Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Dear Friends,
Here is a long one on our teachers, some that I never met.
Need photos of Chow Fat and David Basanta for the records.
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2006 16:36:26 -0800 (PST)
From: "Attila GYURIS" gyuris@yahoo.com,
To: "Wayne Brown" wvb@kasnet.com,
Thanks for writing. Welcome to the group.
Let me know, and if you like, I will add your name to my list and forward you the threads we are discussing, so you can contribute with some memories or pictures also.
Ladislao Kertesz is an old boy from the late 50's early 60's who is sending out monthly circulars with email threads and picture contributions from many of us.
If you want you can ask him to put you on his list so you get the circulars too.
Send him a request to: kertesz11@yahoo.com,
You can also find a bunch of old circulars and
By reading those circulars you can catch up on a lot of what has been happening at the Mount.
From the dates it seems you were at the Mount before me.
I was there from 1964 to 1969.
Wow, I didn't know that David Basanta had been a student there too.
Indeed he was my Spanish teacher throughout my years there.
Regarding Miss Kitty Marcus, I am not sure of her age, but she is very much alive and retired.
She is still mentally very sharp with a great memory, I am told.
I don't know of her past history.
I do know she spoke perfect German.
In fact she gave German private lessons to Andres Larsen, maybe he can update you on her background.
I don't have a picture of her but maybe someone from the list can send you a photo.
There was an Old Boys reunion at the Mount in 2003 and she was there.
As you may know the school closed some time ago and is now used as a drug rehab centre.
The Abbey Monastery is still there, but with a much reduced monk population.
I think the best person to update you on Miss Kitty Marcus would be Fr. Cuthbert, who is at the monastery, or old boy Michael "Specs" D'Ornellas, who lives in
How about it, Andres or Specs?
Just curious, how did you run into my email?
MSB 1964-1969
Wayne Brown wrote:
MSB 1964-1969
Wayne Brown
You wont know me--at least, I don’t remember you--but I was at the Mount from '55 to '60, and I gather from yours you were there sometime in the sixties.
The reason I'm writing is that yours mentioned Kitty Marcus, and did so as though she were still alive.
Is that true?
Incredible if she is; she must be at least 105!
She was a good friend of my aunt when I was a student there, I thought of them as being roughly the same age, and my aunt would be 107 if she were alive today.
So I'm wondering. Kitty was a Polish (I think) Jew and escaped Hitler's Gestapo in the nick of time.
She was one of a handful of European Jews who wound up in
As for the others you mention, I seem to remember that Yip Chuck came late in my time at the Mount, and David Basanta was briefly in the same class as me--I didnt know he later taught there.
And I don't know the others.
One "Chinaman", though, who was definitely not a good teacher--though he was an amiable and amusing man--was Father Chris, a Trinidadian priest. (I'm pretty sure he was still there in your time.)
He used to pray for a jockey called Sy Joseph who in return used to give him presents whenever the horse he was riding won, and the result was that Fr Chris was always interrupting our French or Spanish classes to listen to some horserace or other.
He also had terrific aim when pelting his duster at some student's head.
Anyway--be interested in news of Kitty Marcus if you have any.
Wayne Brown
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2006 14:55:49 -0800 (PST)
From: "Attila GYURIS"
Wayne Brown
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2006 14:55:49 -0800 (PST)
From: "Attila GYURIS"
If you see Cecil Camacho, tell him I have his old Chemistry Book.!
Is Mr. Basanta retired? I am sure he is, just asking.
Do you know if he did keep teaching at the
So, who operated the projector when you got on the Black list and couldn't watch the movies?
Or were you exempt?
Thanks for all the updates and prompt answers.
You are a wealth of info.
Attila Gyuris
MSB 1964-1969
Michael D' Ornellas
Here are some answers to your questions.
I was told that David Narine died of cancer in
I cannot remember if he was head prefect.
You are correct, Yip chuck was a very heavy smoker .... I am not sure if he died of lung cancer.
No, I do not know what ever happened to Mr. Chow Fat Basanta lived on
When I see her next I will take some pictures and sent it to you.
Cecil Camacho is a prominent Lawyer here in
Yes, I operated the projector at Bennett's Hall for seven years and was responsible for ordering the movies.
I took over that position from Fr. Augustine ( RUG HEAD )
Have to run now ...... once again, Merry Christmas.
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 17:43:19 -0800 (PST)
From: "Attila GYURIS"
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 17:43:19 -0800 (PST)
From: "Attila GYURIS"
Hi Specs:
Great update, thanks.
I too remember David Naraine, especially in the production "Hello Dolly" in which he was dressed as Dolly and a "Man for all Seasons".
Sorry to hear his passing.
What was the cause, do you know? Wasn't he a head prefect at one time? Either before or afterClark became the head prefect
Don't remember anything about Ronald Torry, but the last name sounds vaguely familiar.
I too remember David Naraine, especially in the production "Hello Dolly" in which he was dressed as Dolly and a "Man for all Seasons".
Sorry to hear his passing.
What was the cause, do you know? Wasn't he a head prefect at one time? Either before or after
Don't remember anything about Ronald Torry, but the last name sounds vaguely familiar.
