my mother with Bolivares (at that time 3 Bolivares = 1USA$)
I am also attaching a family picture taken in 2006.
Be blessed, be good and be safe y’all,
George (Shish, Yury)
Rafael Echeverr
Dear George,
I am a Mount Boy of 1963-66 ... I guess we did not coincide ... but I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your India trip tale.
You should become a writer !
Entertaining and incredibly amusing.
Ralph Echeverria / CheChe
Glen Mckoy

Monday, April 2, 2007 8:57:53 AM
Hi Neil,
Though I heard something like that about Gary Lambkin, I heard he went to west coast of Canada, I believe Vancouver,
I will check with a friend of mind here he knows Gary father, who was a old boy on the mount.
Later Glen
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2007 12:40:15 EDT
I heard that Gary Lambkin died in a motor cycle accident a few years ago, do you know anything about that?
Don Mitchell CBE QC

Sunday, April 1, 2007 9:36:12 AM
Hello Ladislao,
I hope you enjoyed your vacation in Spain.
I have a suggestion for you.
This will keep you sane.
It is intended to reduce pressure.
Consider it carefully.
Do not try to post the missing months of Circulars.
Do not try to complete the ones you have been preparing.
Do only one Circular to bring you up to date.
Just do an apology and say you are doing one Circular to cover the missing period.
Then you can go on as usual.
Everyone will understand.
We will be completely happy with that result.
So what if in one year there are only 30 Circulars?
Keep well.
Glen Mckoy

Wednesday, March 28, 2007 6:13:04 AM

Hi David,
Will cc. Glen Evelyn also so he can contact you some time, as lives in Florida when he is not on the rigs, he might be in Indonesia at the moment.
My brother writes and arranges a few songs and his son Gino sings them, if you ever go to he has 3 songs listed there.
1) Sweet pan music (aka Michael riddem (gino Mckoy)
2) Soca warriors
3) West Indies forever, I think.
I can also send you a cd of these songs next time I speak to my brother.
O.K Well just in from work going to sleep, thank you again for the jokes, ha ha very good, take care
Glen. yeah I work nights.
From: "david decastro"
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2007 01:17:43 +0000

Hi Glen,
Glad to hear you got the cd and like it.
I would sure like to get a cd of glen.
Can you arrange that?
As a song writer I love when other people sing my songs will send you another cd of spice and co singing THE GUNS.
Byron Lee doing the GUNS a big hit in 1994 also a cd of SAGA BOY singing my latest song CONCHITA .
He won the Montreal and Ottawa calypso crown in 2006.
Have some new songs but it is very difficult to get people to sing them even though they are always for free,
I do not ask for money just for recognition.
Will be touch soon regards to all
"The bandit"
From: "Glen Mckoy"
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2007 10:13:11 +0000
Hi David,
I received the CD yesterday with great thanks.
I listened and just loved every thing I heard, just like when I left Trinidad in the 1974, the quality, the bass , the brass and you have that classic voice for that stuff, I really have to thank you for making my day with that cd it's really good.
Every song, you covered so many different feels also, you seem to have no limit to where you can go.
I will share it with others here also.
I have a good friend Steve Hart, from Trinidad also, he lives just up the road from me, his uncle Edmund Hart (the mass maker) well Steve is now the coach for Canada soccer team.
He goes to Miami all the time, I will play your cd for him, as I am out of touch with home really, Steve keeps me up with the music, he will be surprised when I play your cd.
Any how if you ever need a guitar player for free, I'll be there.
Glen Evelyn won a calypso contest on the mount and makes great guitars as a hobby, he sent me one, this guy is talented and lives in Florida also, he went to mount around the same time as me, he works on the rigs, so he's in and out, Glen also has a cd of some songs also.
Any how thanks for the picture of the CN tower, well I was there but it look like I was in the wrong place... send me your phone number so I could call
Best regards to you and the family
Glen Mckoy...........
George Mickiewicz

