Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict , Trinidad and Tobago , W.I.
Dear Friends,
I have been getting some very interesting email.
Dear fellow readers, sometimes I might resend emails due to my lack of concentration, other times I might loose track of photos but remember that I do not censure your emails.
Thus if you want to see your article in the Circular and I have not published it within three months, RESEND.
Gmail Jan jankoenraadt@gmail.com
Monday, December 18, 2006 6:25:55 PM
Trying to figure out this class picture Form II 65-66.
This class was one year below me and I recognise most faces but names are difficult.
I composed some pictures to give my remarks.
About Paul Quesnel I can be sure he is not, because Paul was in my class in Form III that year and I have a picture from him.
Anybody remember the Gurley brothers, I think there were three of them at the school at the same time.
Groeten van Jan
(Need information on the GURLEY brothers. Ed.)
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Gmail Jan jankoenraadt@gmail.com
Monday, December 18, 2006 7:20:09 PM
Anybody remember Lindsay Moffat?
He was in my class Form II 1964-1965.
He was very skilled in art and playing the piano.
When we played piano nobody from the school wanted to come and listen to us, except when Lindsay played this Calypso song "67".
He had an elder brother John Moffat also at the Abbey School .
So I heard John is also an airplane pilot like Attila.
Lindsay went on in art, one time he designed these very beautiful dresses people would wear on carnival and festivals like that, but then in Glasgow.
I just received a X-mas card from him, he's been teaching Art + Design at college in Glasgow .
In case anybody wants to know:
his email address on the X-mas card is
his home address is:
Lindsay John Moffat
Flat 3/2
I will reply his X-mas card and tell him about the Alumni circulars and the websites he can look for.
Groeten van Jan
Andres Larsen andres_larsen@yahoo.com
Tuesday, December 19, 2006 11:09:29 AM
Gmail Jan wrote:
Hello Andrés,
I am scratching my memories and I did get lessons from a Chinese teacher, indeed his name could be Mr. Chow Fat, which was in the class underneath the Prep-dormitories behind the chemistry laboratory.
I got chemistry from Mrs. Kitty Marcus and she made us do experiments in that laboratory.
What I remember of Mr. Chow Fat is that he was a science man in mathematics, differentials, numeric analyses, imaginary calculus, Boolean mathematics.
During lessons he would refer to that, as we would have it maybe one day.
So I think he was our mathematics teacher.
I didn't get a full year lessons from him, for some reason we had to go to a different class and we got another teacher.
It looks like you were a murderous class of students, killing frogs in class, yikes, if I get chills from an animal it is a frog.
Groeten van Jan
From: Andres Larsen
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 5:18 PM
Subject: Mr. Chow Fat
Hello Stanley and Jan:
A few questions on Mr. Chow Fat:
Was he our Biology or Chemistry teacher?
If I remember correctly he was an excellent ping pong player but also a chain smoker.
If someone would curse in class, or speak when not spoken to, he would say something like:
Go wash out your mouth with soap and water.
Was it in his Biology class that we used to make headless toads jump with electric jolts and was it there that we drowned stray cats in order to make arrow quivers out of their furry skins ?
I remember there was a time when we all had this craze with bows and arrows.
Andrés Larsen
Andres Larsen andres_larsen@yahoo.com
Tuesday, December 19, 2006 5:44:23 PM
Comment below from Jan Koenraadt regarding Tim Healy from Surinam
Gmail Jan wrote:
Thank you very much for sending the latest circular.
I got contact with Ladislao and he mailed me and put me on the mailing list for the circulars.
I received circular 251 also directly from him.
This boy Tim Healy doesn't ring a bell, don't know if he is Dutch.
Maybe he speaks Dutch because of staying in Surinam .
Since 1970 I went to the Netherlands and went back to Surinam a few times for holidays but not to stay.
Never knew there were more old boys from Surinam .
Will try to look it up.
Groeten van Jan Koenraadt
From: Andres Larsen
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2006 9:28 PM
Hello Jan:
One of our Mount Old Boys made contact with another one of us from Surinam by the name of Tim Healy if that is of any interest for you.
There is something about that in Ladislao Kertesz's e-mailed Abbey School Circular Nr.251 below:
Andres Larsen
Attila GYURIS gyuris@yahoo.com
Tuesday, December 5, 2006 2:00:43 AM
Hi Andres:
Jan and I have been conversing about Josh.
He lost track of him also since the Mount days...
By the way, I think the correct spelling is Schoemacher. (Dutch spelling).
We will keep looking. He might pop in one day just like the others.
Andres Larsen
Hello Jan:
Ladislao Kertesz is very much alive and kicking.
His computer had broken down but I understand he has it back in service now.
His e-mail addresses are kertesz11@yahoo.com and kertesz12@yahoo.com as well as kaviacion@cantv.net
Speaking of something or someone else:
Attila Gyuris is interested in tracing the current whereabouts of your countryman and our fellow Abbey School Old Boy Josh Schoemaker who apparently moved years ago to Hawaii .
If you have any news on him they would certainly be appreciated.
Andres Larsen
Gmail Jan wrote:
Hello Don,
Yes I have some more old pictures of the Mount.
I was meaning to contact Ladislao to join the club and then get instructions from him to send him my old pictures to publish in the circulars.
But I didn’t get any reply yet.
I just hope he did not pick this period to retire.
I have already been mailing with Attila Guyris, he was my close friend at that time, and he explained to me how it works.
Your name starts with Don, are you a monk of the monastery?
Could you fill me in, I just arrived.
My steady email address is jankoenraadt@casema.nl or jankoenraadt@gmail.com.
I have two others for common use but they are just aliases, so don't mind them.
I send you recent pictures of me and my family, to show who is on the other side; I have four sons, big boys now.
Greetings from Jan Koenraadt from the Netherlands .
From: Don Mitchell CBE QC
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2006 8:47 PM
Hello Jan,
I hope Ladislao will publish the photo.
Do you have any more of these historic ones?
If so, please send them to him so that he can use them in the Circulars.
I understand that Ladislao is having computer problems.
He is normally very prompt, year after year, in his weekly Circulars.
However, we have not heard from him for some months now.
I only use the website to upload Ladislao's circulars, and have abandoned them since the Circulars stopped.
I should really visit them and make sure they are all still functioning.
Here is another one for 2007
God Bless
Photos in this issue:
55JK0001TKOSUR, Thijs Koenraadt in Surinam
55JK0002TKOGRP, Thijs and Gerard Koenraadt at MSB
58JK001JKOTAS, Gerard Koendraadt at MSB
58JK0001EDIMSB, Porst card from Jan Koenraadt
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