Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Dear friends,
I must remind that you must resend or CC any messages that you send to the Blog, so that I may include it in the Circular.
I cannot revise 286 Newsletters every week, just to see if there are any new comments or observations that are Circularizable.
Another newcomer to the Circular, he is really an oldboy, 10 years older the yours truly.
I am sure he can give us insight on the early years at the Mount.
MSB Newsletter
Clive Bettencourt
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 10:31:17 AM
MSB Newsletter
Clive Bettencourt
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 10:31:17 AM
Dear Ladislao,
As an old Mount boy, long before your time no doubt, I would appreciate if you would put me on your newsletter mailing list.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours Sincerely.
Clive Bettencourt Gomes.
Clive Bettencourt
Sunday, April 22, 2007 2:43:50 PM
Clive Bettencourt
Sunday, April 22, 2007 2:43:50 PM
Dear Ladislao,
Thanks for your emails.
I am surprised that you know my eldest daughter Gia Nicola.
When I next speak to her which is not very often I'll ask her how she knows you.
David de Castro does ring a bell but I don't seem to remember him, can you jog my memory?
I know one would think from my email address that I am living in England but I am in Spain in Murcia province where I have been for the last nine years.
I was only at the Mount for two years from 1945 to 1947.
Then went to school in England against my wishes as I was happy in Trinidad but as my Dad & uncle both went to Stonyhurst College (Jesuits) I had no say in the matter.
You mention my racing days, ie, photos.
I presume you mean my car racing in Guyana ?
I'll try & dig up some photos to send you along with a resume.
Un abrazo.
ladislao kertesz wrote:
ladislao kertesz
Dear Clive
From the address you seem to be in England ??
I have had a couple of emails with you daughter gigi, but she could not communicate with you.
At one time she told me that you were in Spain , close to Valencia.??
Please send me your resume, together with photos of your racing days.
Did you know David de Castro??
Need 50 words for your DUES.
God Bless
From: Gigi Bettencourt-Gomes
To: Ladiskao kertesz
Date: 10/4/2004 9:03:17 AM
From: Gigi Bettencourt-Gomes
To: Ladiskao kertesz
Date: 10/4/2004 9:03:17 AM
Hi there
This is Gigi Bettencourt-Gomes.
The eldest daughter of Clive Joseph Bettencourt-Gomes.
My father currently lives in Spain .
I don't have an email address for him but I can give you his telephone number.
All the very best.
Tel: +34 968 53 70 82
P.S. Could not work out which one my father was in the school photograph!
From: Ladiskao kertesz [mailto:lkertesz1@icqmail.com]
Sent: 03 October 2004 00:38
Dear Friend
I am looking for Clive Bettencourt-Gomes, Costa Rica , Guyana .
Family with Three Girls in the 60s??
He used to race in Guyana .
Can you help?
We were at the same school, read the attached newsletter.
God Bless
Ladislao Kertesz
Re: Esmond Lange
Gillian & Leary Oconnor
Re: Esmond Lange
Gillian & Leary Oconnor
Yes, Esmond has changed his email address which is now esfran@poppie.com.au.
Thanks for all the news.
Gillian (Leary shuns writing on the computer but am sure he will get stuck into the photo again).
John Gioannetti
ViewThursday, February 22, 2007 10:33:26 AM
John Gioannetti
ViewThursday, February 22, 2007 10:33:26 AM
#5 Dennis Cribbes, died about two weeks ago
#49 Brian Ferriera died about 4½ years ago
From John Gioannetti
From John Gioannetti
I did not graduate; I got fed up first term in Form V and walked out
Check Glen Evelyn or Pedro / Salvador Coscarart or Lewin Macintosh, they should be able to help u with others.
(I hope that they can, because somehow I have not been able to complete the names. Ed.)
Divali Web Gallery
Monday, January 29, 2007 8:34:31 PM
About circular 267, the Web Gallery about the Divali Festival of Lights, very much appreciation, beautiful pictures.
But maybe those of us with heart problems should be warned ha, ha, and all the other guys stop polishing their glasses.
Anyway I survived the tour through the Gallery . . . very beautiful.
Many thanks to John Gioannetti!
Greetings from the Netherlands
Jan Koenraadt
From: michael@elchicoeggs.com
Subject: Miss Kitty Marcus.
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2007 14:41:10 -0400
From: michael@elchicoeggs.com
Subject: Miss Kitty Marcus.
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2007 14:41:10 -0400
Dear All,
Miss. Marcus is celebrating her 20th year as a resident at the St. Peter's Home .
In addition, she turns 90 on the 11th June.
Mrs. Charlotte Julian is organizing a get together for Miss Marcus on the 11th June at 6:00 PM at the home to celebrate her Birthday and 20 year residency.
All who are interested in attending, kindly get in touch with Mrs. Julian.
Her contact numbers are
(Office) (869) 662-6218 / (868) 663-1173,
(Home) (868) 645-3595,
(Mobile) (868) 680-4193
e-mail pcj1411@hotmail.com
Kindly inform other past students.
Thank you,
Now how about finishing placing names on both 1967 graduating class photos????
Now how about finishing placing names on both 1967 graduating class photos????
Please send in the photo’s code when you make the observations.
This is for now, keep well.
God Bless
67UN0001CLASS67, photo taken in ????? of Class 1967
67UN0002CLASS67, photo with missing names.
05JG0001LGITN, John Gioannetti taken in 2005.
67UN0001CLASS67, photo taken in ????? of Class 1967
67UN0002CLASS67, photo with missing names.
05JG0001LGITN, John Gioannetti taken in 2005.
I was just entered a name of an acquaintance of mine wandering what would come up and lo and behold this wonderful blog appeared. Great stuff.
I always maintained that my years at the Mount were the best. We were all very privileged to go to the Abbey School. What a wonderful setting in which to learn and be part of a great community.
best wishes
Neil Trotman
I used to be an Old Boy at the Abbey. 1978-1984 and it was in my mind a good time.
We were privileged students to be able to study in such luscious surroundings and at the same time being part of the community.
Will be interesting to see who is still about.
Neil Trotman
peter bethel student 1976-80 anyone remembering my email address isjohnbethel1960@yahoo.com
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