AddSaturday, January 27, 2007 10:12:43 AM

Number 14 in the CLASS 61 picture is Ernest Castillo.
Thanks for your continuing your very valued effort as it takes time, energy and commitment to put together and share the information from the boys,
To complement the photos I have included the book cover for the Visual Basics english language course, Form 1 maybe??
Also, a slip of paper type on the latest calypso songs that were sold by Frederick street roadside vendors.
That is for now
God Bless
Photos in this issue:
Doc. Good Friday received from Mickiewicz
Visual Basics
See you later Alligator, lyrics (Has anyone a recording of this calypso song? Ed.)
61UN0002CLASS61, Have added new name, thanks to George.
ABBOT John Perreira of the Abbey of Mount St Benedict in his Good Friday message to parishioners said social injustices in society must be addressed as millions of innocent people are suffering just as Christ did 2,000 years ago.

Perreira gave his address yesterday during morning prayer at the Abbey of Mount St Benedict, a more than 2,000 parishioners participated in an re-enactment of the Stations of the Cross. The parishioners of St John the Baptist RC Church in St Augustine gathered from as early as 4 am at St John’s Road , where in a candle light procession both young and old made their way up the Mount. The procession ended at 6 am, where parishioners joined the monks at the Abbey of Mount St Benedict for morning prayer.

Perreira, in his address, said as Christ suffered innocently 2,000 years ago when he was condemned to death, people today are also suffering because of structural evil forces in our society. Perreira said the high cost of legal fees are having an effect on poor people who are unable to pay for a good lawyer. These people who can be innocent are then made to suffer.

“Life is more than just about money, hedonism and pleasures. Establishing right relationships with ourselves is the only way to happiness,” said Perreira.

However, Perreira said he was pleased with the high turnout of young people during the procession. Perreira said more youths have been moved by the suffering of Christ, which he said was a positive sign that there is still hope for society. Perreira said Good Friday should be a solemn day of reflection, when we recall Christ who died for our sins.

People were indeed reminded of the suffering of Christ, as earlier in the morning a re-enactment of Christ’s journey to Calvary was portrayed by Matthew Eversley. The winding road to the Abbey of Mount St Benedict came to life as women wailed at the cracking of whips and the ever present Roman soldiers. Eversley travelled to the 12 Stations of the Cross just as Christ, depicting important scenes in which Christ’s mother Mary witnessed the suffering of her son.

Eversley carried the cross to the top of the Mount where he was nailed to the cross and later placed in the arms of his mother.

One woman who was impressed with the production said the portrayal was much more animated than last year.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Circular No 283

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 4 April 2007. No. 283
Some newcomers to the Circulars. Welcome.
From: amilitar
Sent: Tuesday, February 6, 2007 4:45 PM
To: "'Enrique Zanelli'"
como te contaba, de pura casualidad navegando por internet encontre un website ( donde aparece un blog con varias circulares y cartas de ex alumnos (past alumni) del abbey school en trinidad, y me trajo muchos recuerdos, ya que nosotros estuvimos en ese colegio cuando eramos ninos.
Aparecen fotos del father Bernard (bobo), father Cuthbert (cutty) y de otros personajes, incluso encontre una carta que te adjunto en que aparece tu nombre cuando eras integrante de los aqualads (el equipo de natacion).
El mail tambien lo mando con copia a ladislao kertesz quien es el que mantiene el sitio y el blog, para ver si encontramos mis fotos de los anos 67 al 71.
Capaz que me encuentre con mi companero de curso jimmy samaroo que nadaba conmigo y de otros mas.
As it told you, by pure chance browsing thru Internet I found website where there is blog with several circular and letters of ex-students (past alumni) of the abbey school in Trinidad, and it brought many memories to me, since we were in that school when we were young.
There are photos of father Bernard (Bobo), to father Cuthbert (Cutty) and of other personages. I even found a letter that I enclose to you in which it appears your name when you belonged to the Aqualads (the swimming team).
This mail I am also copying to Ladislao Kertesz who is the one that maintains the site and blog, to see if we can find more photos of years 67 to the 71.
Maybe I am able to find my companion of course Jimmy Samaroo who swam with me and of others.
I was proud to wear the red t-shirt of Saint Anthony.
If I’m right, you wore the green of Saint Lawrence
Te adjunto una foto del colegio y una de father Bernard
Captain (N) Victor A. Zanelli Suffo
Military and Naval Attache
Embassy of Chile
From: Art & Val Knaggs
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 12:44 AM
Subject: Latest News
Thanks for the news, and especially on Earl. Our prayer meet was cancelled this evening because of a snow storm, but our prayers will be with him and the rest of you, as you have certainly had a very hectic Year out there.
Best regards to all of you on the West.
Have you got Ian's e-mail, his greeting from us returned undelivered.
Tell Earl to keep a good heart, open mind, and lots of prayers, the last Mount Bulletin had a Photo in it of (I believe 1945) of our group of Mounties, if he has not seen it I will forward that Bulletin to him.
As always,
Art & Val
Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2007 11:13:52 -0500

