Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Dear Friends,
Some more of the travelogues by George Mickiewicz, this time Calcutta .
Must remind all the ALUMNI, that if you want to appear in the Circular, you must write.
I do not like to include the name of ALUMNI being mentioned by others as passed in history.
Let us know that you are well, that you have a large family, that you have visited TT, and that you are an ALUMNI of the Abbey School .
Maybe a short note on your most hated teacher!!!. Although I cannot think of any teacher who on the long run, after all the years can still be hated.
When we were young, we looked at all actions as good or bad, there was no middle road.
In my case, even Fr. Eugene whom all have classified as unfair, always handing out lashes, hated and feared by most, is not in my most hated list. (Although I must admit, I have never made such a list), but he was a most feared priest?
I did have encounters with him, but I always treated him from a challenge point view.
On the long run some of us (those who had open minds) managed to exploit his weak side.
An example: During the times when things got rough and lot of punishment was handed out, we helped him form the fencing club and joined the fencing classes which he adored.
We learnt the art of fencing and we never had any serious problems after that.
Those in the fencing class were: “Pepe” Braggio, Matias de Fedak, and others (can you help?.
When he punished the whole school, and kept all students from going down to the sports field, I did manage to get away because I needed to paint the TENNIS balls for one or other tournament (job that I managed as Bro. Vincent´s helper).
Those days I took over the football field to throw the Javelin and the Discus without endangering anyone.
In another time while the rest of our classmates were punished for one reason or other for a whole day, at the study-hall doing penance.
I got away and went to the Southern Games, as representative in the Javelin throw, of the St. Andrew´s team (I do not remember for sure the region that I represented)
Fr. Cuthbert drove us, a friend and myself, (sorry I do not remember his name) in the small Renault car to San Fernando . It was a pleasant day.
I have started the new section with Fr. Eugene, maybe some one can remember other events, or other teachers.
I know that it is not fair to write about stress-full times or moments, specially write on people who cannot defend their actions, but when I write is to recall happy and sot so happy moments, for posterity.
(Who says that the editor does not contribute 50 words to cover this years DUES)
Friday, September 28, 2007 8:26:49 AM
Hi Ladislao:
Our family picture is attached per your request.
Our fourth grandchild is on the way with anticipated arrival in December.
Thanks again for your wonderful work, commitment and dedication.
May God bless you and your family,
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 6:34:20 AM
Hi Y'all:
Random thoughts, recollections, leanings and reflections of two trips to India and one to Singapore in the last 2 months captured during a flight today from Bombay (now Mumbai) to Calcutta (now Kolkata).
Due to the positive response to my two previous travelogues (some even suggested that I should become a writer), here is my third crack at this stuff.
I will be addressing religion, safety, culture, Bollywood/Hollywood, food, investments, economics and miscellaneous.
I will continue "trying" to mix humour with serious thoughts.
Let’s start with what is probably the most controversial topic in the world: religion
My colleagues tell me that India has the most Muslims in the world.
I had read or heard somewhere before that it was Indonesia .
Muslim men in India can legally (in their Constitution [pun unintended]) have 2 wives but Hindus can only have one; a real political problem.
Unfortunately Muslim women can legally have only one husband; those discriminating men!!!
Personal note: anyone who wants to deal with 2 wives must be crazy!!
[ guess that ladies may feel otherwise in that they only have to put up with their worst-half only 50% of the time]
Heard about the male Muslim terrorist who blows himself up, goes to Heaven and gets rewarded with 72 virgins.
The female Muslim terrorist, on the other hand, goes to Hell after blowing herself up and gets 72 eunuchs!!!!!! DISCRIMINATION
Switching to safety:
I am now assisting the implementation of Process Safety Management in a plant that on average experiences 1 fatality and 5-10 recordable injuries per month
It is a good feeling to be accepted and respected as an “old guru” by younger folks.
Quite a contradiction to what is occurring in the USA where age and experience are rewarded by being “downsized/eliminated/youngsized"
Good feeling to be able to influence culture and values that will lead to more people being able to go home from work safe and sound.
Nicest and safest pace that I have been to in my entire life.
People are kind, helpful, gentle and friendly.
Did not see a single police person in the 4 days I was there.
However, lots of camera everywhere; got the 1984 feeling
A woman’s shopping paradise; shopping centres, stores, restaurants, boutiques and other favourite feminine places for spending dollars.
All sorts of fancy and expensive cars; law prohibits >10 years old cars in the country.
Huge new modern terminal has been built to handle the A380 humongous Air Buses; Singapore Airlines will take delivery of the first ones in August.
Can't wait to fly on one of those big babies.
Talking about Singapore Airlines, WOW, the most beautiful and handsome attendants ever!!
Quite expensive, a good steak with a couple of beers cost $45.
Best Chinese food that I have ever had so far .
Those Indian female and male stars are really gorgeous and handsome.
Ran into John Stamos at airport (currently in ER, previously in other shows and ex of Rebecca Romijn [model, X-Men movies])
It feels different to be the only pale face in a sea of brown when I go walking in a huge park every morning.
Ate mangoes that come closest to the taste of Trinidadian "juli" mangoes.
For those folks who saw the movie The Graduate (1967?): remember the scene where a young Dustin Hoffmann is told by the pool "PLASTICS".
Here is ole George telling you "Indian Commodities and Infrastructure".
You can see the economy exploding in front of your own eyes.
CDs are returning 10% interest.
In my first trip in September exchange rate was 45 rupees per dollar.
Now it is between 38-39.
Still cannot get over the vast difference between the haves and have-nots; real sad situation but my colleagues here tell me that it is improving due to improvements in the economy.
May God bless everyone.
Be very careful, safe and sound,
Use the code that appear on the photos when replying.
This is for now, keep well.
God Bless
57RB0004a5, Swim meet, the stands does not have a roof.
57RB0004a3, Fr. Abbot, Adelbert van Duin.
06GM0001GMI, George Mickiewicz.
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