Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Dear Friends,
Lost friends, wanted alive and in good health.
Can you help to straighten the records?
Thomas Jardin
John Hale
Ian Golding
Raymond Devaux
Wayne Hernderson
Jerry Bain
Michael Darwent
Esmond Lange
Herman Verkussen
John Miller
Michael Laughlin
Michael Kenny
Maroth de Marothy
Michael Chatterton
Peter Boos
Michael Scott
Greetings from Michael D´Ornellas alias "Specs" in Trinidad
Friday, September 28, 2007 4:32:54 AM
Michael D' Ornellas wrote:
Hi Andres / Stanley ,
I should be in a position to organize the trip for Stanley .
Please let me know what day Stanley is available.
Take care and have a good week,
From: Andres Larsen [mailto:andres_larsen@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 10:19 AM
Hi Stanley,
Michael D´Ornellas´s ("Specs"´s) e-mail address is michael@elchicoeggs.com
He should be able to arrange a visit for you up to the Mount.
I am sending a copy of this reply e-mail to him.
Achong wrote:
Hi Andres:
Have been just extremely busy with the activities at work and at home.
Hope you all had a good summer and all is well with you and the family.
During the period of Nov 12-14 I will be in Trinidad for a visit at the conclusion of my holiday.
I will be on the Princess cruise out of Barbados from 27th of October.
Do you think you could arrange a visit for me to the Abbey?
I would really like to take the opportunity to see some of the folks, especially Miss Marcus and Fr. Cuthbert whom I've not seen since my departure.
I may have forgotten some of the other Brothers etc but hopefully memory will return.
I will also like to leave a small monetary donation but don't know how to go about doing that.
Nr 35 sure looks like me; Nr 17 - possibly "Peter" Rampersaud; Nr 10 - don't think it is Josh, and in fact I don't think Josh in in this picture.
Regards, Stan
From: Andres Larsen
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 5:18 AM
Hello Stanley ,
Hope everything is OK with you up in Canada .
Are you by any chance the chap under Nr.35 hiding in the middle behind the back of the second standing row ?
Nr.17 is a chap by the last name of Rampersad but I don´t recall his first name ?
Was it Kumar or something like that ?
Who was Nr.10 standing in front of your left side ? Perhaps Josh Schoemaker ?
Best regards
Andrés Larsen
Re: Circular No.273, The Abbey School MSB
Wednesday, September 26, 2007 7:10:17 PM
Not # 10. That's not Josh Schoemaker.
He was in Form I, one class below (still with me), when this picture was taken.
Besides, I have the class picture of him taken at the same day this class picture was taken by Vush.
That's not him, I am positive.
The others are correct.
Attila Gyuris
Comments on picture 66UN0001CLASS69????
This class was one year below me.
I would have finished MSB in summer 1968, so this class ended in summer 1969.
The year is correct.
I used to be best friends with Josh Schoemaker.
I am sure number 10 is not Josh Schoemaker.
I think 30 is Kennedy.
When JFK died I first thought they meant this boy.
Number 9 is the little brother of Dennis Gurley.
I recognise 7 as being Philip Laughlin and 12 as Derek Fakoory.
13 might be Edgar Rodriguez.
Jan Koenraadt
From: Andres Larsen
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 3:02 PM
I think now that 10 is Josh Schoemaker; 17 is a chap with the last name of Rampersad; and 35 hiding in the middle at the back behind the standing second row very definitely is Stanley Achong
Don Mitchell CBE QC
View Thursday, September 27, 2007 6:48:01 AM
That's great, Ladislao.
We are now nearly up to date.
My laptop has collapsed.
I am thinking of getting a new one.
I would really like the $100 one, as I only use the laptop when I am travelling to get my email and to type the odd document.
I understand it will soon be on the market.
Re: Re. Maneiro
Enrique Zanelli
Monday, July 16, 2007 6:59:23 PM
Hello Ladislao,
I do not have Maneiro's phone nr but I'm sure that Salvador Coscarart does.
If you want, I can get a hold of him and try to get it for you.
I know Salvador is out on the Gulf.
att but should be due back home anytime
As for the circulars, I have received a couple of them and really appreciate the job you are doing keeping the Abbey boys in contact. In your last email you had asked me who where my school mates in the Mount, so here is a brief bio:
I went to the Mount from 67 to 70. The Coscararts, The Moffies, Montiel, Glen Evelyn, Sarkis Farchak, etc, are just some of the guys from my generation. I used to swim with the Aqualads and competed in Pto La Cruz and in the Hermandad Gallega (Caracas ) during that time.
After the Mount I went back to Caracas and enrolled in the American school up by Las Minas de Baruta, I don't know if it still exists.
But, I do remember the gringos trying to figure out my colourful and funny English accent, unfortunately now it has been replaced with a Texan accent.
I have been living in Houston TX for the past 23 years.
I'm married to a Nicaraguan, and we have 5 kids ages 19 to 6, 4 girls and 1 boy.
I own a couple of businesses.
I'm involved with construction equipment and the manufacturing of lowboy trailers for the construction industry.
So in between work and family, I stay pretty busy.
I first learnt of the blog and the circulars from my brother Victor.
He went to the Mount for just a year after I left.
It was dejavu all over.
I spent a couple of days reading all the blogs and letters, they brought back a lot of memories.
I hated the school when I was a kid, always thought that my parents had sent me there to punish me for being a bad boy.
Those were my thoughts when I was 10 years old, but now as a parent, what would I not give to have my kids get the same education that I had.
Its very sad to see how the School has deteriorated.
I have seen a couple of mails from the guys talking about doing something to revive the Mount.
That would be a great thing to do, just got to figure out what is the best thing to do up there.
It certainly is a beautiful, peaceful and unspoiled place close to nature.
Who knows, maybe a retirement home for us ageing Abbey boys.
Until next time, God bless and keep those circulars coming!
Enrique Zanelli
Choice Equipment Sales, Inc.
Ph: 281-646-8080
Fx: 281-646-8082
----- Original Message -----------------------------------------------------------------
From: laszlo kertesz
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2007 12:38 PM
Dear Enrique,
I need the email address of Carlos Alberto Maneiro for the CIRCULAR.
Are your receiving the CIRCULARS???
Also to invite him for the monthly dinner if he is Venezuela .
God Bless
Use the code on the photos when replying.
This is for now, keep well.
God Bless
66UN0001CLASS69??, Can you check the corrections. There are may still missing.
62UN0001CLASS66???, Still missing names.
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