Thank you for the very informotive email. Its always nice to hear from you all. At present we are visiting Gordon and Marylyn Lazzari on our way to Trini. We expect to arrive on the 10th of this month and get back home on the 1st of April. We will be staying with Malcolm and Louie Ann.
This is our first holiday in 2years.
The weather on the West Coast this Winter has been the worst in 50 years. Stanley park which is considered the Jewel of Vancouver was totally destroyed. Over 3,000 trees were fallen with winds exceeding 100 miles per hour. Any way, where we live in Langley was not damaged.
Well its bye for now keep well and keep healthy. Oh, a little news about Earle Kayne. Earle just had a full Knee replacement after having a Hip replacement however he is doing great.
Kindest Personal Regards
Willie & Emmeline
From: Art & Val Knaggs <>

Date: Thursday, February 8, 2007 2:19 pm

Not too sure if we got 'tied up' or we were 'tied down', but whichever, we got your lovely Christmas Greetings and never sent ours out before.
Yet we love you (both/all), and hope you still love us back, even with our human weaknesses.
We have had a bit of a 'Roller Coaster' finale to our 2006 Year, with a conglomeration of ups and downs; yet, being optimistic and positive minded, we fed our Good Wolf focusing on the High-Lights of the last three months, hoping that when we plunged into the deep valleys of our Challenges, it was merely to boost the downward speed for the upward climb to better things; and the Good Lord kept smiling upon us.
So without all the gory (or bory) details, we have ploughed into (sometimes out of) these few Winter months with "mucho gusto".
Now we are settling down to our very abnormal, normal daily and weekly routines; and are able to wish you and yours a venturesome, happy and productive 2007, with a hearty sprinkling of love, joy and fun.
Fun is Val's #1 N.Y's resolution.
Now, as we saunter into the marvel and wonder of this New Year, we are endeavouring to keep our values and goals high; our meaningful challenges low and manageable; walk quietly, hand in hand and with Our Higher Power; stay connected with our family and friends in our ripple effect; and reach out to and touch all those who cross our paths, in this never ending journey through life.
What fabulous and exciting motivators and objectives to look forward to, as we enter each day ahead.
It is in giving that we receive.
All the very best to you, and yours, and we hope to see you (both/all) sometime along our winding road of life.
As ever, with love, Val & Art

From: Urbano von Fedak
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 3:24 PM
Subject: Football
Ladislao !
Cleaning up my desk is the attachment I found.
You will now understand why we graduates of 1958 are so proud of our 5, 6 or 7 years at Mount.
Believe it or not we still stick together.
This is for those who played cricket and those that remember some of the “SIRS” that are mentioned and played in the MSB team when Bro. Vincent used his persuasive charm.

Saltprune - Opinion and views from Trinidad and Tobago
WI cricket - leadership without credibility
Fri, Apr 13, '07

