Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Dear Friends,
Finally, some news on the state of the sports field.
Here in Venezuela we have discussed this with Hector Ahow, who is doing business in Trinidad with the Oil Industry.
I am sure he would gladly join the group that is planning the recuperation of the sports complex.
The CIRCULAR shall do what is in its possibility to join in the common effort to transmit all the memos of the reunions and the photos that the committee is going to produce.
We would suggest that all the TT ALUMNI get rolling the long dormant Alumni association.
From correspondence Dr. David Bratt has been doing research on this possibility in 2005.
And lately Robert De Verteuil has been procuring email addresses and telephone numbers of known Alumni.
From: Don Mitchell CBE QC [mailto:idmitch@anguillanet.com]
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 5:05 PM
Subject: Mount Project
Hello all.
My first reaction [on seeing the 2007 photos] was, "I could have cried."
I realise that is not very helpful.
What can I do even from this distance?
From: crt@tstt.net.tt
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 13:04:28 -0400
Let’s face facts, MSB needs our assistance and we should give in whatever way we can.
Together we make quite a team and let us try and do our best.
The Abbey School Old Boys encompasses all sectors and we have the know-how and the contacts.
It is our school, our alma mater . . .
I am willing to do whatever I can.
Over the years we have lost contact with each other, at least speaking for myself.
It is via Michael that I got back into the loop.
I am trying to encourage some others of my time to return to the fold.
(Good to hear from you, Chandra, I have tried to raise you but no luck till now. Ed.)
From: G M [mailto:travellingcompanion@hotmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2007 9:55 PM
Hi Robert /Michael
Thanks for your questions.
The fact is that we have reached the stage where we have reached a consensus that something should be done with the sports area and that the next step is to continue contacting persons who have had a connection with the mount in the past and who are willing to contribute their time and expertise to the project of refurbishing the pool and tennis court areas.
It is of the view that the facilities be refurbished to a level that will attract corporate clientele, users of the facilities at the Mount, eg, guests at Pax Guest House, the seminarians, residents of St. Peters Home, the monks.
The monks are involved because it is from them that we are directing our findings and recommendations.
We will not be acting independently.
They will also have their input.
Brother Rupert in particular who has been involved in the area for many years is always kept informed of any meetings and their outcome.
It will mainly be the corporate clientele that will contribute towards the maintenance of the site once it is completed as well at the other users such as the guests at Pax Guest House, persons attending aqua aerobics sessions for example.
I don't think that it is such a good idea that one should say that MSB is being phased out.
Although the number have not increased significantly over the years there are a number of lay persons who do assist where needed in maintaining the community.
Remember we do have a lot to thank them for especially for the education that we have received in the past and the monks continued service to the community.
It will be shame if we don't make the effort to help in whatever way we can.
Attached is a copy of the first meeting we have had, indicating where we have reached to date.
We look forward to hearing from you and your contributions will always be appreciated irregardless of the distance where those concerned might be.
A collective action is always effective.
From: "Michael D' Ornellas"
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2007 11:51:24 -0400
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2007 11:51:24 -0400
Hi Robert,
I am copying this e-mail to Gary Matthews who is directly involved in this proposed venture....
Right now I think the team is just discussing and getting ideas .... no hard and fast policy just yet.
Thanks for your time and interest.
Take care,
From: Robert Huggins [mailto:huggro@shaw.ca]
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 9:32 AM
From: Robert Huggins [mailto:huggro@shaw.ca]
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 9:32 AM
Hi Mike,
How are things your way?
Concerning the Mount project I have a couple of questions to ask:
(1) Who is the target audience being targeted?
(2) Since MSB is now a drug rehab centre why isn't the Church being involved?
(3) What is the return on this investment?
(4) After all is said and done who will proper maintenance, and who will fund this recurrent cost?
(5) If I remember correctly, MSB is pretty well being phased out due to lack of funding and new Noviciates.
From: G M [mailto:travellingcompanion@hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 3:58 PM
Hello all
Attached is a copy of the report of the meeting and site visit to the sports area under consideration together with supporting photos as to our findings.
Look forward to seeing you on the 7th July 2007
PS. Can you acknowledge receipt of this transmission to alegre@tstt.net.tt and use this for all future correspondence. More files to follow. Thanks.
Just as Don wrote, it is a sad ending for the pool.
Hope that those who belonged to the Acqualad Swimming Club can provide ideas and maybe repay someway to their sports success.
I can only ponder as to where the bright clergy minds went?
I cannot believe that in an oil rich country as TT, with over 500 Alumni, a good majority in key government, industry positions, cannot make intelligent recommendations to save a land mark Monastery with all its facilities.
Can it be that there is an obstacle within?
Hope that Gary Mathews can find a solution agreeable to restore the sports area to its original conditions, or just restore it to a working sports complex.
Use the code on the photos when replying.
This is for now, keep well.
God Bless
07GM0001GMASFIELD, View of the sports field from the promontory
07GM0002GMAPOOL, View of the entrance
07GM0003GMAPOOL, View of the showers
07GM0004GMASPOOL, View of the pool.
57LK0001LKEPOOL, View of the pool in 1957
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