Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Dear Friends,
How are your vacations?, Last week?
Well, we are back trying to bring you information that we have received lately.
De: ANDRES MOFFIE [moffiea@pdvsa.com]
Fecha: 12/02/2007 10:32:00
Un placer saber de ti, la foto es muy buena, en algún momento te envío las mías.
Salvador saludos, en un mail tuyo se menciona a Alfredo Seaforth, como muerto, ese carajo toma mas ron que nosotros juntos, su teléfono cel. es : 0416-2857754.
Lo otro que deseo me ayuden es lo siguiente:
En días pasado exactamente papa me comentaba que Edgar y yo tenemos un hermano, el sábado cumplió 67 años, se llama DENNYS ANTHONY DERREK POLLARD. es medico en Washington D.C.
Que posibilidad tienen de averiguar esto.
Clínicas, Hospitales.
La idea es saber si vive, y por supuesto teléfono y dirección.
Estaremos en contacto. Saludos y que Dios los bendiga.
Andrés ELOY. 0416.2834739-- 0283-2555908.
12/02/2007 09:26 a.m.
Que alegría me dio oír de ti después de tantos anos.
Hable con Salvador Coscarart ayer y fue como haber viajado en el túnel del tiempo 40 anos al pasado.
Les envío una foto mía con la familia, lo mas seguro que un poco cambiado con anos encima y unos cuantos kilos mas.
Espero que este mail sea el correcto y también de Eloy.
Reciban un fuerte abrazo y aquí en Houston tienen a un hermano y amigo.
Mandenme fotos de uds y vamos a estar en contacto.
Enrique Zanelli.
What a joy it gave me to hear of you after so many years.
Spoke with Salvador Coscarart yesterday and it was as I were like to have travelled in the tunnel of the time 40 years to the past.
I am sending a photo mine with the family, but surely that a little changed with years above and a few kilos.
I hope that this mail is the correct one and also of Eloy.
Receive a strong hug and here in Houston you have a brother and friend.
Send me photos of you and we are going to be in contact.
From: zanella387@hotmail.com
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2007 17:58:28 -0400
Hola Salvador.
El del cigarrillo en la mano soy yo
La de negro con lentes, mi esposa
El de gorra, mi hijo mayor
El de la franela amarilla, el menor
Saludos y que todos esten bien
Ver Foto de la misma fecha
De: fabio amici [irecaparts@hotmail.com]
Fecha: 16/02/2007 13:26:16
acabo de ver tu Email,de la cena.
Lamentablemente me llegó muy tarde.
En éste momento estoy en el aeropuerto de Puerto Ordaz esperando un avión hacia Maiquetia y luego hacia Puerto España.
Después de 40 años voy a pasar los carnavales allá.
El libro de Scouting for Boys ya le saqué copia y te lo estaré enviando al llegar,si es que aún no lo tienes.
Pienso llegar a al Mount para revivir algunos recuerdos.
Después te cuento.
I have finished seeing your email, of the supper.
Lamentably it arrived to me very late.
At this one moment I am in the airport of Ordaz Port hoping an aeroplane towards Maiquetia and soon towards Spain Port.
After 40 years I am going to pass the carnivals there.
The book of Scouting Boys already I made copy for you I will be sending it when I return if it is that you do not have it yet.
I am think to go to the Mount to revive some memories.
Later I tell you.
Missing 2007 Circulars
"Don Mitchell, QC"
Wednesday, August 29, 2007 2:34:25 PM
Hi Ladislao,
I'm stuck in Antigua airport on my way back home.
I have compared your numbers with the Blog, and they coincide.
Have you been very busy? Is all well with you?
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 10:02 PM
Subject: Re: Re. Circular No. 304, The Abbey School MSB
Dear Don
I have the circulars but they are not 100%,
I just wanted to let you know that I am still alive.
In my records I have not released No. 273, 279, 280, 296, 298 to 303.
