Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School , Mt. St. Benedict , Trinidad and Tobago , W.I.
Caracas, 9 de June 2007. No. 292
Dear Friends,
Here are some short emails from a variety of subjects.
Sunday, May 6, 2007 8:24:40 AM
Caracas, 9 de June 2007. No. 292
Dear Friends,
Here are some short emails from a variety of subjects.
Sunday, May 6, 2007 8:24:40 AM
I was not a scout.
Attached is my GCE form per your request.
May god bless you and your family,
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 10:22:49 AM
My pleasure, Ladislao.
It was indeed first division.
I am currently in North-eastern
Will write a little travelogue after I return home.
God bless,
-------------- Original message --------------
From: ladislao kertesz
I have made the corrections.
Your GCE marks are very good.
Was it first division?
I was not a scout also; maybe it was good because the scouts of those yesterdays have a very poor memory on what they did.
Most cannot recognize themselves in the photos that I sent out.
RE: Re. Circular No. 287, The Abbey School MSB
John Gioannetti
Sunday, May 6, 2007 11:31:58 AM
What was the priest that was always taking photos; I think his nick name was Fr. Voosh
Fr. Martin was also a very accomplished photographer
Robert deVerteuil
Monday, May 7, 2007 3:51:13 PM
This note to let you know that I am still trying to update the Email address list that you sent me.
Imagine, not a single 'deVerteuil' on the list!!
I have had 2 people respond to your request to send me their ads.
To update the list I am preparing.
I am going through old MSB newsletters to extract were possible names that are not on the list.
The attached photo is of James (Mac) Seheult and nearer 1955 or 56
Best regards
Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 09:55:15 +0100 (BST)
From: "cheryl webster" cheryl_ann_webster@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Peter Webster
He is now 57 and has just been diagnosed with multiple myeloma and is receiving chemotherapy in
He does not have a computer available but we are trying to get him a lap top.
Myeloma is a cancer of the blood and is often contracted by people who work in petroleum related industries - which he has for most of his life.
We are having several fund raisers in
Thank you and regards, Cheryl.
Esmond Lange
Thanks for your note.
I am often wrong, but my wife seldom and it is she who says it is Richard!!
To make sure the record is 100% correct I will circulate it to a couple friends who knew Richard very well and seek their confirmation.
I will advise you if there is any doubt...
As far as the rest of your request goes I would really feel as a bit of an impostor as truthfully I do not have too many memories or feel any great affinity with MSB having attended there as a very young boy 8-12, I think!!
However, as you asked so nicely (and I know you labour with this work of love) here are some titbits of information.
The only class mates I clearly remember are Brian Lewis and Edward Lloyd and I do not have any photos from that era.
On the other hand I have much better recollections of my secondary school (another Benedictine Monastery,
If you really want a CV have a look at the link below as it pretty much sums up where I am today professionally.
Best regards,
After a long and successful international career with both a mainstream oil company and the market leading service provider, Esmond returned to Perth to work in the private sector building smaller companies.
He joined the Curtin EBDU team in 2002 as a Mentor and also currently holds positions on the boards of a number of private companies.
He is an active member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and has an ongoing interest in creating growth opportunities for small and medium sized companies by the development of key staff and strategies.
His company, Sounding Board Australia , focuses on these interests.
Saturday, May 5, 2007 10:55:42 AM
Saturday, May 5, 2007 10:55:42 AM
The Ramsahai's were in the garbage business, but now they are into construction, hotel and soon pepper sauce business.
He went to MSB with me, 1970-74, his younger brother also went.
I will be seeing him in December when I go for Christmas.
Hope all is well with you and the family, all the best.
Edward Watson
Sunday, May 27, 2007 5:10:50 AM
868-682 -3312
----- Original Message ----------------------------------------------
From: Edward Watson edward.watson@perfectpower.co.tt
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 4:15:27 PM
Subject: Douglas Watson??
You are on the ball, yes there was and still is a Douglas Watson he is my brother and lives here in
He in not usually on line but will forward his email.
Ed Watson
Gillian & Leary Oconnor
Friday, June 1, 2007 1:54:25 AM
As requested here is Ronnie's address.
Sorry it took so long but I had to track it down.
R. Lambkin,
Hope this helps.
Don Mitchell CBE QC
Friday, June 1, 2007 8:22:58 AM
To:Tony Vieira
All is well.
I have been getting the circulars from Ladislao and posting them on the website http://abbeyschool2007.blogspot.com/.
He has not been as regular as previously, due to the pressure of work, but is catching up.
If you have not been receiving the Circulars, you may have accidentally dropped off his mailing list.
So, I am copying this to him for him to check he has your address in his system.
My latest passion is at the link below!
I have subscribed to your posts, and enjoy reading them.
Keep well.
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 14:39:31 -0800 (PST)
I am going to take the opportunity to answer your questions in a long winding manner, as this shall be published in a future circular and hope that it will create enthusiasm in other alumni in getting down and write so that the circular may be produced for a few more editions.
I am a liaison between ALUMNI, and try to publish the CIRCULAR once a week.
The circular or newsletter is no a forum as would be the BLOG page run by Don, but a four to five page summary of emails received and a place where photos are touched up and given a number for future reference in case there are names or other changes to be made.
Those that take time to write me or send FW of alumni to alumni conversations are included in the newsletter.
This has helped to get together over 350 alumni over the time.
Some got together after 50 years of graduating.
The photos are welcomed and are sent to me by friends, alumni and others that want to show them.
There was a webpage created by Anthony Johnson, the originator or revised by Maroth de Marothy, but neither had time to keep it up and was abandoned.
Don got into the BLOG pages because I have published over 270 Circulars and there are some alumni that have not received all of them or are missing some.
Maybe your long lost friend appears in one of them?
I do not participate actively in creating articles although I have written some lines; it is YOU that make the Circular alive with comments, stories, anecdotes, etc.
So maybe the circular can help you get together with your classmates or a friend in particular, try it.
Remember that you must write to get into the circulars.
Additionally I can help but I need the names of your classmates to place you in the same group and need some information on each, just as George Mickiewicz has done recently.
There are two ways to read the Circulars, direct sending by yours truly and by going to the BLOG page.
If you send your comments to the BLOG page, I usually do not get a copy of these.
You must send me a FW of your message for inclusion in the Circular.
When I retire I promise I shall read all the comments in the BLOG page and shall include them in the Circular.
Each Circular usually takes about 5 hours to make, so I need help.
The preparation of the 4 photos that I try to insert takes about 1 hour.
The rest is taken up in transferring your emails to a filling system, getting the rubbish out, setting up the message, making sure that the file does not have messages that have not been sent, looking up the search function to find new ALUMNI in the web, and answering emails, warming up the alumni for resumes, articles, photos and last and not least, sending out 350 emails using 6 servers. (this has been hampered due to info lost in the cpu).
It is fun, but when I have an overload of work I am late in the circulars.
I have had many alumni writing that they do not have time to answer because of work; their answer makes me laugh because they most likely think that I do not work, (on government subsidy) or are retired (bored) or it is a hobby.
I should have stopped my editing but I have had many peasant moments when I manage to get together friends after decades.
BUT Notice: I am looking for a replacement!!! so that I may receive, read the news and do nothing.
I believe that this long winded response might answer the questions that some of you might have wanted to ask.
God Bless
07GM0001GCE, gce notes from mikiewicz
58RB0001a9, Isaias Farcheg and Bro Vincent.
07GM0001GCE, gce notes from mikiewicz
58RB0001a9, Isaias Farcheg and Bro Vincent.
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