The music of "Force Ripe," the number one sound system in Guyana, could not soothe the pain of another hopeless, uninspiring, spiritless, and shamefully disappointing performance by the West Indies against Sri Lanka.
With the loss to South Africa last Tuesday, their fourth consecutive of the Super Eight, West Indies have all but been eliminated from the semifinals.
So what is this malaise that seems to paralyze West Indies cricket?
Mind you, this is not about West Indies losing, but rather the manner in which they have played time and again.
Let's face it; there are teams in this tournament that are no more talented than the West Indians yet have demonstrated a collective resolve and a self belief that are so often missing from the West Indies game.
Commitment and a sense of purpose is a first step in any attempt to turn around the fortunes of a team.
So how does one achieve this?
The Chinese sage, Confucius, tells us that as the wind blows so the grass bends, or, as we are wont to say in the Caribbean, a fish rots from the head.
There is a crisis in the leadership of West Indies cricket in the persons of Ken Gordon and Brian Lara.
Effective leadership is all about credibility.
Commitment cannot be mandated, only inspired, and one cannot inspire a collective resolve without the moral authority to lead.
Successful leaders attend to a broader moral purpose.
At its core, moral purpose is about relationships among people, and moral purpose comes alive through leadership actions that inspire, motivate, and energize people. Repeated calls from Captain Lara for players to lift their game continue to echo with a hollow resonance because Lara lacks the moral authority to lead.
Talk of Lara's knowledge, talent, and experience simply misses the point.
No one is questioning Lara's ability but, rather, the lack of credibility.
This is Lara's third unsuccessful stint as captain, and Lara has stated that he intends to play test cricket beyond the age of 40.
When asked at the press conference in Guyana whether that meant that he intended to stay on as Captain, Lara was visibly irritated and declined to answer the question.
If Lara truly cares about the future of West Indies cricket, and there is no reason to believe that he does not, then he would step down.
Off the field, the Gordon-led WICB was supposed to bring greater transparency to the regional game.
Instead, allegations of disingenuousness, unilateral decision-making and premature announcements all point to a flagrant abuse of the office of the presidency.
One of the shortcomings of the WICB over the years was its abject failure to recognize and to honour our past heroes.
The opening ceremony of the World Cup provided the Gordon team with a once in a life-time opportunity to right this egregious wrong - a window of opportunity to showcase the rich and glorious legacy of West Indies cricket to the eyes of the world. Surely 15 minutes of an almost three hour ceremony could have been dedicated to the proud legacy of West Indies cricket - a legacy mind you - that was instrumental in the conferring of this privilege to host the Cup.
In 2003, I had the distinct honour to interview Sir Everton Weekes in New York, and he shared with me a cherished hope that he would be alive in 2007 to witness this monumental event. It is to the Board's collective shame that this colossal icon of West Indies cricket was not even afforded the recognition of an invitation.
What a testimony to the proud history of West Indies cricket would it have been to introduce Sir Everton Weekes, Sir Vivian Richards, and Sir Garfield Sobers; and, perhaps, acknowledge the late Sir Learie Constantine, Sir Frank Worrell, and Sir Clyde Walcott - all of whom have achieved the highest accolade the game can bestow? Every player that evening, from Muralitharan to Ponting, wishes for one game in their careers when they may be likened to Sir Gary Sobers - the greatest player ever to grace the game.
It is, therefore, frighteningly ironic that these disorganizers could have only spared the great man one sentence - something about declaring the World Cup open.
Perhaps, they were too preoccupied with surrendering broadcast rights, and agreeing to ridiculous stadium rules and outrageous ticket prices that saw most games being played with half-full stadiums bereft of that carnival atmosphere that has become so much a part of West Indies cricket.
Of course, expect Ken Gordon and his apologists to try defending this indecency.
In fact, Gordon has already begun.

By the way, what ever happened to P.G.Wilson? There are no articles in the internet, neither there is a mention of his career thru TV. Ed


To finish this Circular I have included photos taken by Roberto Bodington, some without the necessary names.
Please send in your comments so that I may place names to the faces, please use the code that I have attached to each photo.
God Bless
03LK0001UVF, Urbano

58UF0001FB, The dream team that was mentioned above.

58AK0001AKNFAM, Arthur Knaggs and Family, (the only photo that I have, Art. You should send me a new one. Ed.)

