Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Dear Friends,
Another newcomer, thanks to the Mckoys.
From: Paul Dewan PaulDewan@sympatico.ca
Sent: Friday, April 6, 2007 8:21:06 AM
Hey Salvador ,
Great to hear from you. I was at Abbey from 71 – 76.
I remember you and your brother Pedro.
The memory of you with the most impact was when you received an award at graduation for taking care of the sick, this had a huge impact on me as I myself tried to emulate this afterwards by looking after the sick and wounded and at my graduation I received an award for helpfulness.
So, thanks to you for the inspiration.
I am happy that I have this opportunity to say thanks to you.
We had a good time as you have heard and I am looking forward to connecting with more Abbey boys.
Take care
Abbey Boy Forever!!
416-365-6186 (Home)
From: Salvador Coscarart [mailto:salborbolla@yahoo.com]
Sent: April 5, 2007 10:12 PM
Subject: Abbey school information.
Hello Abbey boys,
Regards to you both.
I went to the Abbey from 67 to 74.
Alloy sent me a note and told me you guys had a very good time reminiscing the good old times at Mount.
I wish I could have been there.
Well, here is how you can see information on old boys from Mount.
Best wishes and regards,
If you come to LOUISIANA call me at 337-668-4595.home and my cell 337-303-6124.
Most of the time am working in the gulf of Mexico,bye .
Abbey boy for EVER.
From: Anthony Garner chongsing@sympatico.ca
Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2007 7:35:09 AM
Oye viejo!!
Got together with Paul Dewan, Hudson Mckoy, Assam, y otro dayboy, pero se me olvido su nombre, que memorias.
Ha aqu te mando el email address de Paul Dewan...si tienes la informacion que el quiere , mandaselo..Gracias
From: "Paul Dewan" <PaulDewan@sympatico.ca>
Date: April 5, 2007 12:49:40 AM EDT (CA)
Hi All,
It was great to meet with you all again after such a long long time.
Brought back lots of good memories.
Here is my contact information so that we can keep in touch with each other.
Tel: 416-365-6186 (H)
Can someone please send me the link to the Abbey School students’ website.
ps Got stopped by RIDE on Hurontario on my way to the QEW.
No problems.
Re: Guest Accommodation
Winston Ramsahai
Monday, October 8, 2007 11:58:37 AM
Greetings Laszlo,
The 2007 reunion is a One (1) day event 11.00 am - 7.00pm or later, Recommended guest accommodation close to MSB can be made to following:
PAX guest house ( MSB) directly to : 1-868-662-4084 Email : stay@paxguesthouse.com.
Holiday Inn Hotel - Piarco - 1-868-669-6209 email ; holidayinnexpress1@tstt.net.tt
Hozanna Guest House, Santa Maragita, 1-868-662-5449 Email ; hosanna@christ1st.net
Stay at the PAX ABBEY RETREAT house for as little as US10.00 ( Ten US per night) and we can arrange airport transfers and cater meals. Just shower with cold water,
Further assistance, contact the secretariat : Michael D Ornellas (info@elchicoeggs.com and Gary Mathews alegre@tstt.net.tt
NB Michael will call you with full details.
(Sorry but no details have been forthcoming. Ed.)
Re: msb invitation
Paul Zeven
Sunday, October 7, 2007 8:43:28 PM
Hi Don,
Unfortunately I am not able to go at such short notice.
I note that in the correspondence, also a next reunion is planned - hopefully I can make that one.
Best rgds
Paul Zeven
CEOPhilips North America
1251 Avenue of the Americas
Tel: (212)536-0526
Re: msb invitation
Sunday, October 7, 2007 9:25:26 PM
I just returned from Trinidad last Thu (was there for 4 days)...
I may try to be at this re union (I return from Taiwan / HK on the 22nd so it will be touch and go)....
I have just received this invitation for Saturday 27 October at 11:00 am at the Abbey.
It is very last minutish, but I am going to contact my travel agent and try to get a flight.
Hope to see you there.
old pictures of Mount St. Benedict-1
Jan Koenraadt
Thursday, September 27, 2007 7:19:16 AM
Dear Ladislao,
I have found some more old pictures of Mount. St. Benedict for publishing in the circulars, if you wish.
In 1964 my eldest sister had her honeymoon at the MSB guesthouse and some pictures were made then.
As we did not have a camera when staying at MSB, the only pictures I have are pictures made by family who came to visit me or my brother.
In time I copied these pictures from their old albums.
To be easy on the kilobytes I send you 15 pictures over two emails.
The name of the jpg-file states what the picture is about.
In the picture I put more text with explanations.
Hope you like them.
Greetings from Jan Koenraadt
Lots of photos!!!!!!!
Sunday, July 15, 2007 8:29:35 PM
Hello Ladislao
I will have to ask Fr. Cuthbert for the list next week about the list.
I went to Mount from 1974 to 1980.
When did you go?
How does one get in touch with Robert de Verteuil?
Have a blessed week ahead
From: laszlo kertesz <kertesz11@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2007 20:09:09 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2007 20:09:09 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Gary
Just one not: I do not have your name as an ALUMNI??.
To do a better job please send me the list of ALUMNI that must be somewhere at the ABBEY.
I have some names but these need to be checked and new ones added so that as many people could be contacted.
Robert de Verteuil is making a list of ALUMNI, I am sure that it would help.
God Bless
Note: forwarded message attached.
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2007 18:59:21 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Gary,
I have received this communication thru the grapevine.
Maybe the news should circulate thru the CIRCULAR? Just as all articles The Abbey School are published to a much larger group of ALUMNI.
Some are from 1942 onwards to 1985.
The report would make a good article.
Ladislao Kertesz
From: G M [mailto:travellingcompanion@hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 3:58 PM
Subject: Mount Project
Hello all,
Attached is a copy of the report of the meeting and site visit to the sports area under consideration together with supporting photos as to our findings.
Look forward to seeing you on the 7th July 2007.
PS. Can you acknowledge receipt of this transmission to alegre@tstt.net.tt and use this for all future correspondence. More files to follow. Thanks.
(Would like to get the promised information. Ed.)
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2007 14:30:32 -0400
Thanks for the suggestion, Ladislao.
Do you have the contact details for the circular and do you have copies of the aforementioned publications?
Would you be interested in joining the team being put together for the project?
Look forward to hearing from you.
Use the code on the photos when replying.
This is for now, keep well.
God Bless
66JK0001JKOMDLS, Sports Medals won by Jan Koenraadt
66JK0002JKORLSS, Royal Life Saving Medals received by Jan Koenraadt
58JK0003SPORTSF, View of the sports field from the Pax Guest house.
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