Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School , Mt. St. Benedict , Trinidad and Tobago , W.I.
Dear Friends,
I have made couple of mistakes with the date and the consecutive numbering system.
You might have wondered why you are receiving repetitive Circulars.
This with the intention to correct the dates and numbers.
From: enriquez@choicequip.com
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2007 16:52:06 -0600
From: enriquez@choicequip.com
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2007 16:52:06 -0600
Aqui te mando una foto de estas Navidades con mis hijos(as) y mi esposa.
Que te parece? Como nos cambian los anyos.
Hoy me llamo Edgar Moffie desde Venezuela, que sorpresa.
Tambien recibi un mail de Carlos Alberto Maneiro,
El no era al que le deciamos margaritenyo que su papa lo venia a recoger en yate desde Margarita?
Bueno no sabes lo que me alegro que me llamaras y acordarnos de viejos tiempos, parece que hubiera sido ayer.
Ojala puedas pararte por Houston para que nos veamos.
Tienes una invitacion para venir a mi casa y quedarte con toda la confianza del mundo, aqui tienes un brother.
Hoy te mando mas fotos en otro mail.
Mandame fotos tuyas y de tu familia.
Recibe un fuerte abrazo.
Tu amigo.
Enrique (Kiko) Zanelli.
Here I am sending you a photo of these Christmas with my sons and my wife.
Do you like it? How have years changed us? Today Edgar Moffie called from Venezuela , what a surprise.
Also I received a mail of Carlos Alberto Maneiro,
Was he whom we called margariteno? His father came to pick him up in yacht from Margarita?
Good you do not know how glad I am that you called and to remember old times, that seemed as it had been yesterday.
Ojala you can stop by Houston so that we meet.
You have an invitation to come to my house and stay with all the confidence of the world, here you have a brother.
Today I will send you more photos in another mail.
Send me photos of yourself and of your family.
From: "Salvador Coscarart"
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 20:29:53 -0600
From: "Salvador Coscarart"
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 20:29:53 -0600
Hello Ladislao,
Como estas tu y tu familia.
Bueno como puedes ver aqui encontramos otro abbey boy de la epoca de los 67al 70. Enrique Zanelli.
Bueno te dire que pase por su casa y nos echamos unos cuantos Old parrsitos ,jejejejej y nos cenamos una paella a la Zanelli.
Recordamos el pasado de nuestra infancia y la pasamos de lo mejor.
Saludos salvador .
How are you and your family?
Good as you can see here we found another abbey boy of 67 to 70s, Enrique Zanelli.
Good I can tell you that I passed by his house and we did drink a few Old parrsitos, jejejejej. and we had for supper a paella to the Zanelli.
We remembered the past of our childhood and we passed it very good.
From: "Salvador Coscarart"
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 18:05:05 -0400
From: "Salvador Coscarart"
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 18:05:05 -0400
Parece que este viejito que te acompanya no se pierde una foto con un vaso, chanfle las fotos que me han enviado lo veo asi, siempre con uno; menos mal que yo no me tomo fotos porque seriamos dos o somos varios??
Saludos, hablamos
It seems that this viejito that accompanies you is always with a glass in a photo, chanfle the photos that I have received I see it so, always with one; thank heavens that I do not take photos because we would be two or are we several?
De: enrique Zanelli [mailto:enriquez@choicequip.com]
Enviado el: miercoles, 14 de febrero de 2007 17:07
De: enrique Zanelli [mailto:enriquez@choicequip.com]
Enviado el: miercoles, 14 de febrero de 2007 17:07
Recibi tu correo y que lastima que no pudiste ir a los carnavales de TRINIDAD.
Talvez podriamos hacer una reunion de alumni del MSB para el proximo ano durante los carnavales, que te parece?
Me saludas a tus viejos y diles que me acuerdo de ellos, muy lindas personas.
Tambien lamento lo de tu hijo, no puedo imaginarme el dolor que ha de haber sido.
En una nota mas alegre, Salvador estuvo en casa el Lunes, gozamos una bola recordandonos de viejos tiempos en el MSB mientras brindabamos con unos whiskeys.
Aqui esta la foto de los viejos amigos que todavia se sienten como carajitos.
Bueno Edgar te dejo para atender cosas de trabajo.
Recibe un fuerte abrazo y dile a tu hermano que no sea flojo y que escriba.
I received your mail and I am sorry that you did not to go to the carnivals in TRINIDAD .
Maybe we could make a reunion of alumni of the MSB for next year during the carnivals, what your think?
Say hello to your parents for me and tell them that I remember them, very pretty people.
Also I am sorry about your son, I cannot imagine the pain that must have been.
In a happy note, Salvador was in my house Monday, we had a ball remembering old times in MSB while we drank whiskeys.