04UN0001VZA, Victor Zanelli

2004 Transporte Aquiles de la Armada Chilena.
Transporte “Aquiles” colabora con comunidad isleña
Tanto los Oficiales como el Personal de Gente de Mar han efectuado diversas tareas en beneficio de los habitantes de Rapa Nui.
Valparaíso. Departamento de Relaciones Públicas de la Primera Zona Naval. Cumpliendo con lo planificado el pasado jueves 11 de marzo llegó a Isla de Pascua el Transporte “Aquiles” de la Armada de Chile. A su arribo la unidad, dependiente del Comando Anfibio y Transportes Navales, inició un nutrido programa de actividades en apoyo de los habitantes de Hanga Roa.
El buque al mando del Capitán de Fragata, Víctor Zanelli Suffo tuvo una bienvenida colmada del espíritu pascuense recibiendo collares de flores, que expresan el ferviente deseo de: bienvenida a Rapa Nui y que la estadía de los visitantes sea plena de satisfacciones. La dotación del buque fue recibida por el Comandante de la Estación Naval y Gobernador Marítimo de Hanga Roa, Capitán de Fragata Patricio Kocking Bannen.
También se cumplió la tradición que data desde 1888, cuando sólo llegaban a Pascua buques a vela. Así, algunos miembros de la dotación recibieron especiales felicitaciones: el Comandante del Buque, por disponer que su navío visite la Isla; el Segundo Comandante, por haber mantenido la disciplina a bordo que permitió un feliz arribo y al Oficial Piloto (Navegante) junto al Contramaestre de la nave, por la pericia marinera desplegada para conducir acertadamente el rumbo de la nave hacia tan pequeña y remota ínsula ubicada en la inmensidad del Océano Pacífico. También hubo, como lo establece la costumbre, la presentación de un “Hoko”, ancestral danza teatral Rapa Nui efectuada por isleños.
El sueño se hace realidad
El “Aquiles” descargó en Hanga Roa cerca de 250 toneladas de materiales de construcción. Lo anterior, dispuesto por la superioridad naval y accediendo a una solicitud planteada por la Intendencia de la Quinta Región, destinada a satisfacer un antiguo anhelo de transportar hacia la Isla, materiales de construcción para concluir definitivamente la edificación de la “Aldea Educativa”. Este proyecto, a cargo de la Ilustre Municipalidad de Isla de Pascua, irá en directo beneficio de la totalidad de los niños que cursan estudios básicos y medios, ya que consistirá en una flamante construcción que servirá como anexo al único Liceo con que se cuenta actualmente y albergará a los alumnos que cursen desde Octavo Básico a Cuarto Medio.
Además, se está efectuando un importante apoyo Médico - Dental por parte del Personal Naval a bordo del “Aquiles”, en favor de mujeres de escasos recursos que viven en la Isla de Pascua y que han sido beneficiadas con el Programa “Sonrisa De Mujer”, dirigido por la Primera Dama, Doña Luisa Durán de Lagos. En este operativo más de 40 mujeres serán favorecidas con la implantación de prótesis que fueron enviadas desde el continente por vía aérea, especialmente, para tal efecto.
Otra tarea relevante ha sido la mantención a la totalidad de las balizas luminosas que se encuentran instaladas en la Isla, por parte de Personal Especialista en Faros, dependiente de la Gobernación Marítima de Valparaíso. Estos artefactos tienen la importante función de dar seguridad a la navegación y a la vida humana en el mar para la gran cantidad de pascuenses que se dedican a la actividad de la pesca artesanal en Rapa Nui.
Por otro lado, el peluquero del Transporte “Aquiles”, Cabo 1° Eduardo Vicencio Molti realizó corte de pelo gratuito a más de 50 niños del único Liceo con que cuenta la Isla de Pascua. En la ocasión, el Director del Establecimiento Educacional Luis Astete Muñoz agradeció tan importante apoyo de la Armada, dado que un corte de pelo en la Isla cuesta alrededor de $5.000.
Día Internacional de la Mujer
En un ambiente de grata convivencia, cerca de un centenar de señoras y señoritas de diferentes Instituciones y Agrupaciones de Isla de Pascua, tuvieron la oportunidad de ser atendidas y compartir alegremente con funcionarios de la Armada con motivo de la celebración del Día Internacional de la Mujer.
El AP. “Aquiles” permaneció en Hanga Roa hasta el 17 de marzo, día en que zarpó rumbo a Valparaíso, llegando a su Puerto Base el lunes 23.