I didn't get to take Biology in Form IV and V, since it was either that or Physics. Nobody couldn't take both due to schedule conflicts.
So I didn't get to have Mr.Yip Chuck, but I remember him.
He was a heavy smoker too wasn't he? Sorry to hear he died too.
Do you know what became of Mr. Chow Fat?
If you see Mr. Basanta, please give him my fond regards.
He was my Spanish teacher also, and probably of all of the other Venezuelans too, of course a cakewalk subject for us.
I think he used to live in a house Tunapuna village on the East side of the main road up to the Mount.
So I didn't get to have Mr.Yip Chuck, but I remember him.
He was a heavy smoker too wasn't he? Sorry to hear he died too.
Do you know what became of Mr. Chow Fat?
If you see Mr. Basanta, please give him my fond regards.
He was my Spanish teacher also, and probably of all of the other Venezuelans too, of course a cakewalk subject for us.
I think he used to live in a house Tunapuna village on the East side of the main road up to the Mount.
Same for Miss Marcus.
Give her a hug for me.
She (along with Mr. Chow Fat) was my favorite teacher in Foms IV & V.
When you see her next, please tell her that her Chemistry classes (and especially her lab sessions in qualitative and quantitative analysis) influenced me the most into choosing my degree in Chemical Engineering.
Would you believe, in my library I still have that green "A New Certificate Chemistry" by Holderness & Lambert textbook that we used in class.
It is such an excellent book that I still refer to it occasionally, even though it was published over 40 years ago.
And I am the second owner too, because the first owner was Cecil Camacho, his name and some of his handwritten notes are in still in the inside pages of the book.
Thanks for the name of the piano teacher.
It still doesn't ring a bell.
Give her a hug for me.
She (along with Mr. Chow Fat) was my favorite teacher in Foms IV & V.
When you see her next, please tell her that her Chemistry classes (and especially her lab sessions in qualitative and quantitative analysis) influenced me the most into choosing my degree in Chemical Engineering.
Would you believe, in my library I still have that green "A New Certificate Chemistry" by Holderness & Lambert textbook that we used in class.
It is such an excellent book that I still refer to it occasionally, even though it was published over 40 years ago.
And I am the second owner too, because the first owner was Cecil Camacho, his name and some of his handwritten notes are in still in the inside pages of the book.
Thanks for the name of the piano teacher.
It still doesn't ring a bell.
Specs, besides your many talents as the class clown, and abstract art painter, weren't you one of the film projector operators for the Saturday night movies?
MSB 1964-1969
Michael D' Ornellas
Thanks for this info.
I often wondered what had become of Lindsay.
I remember him quite well .. he was an extremely talented artist and painted many back drops for our plays.
I think Lindsay was connected with '
If I am correct, he was friendly with David Narine, who was very talented and was responsible for many grand productions at Bennett's hall.
Unfortunately, David passed away quite some time ago.
Another talented guy in that group was Ronald Torry .... I have no info on him.
Chow Fat was my Math teacher, he was an extremely good teacher.
I understand that his brain got the better of him.
Mr. Yip Chuck was my Biology teacher ( That was my favourite science subject ) He also was extremely good teacher.
He died of cancer about 15 years ago or longer ... he lived in
I made several visits to his home after I left the Mount.
Another teacher I see from time to time is Mr. David Basanta, he was my Spanish & English teacher.
Last year, I arranged an evening of Sacred Music at the
She had a wonderful time and is still bright as a button.
I am planning another some time in 2007.
I think your Piano teacher was Professor Katz ( not sure if spelt right ) He was Jewish.
Anyway, Merry Christmas to you and your family.
From: Attila GYURIS [mailto:gyuris@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 3:15 PM
To: Lindsay John Moffat
Subject: Welcome to the group Lindsay Moffat
Good to hear from you after all these years!
Yes, I agree with you, the chinese teachers were the best and the strictest. I also always wondered what became of Mr. Chow Fat. I think he inspired me to get into engineering school.
Sooo...what kind of fine arts are you into?
Are you still playing the piano? After leaving the Mount I never continued the lessons, since we didn't have a piano at home. Sometimes I wish I had. I can still play "chop-sticks" on the keyboards though,... and a pretty mean air-guitar!
Do you still remember the name of our piano teacher? I forget. I think he was polish if I remember correctly. Do you remember when he took us to a classical music concert once in Port-of-Spain. I remember the concert was so good I fell fast asleep.
Are you still playing the piano? After leaving the Mount I never continued the lessons, since we didn't have a piano at home. Sometimes I wish I had. I can still play "chop-sticks" on the keyboards though,... and a pretty mean air-guitar!
Do you still remember the name of our piano teacher? I forget. I think he was polish if I remember correctly. Do you remember when he took us to a classical music concert once in Port-of-Spain. I remember the concert was so good I fell fast asleep.
MSB 1964-1969
From: "cedvorak@cantv.net"
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2006 14:23:31 -0400
This is for now, keep well
06LK0001LKEGRP, Kendrick Allum, Isaias Farcheg, Roberto Lipavski
57RB0001e10, UNKNOWN
57RB0001c4, UNKNOWN
57RB0001e9, Fr. Bernard and Fr. Benedict
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