Here is the photo of the old friends who still feel like carajitos.
Good Edgar I let you to take care of work things.
Receive a strong hug and tell your brother not to be lazy and write.
From: "Salvador Coscarart"
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 16:37:27 -0600
From: "Salvador Coscarart"
Hola otra ves, aqui otro abbey boy, hermano de Enrique Zanelli.
Victor Zanelli Venezolanos los dos de caracas.
Hello again, this time another abbey boy, brother of Enrique Zanelli. Victor Zanelli Venezuelan both of Caracas .
From: amilitar@zahav.net.il
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 11:10:51 +0200
From: amilitar@zahav.net.il
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 11:10:51 +0200
Estimado salvador:
Junto con saludarte desde tierra santa y aunque no lo creas, si me acuerdo de ti, aunque yo solamente estuve en msb el anyo 70-71.
La verdad es que el mundo es muy pequenyo.
La semana pasada en mi oficina esperando un llamado telefonico desde chile, me puse a navegar por Internet y encontre un blog del colegio, y fue tanta la emocion que lo primero que hice fue llamar a mi hermano kiko a Houston, ya que aparecia tu nombre en una de las cartas y yo me acordaba de ti, como tambien de algunos otros y del equipo de natacion “aqualads”.
Durante mi estadia en el colegio me acuerdo del profesor el “gorilla” y de los curas father bernard (bobo) y de cuthbert (cutty).
De mis companyeros de curso me acuerdo de muy pocos, como james (jimmy) samaroo que nadaba conmigo, de un tal worrell y de un tal comissiong.
Tambien me acuerdo de angel gomez, de giacomo tomaselli que vendia helados en la guaira y de un cara de conyazo que tenia la nariz rota y del cual no me acuerdo su apellido.
I am greeting you from holly land and although you would not believe it, I remember you, although I was only at msb from 70-71.
The truth is that the world is very small? last week I was in my office waiting for a phone call from Chile, I started navigating by Internet and I found the blog of the school, and was so happy that the first thing that I did was to call my brother kiko in Houston, since your name appeared in one of letters and I remembered you, like some others and part of the swimming team?.the aqualads..
During my stay at the school I remember the professor “the gorilla” and priests like father Bernard (bobo) and of Cuthbert (cutty).
Of my classmates I remember very few, like James (jimmy) Samaroo that swam with me, of so Worrell and so Comissiong.
I remember Angel Gomez, Giacomo Tomaselli who sold ice-cream in La guaira and of a face with a broken nose and which I do not remember his last name.
Me alegro de que se hayan podido juntar con mi hermano en Houston y si planifican ir a trinidad, me encantaria poder acompanyarlos.
A lo mejor mi hermano ya te conto, pero a los 15 anyos mi viejo me mando a chile a la escuela naval y desde esa fecha que soy marino.
Ahora soy capitan de navio (navy captain) y me encuentro viviendo en Israel como agregado naval (naval attache) en la embajada de chile.
Casado hace 21 anyos y con tres hijos.
Te adjunto una foto mia con mi familia en el ultimo viaje que hicimos a Egipto.
Bueno salvador, te dejo por ahora y si tienes algo mas del colegio, me gustaria poder compartir con ustedes.
Un fuerte abrazo,
Captain (N) Victor A. Zanelli Suffo
Military and Naval Attache
Embassy of Chile
I am glad that you could meet my brother in Houston and if you plan to go to Trinidad , I would be glad to accompany you.
Maybe my brother told you, but when I was 15 years old my old man sent me to Chile to the naval school and from that date I am sailor.
Now I am a navy captain and I am living in Israel as a naval attache in the embassy of Chile .
Married for 21 years and with three children.
I enclose a photo to you of my family in my trip that we did to Egypt .
From: Salvador Coscarart [mailto:salborbolla@hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 7:43 AM
From: Salvador Coscarart [mailto:salborbolla@hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 7:43 AM
Muy estimado Victor
Como estas no se si te acordaras de mi .
Bueno solo queria mandarte unos cordiales saludos y asi tambien darte mi direccion.
Un abraso
Old abbey boy 1967 to 1974.
How are you I do not know if you remember me.
Good I only wanted to send you warm greetings and give you my address.
Use the code of the photos when replying.
This is for now, keep well.
God Bless
07VZ00001VZAFAM, Victor Zanelli and Family
07EZ0001EZASCO, Enrique Zanelli and Salvador Coscarart..
07EZ0002EZAFAM. Enrque Zanelli and Family
Use the code of the photos when replying.
This is for now, keep well.
God Bless
07VZ00001VZAFAM, Victor Zanelli and Family
07EZ0001EZASCO, Enrique Zanelli and Salvador Coscarart..
07EZ0002EZAFAM. Enrque Zanelli and Family
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