Newsletter for past alumni of the Abbey School , Mt. St. Benedict , Trinidad and Tobago , W.I.
Dear Friends,
I would like to apologise that in some cases a few of the emails get repeated.
I am trying to avoid this but sometimes I forget to identify as sent, the emails that I copy into the Circulars.
Another list of ALUMNI wanted alive and in good health:
Richard de Gannes
Christopher de Gannes
Nicolas de Verteuil
Gerard Farinha
Robert Date
Vernon de Lima
Michael Ames
Can any one help ???
Date: Mon, 29 May 2006 10:09:21 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Andres Larsen"
Subject: The LEW
Dear Ladislao
You are worth your weight in gold.
I'll give him a ring as I have a message from Salvador Coscarart for Myron's mother here as to the effect that Maria Teresa de Coscarart (Salvador 's mother) sends Myron's mother her best regards.
It seems that the Lews in those days some 30 years ago would go up to Cumana and stay in the Hotel Astoria there owned, at least in those days, by the Coscarart family.
I'll let you, Salvador and Attila know what the call turns up.
Incidentally I know only Ronnie and am unacquainted with Myron.
From what I understand but I may have this all wrong, the two brothers are not on speaking terms but again, as I said, I only have this unconfirmed from a third party through the grapevine.
Andres Larsen
ladislao kertesz wrote:
Dear Andres,
I have telf for Myron Lew here in Caracas , maybe you can get a word or two from him.
238 6259, 0412 622 7553
God Bless
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 11:39:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Andres Larsen"
Hello everybody:
Myron called me last night to reminisce a bit about all of us at MSB.
His e-mail address is: mlew@cantv.net but he cautioned that he hardly ever for business reasons reads his e-mails.
Travels a lot on business.
Commutes back and forth Caracas - Tampa .
I told him Raul Leoni is also in Florida .
Andres Larsen
Wednesday, November 29, 2006 10:25:55 AM
Achong wrote:
Hi Andres:
Surprise, surprise.... I just happened to do a search on my name in Google and ended up at the Abbey school web site.
I'm so happy to hear that you are well and flattered to know that you remembered me.
Many of the names I recall quite vividly and your recollection of our days at the Abbey certainly brings back great memories of the past.
I have been living in Toronto , Canada since 1975 and have only been back to Trinidad once, approx 20 years ago.
Mom spends the Summer with us in Canada and Winter with my sister Diane, who still resides in Trinidad .
I have two children Jeremy and Jeffrey.
Jeremy is presently partnered with me in our Autoparts wholesale business here in Toronto .
Jeffrey does computer programming with Epson Canada .
Please Andres, if you are ever coming to Toronto Canada please let us know because we would love to have you stay with us.
My address:
Stanley & Judith Achong
45 Supino Crescent
Ontario, L6P1X3
P.S. Andres could you send me some pictures of yourself.
Andres Larsen wrote:
Hola Attila:
Otro nombre que me viene a la memoria es de uno de los trinitarios: David o Peter Quesnel.
Su familia tenia una hacienda de cacao o de cafe en el valle al oeste de Mount que en direccion norte iba en linea general hacia el Cerro El Tucuche (el segundo o primer cerro mas alto de Trinidad) y hacia Maracas Bay.
Me acuerdo que los Scouts una vez hicimos un campamento en su hacienda pero que llovia tanto que tuvimos que montar todo el campamento de carpas sobre una plataforma de bambues.
Tambien me acuerdo que intente sin exito montar a caballo, tirandome el caballo en un bamboo patch.
That was that with horses as far as I was concerned.
Los Quesnel eran una de esas familias descendientes de franceses cuando Trinidad en sus tiempos de colonia fue brevemente ocupada por los franceses, despues de que los ingleses echaran a los espaƱoles.
En otro episodio involucrando a los Scouts tambien me acuerdo que tuvimos un World Jamboree en la Base de Chaguaramas Bay al noroeste de Port of Spain donde las letrinas eran unos tubos a los que habia que apuntar bien.
Ya para aquella epoca Don Gustavo Vollmer Herrera era el Presidente del World Scouts Association y durante el Jamboree se alojaba en el Hilton de Port of Spain.
Se veia comico con su gigantesca figura metido en unos pantalones cortos kaki de uniforme de Scout.
El uniforme no le quedaba.
Dejame ver lo que podemos hacer por ti de este lado con un recontacto con Rommel Rosero. Te aviso el resultado de la gestion.
Hasta la proxima
Another name that comes me to the memory is of one of the trinitarios:
David or Peter Quesnel.
His family had a property of cacao or cafe in the valley to the west of Mount that ran in Northern direction in main line towards the Hill the Tucuche (the second or first high hill of Trinidad) and towards Maracas Bay .
I remember that the Scouts once made a camping in its property but that rained as much that we had to mount all the camping of carps on a platform of bambues.
I also remember that I tried without success to mount to horse, the horse dumping me in bamboo patch.
That was as far with horses I was concerned.
The Quesnel was one of those descending French families when Trinidad in its times of colony briefly was occupied by the French, after the English threw to the Spaniards.
In another episode involving to the Scouts also I remember that we had a World Jamboree at the Base Chaguaramas Bay to the northwest of Port of Spain where the latrines were tubes to which we had to aim well.
In that era Don Gustavo Vollmer Herrera was the President of the World Scouts Association and during the Jamboree of Spain he lodged in the Hilton.
He looked comic with his gigantic figure in the short trousers of khaki of uniform of Scout.
I do not have left the uniform.
Let me see what we can do to put you in contacting with Rommel Rosero.
I shall inform you of the results.
Until the next
Looking for a family that would like to send their son participate in a vacations exchange program.
We are looking to give an opportunity for a 13 year, aprox., boy to practise some Spanish here in Caracas , while in exchange, my son would get a chance to learn some real English, in TT or the islands ( Anguilla ?? St. Lucia ?? Barbados , Etc.)
We are offering this for mutual benefit, through the years we have had mainly girls visit my daughter VICTORIA in language exchange and also during foreign sports meets at our home.
These were from Trinidad , Ecuador , Germany . My daughter studied at Humboldt High School here in Caracas .
Please send your email to the Circulars address.
End of the advertisement.
Use the code on the photos when replying.
This is for now, keep well.
God Bless
IN your reply mention the photos number so that you can help me in the actualisation and identifying the photos.
??UN0001Scouts, where, when, who.
??UN0002Scouts, where, when, who
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