Please check
I did have a nice chat with your brother.
I enquired if he would know any friend that would have a 13 aprox son for a possible exchange program.
I would like to send my son to practise some real English, while we can reforce the other boys Spanish.
This week we have a friend of my daughter from Germany , while as you know we have had a TT girl staying with us a couple of years back.
Just let you know.
God bless
From: Don Mitchell CBE QC idmitch@anguillanet.com
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 3:58:09 PM
Hi Ladislao,
Are there any Circulars between No 297 and No 304?
If so, I did not get them.
Please send them so I can put them up on the website.
OK, good to hear from you. And, good to hear you are still
I am in London at the moment, but return to Anguilla tomorrow.
I'll check and let you know if I am missing any others once I regain access to my normal computer.
Keep well.
Don Mitchell CBE QC
Monday, August 27, 2007 7:23:57 AM
Hi Ladislao,
It is good to hear from you after an absence of a couple of months.
I am in the UK at the moment, but will post this on the Blog as soon as I get back to Anguilla later this week.
Keep well.
laszlo kertesz
Tuesday, February 20, 2007 10:47:38 PM
Dear Winston,
You are a great help, your class group, graduating in 1972 has very few emails.
Maybe nobody has been diligent enough to get them together.
Of course there are class groups where there are no member or putting in another way, I have no graduating date, or even names for 1974 until 1985 when the school closed.
About the sauce, I am in Caracas Venezuela , so please do not send my bottle to Neil!!!
Maybe you can ask those that are no computer inclined to give you the email of a son or daughter, maybe a friend??
I shall pick up the bottle one of these days if you get a party going, hahaha!
God Bless
Winston Ramsahai
Tuesday, February 20, 2007 5:52:57 PM
Greetings Laszlo,
I guess Neil spoke to you about the hot sauce, the nutritional fact was recently tested and the labels and samples will be sent to Neil Charles, I will send some samples via Neil to you, its HOTTTTT.
Toddy e-mail is toddy74@hotmail.com, or rcccl@tstt.net.tt
I spoke to Imbert about two weeks ago, His home no is 1-868-628-0560
Tom Peagus had a major accident offshore several years ago, he has a slight voice impairment, the last I met him was 5 yrs ago, he owns a transport company in St Madeline, Married, kids and settled down. Will try and get his contact nos.
Azizul Mohammed sawmill business no 1-868-642-4379
Farouk Bhola travel service business no 1-868-667-4581
These nos came off the directory, will call and source e-mail nos for your on the above.
Re: Winston
laszlo kertesz
Monday, February 19, 2007 10:41:58 PM
Dear Winston,
I was thinking maybe have some pepper sauce with you guys if you can get together a party.!!
Any idea of where Pegus is?? Bhode? Mohammed? and of course Imbert.?
Send me Toddy´s email if possible, is he in TT and just as the others above. Maybe a son or daughter if the are not computer prone.
Do you have a label for the sauce?
God bless
Winston Ramsahai
Monday, February 19, 2007 8:52:16 PM
Greetings Laszlo,
There was two Ramsahai at The Abbey Winston (Chandraker) and Toddy (Hemchand) 1971-1978.
Classmater were Hudson Mc Koy, Villafana, Berment, Peagus, Garners, Coscorat, Bhola, Mohammed, Evelyn, Healey, Imbert
Nice to hear from you guys any plans for 2007.
laszlo kertesz <kertesz11@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Winston,
I have two Ramsahai in the listing?? maybe there should be one?
Can you write me the names of your classmates??
I need help with the Circular.
I hope that it is sufficiently interesting.
God bless
Use the code on the photos when replying.
This is for now, keep well.
God Bless
07AZ0063AZAFAM, Zanelli Enrique and Family
07AZ0003AZSC Zanella Antonio and family and Salvador Coscarart
XXPS0001PSTDINNER, Need help with this photo.