Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Dear friends,
Here is chat that I had with John Reaburn, as you can see this is also a good method to get your message to the Circular.
My chat address is kertesz11@yahoo.com, also ladislaokertesz@hotmail.com,
Please do not forget to include the photo’s code number or letters when replying to the names request.
So here is the rather long chat.
laszlo kertesz: hi john
laszlo kertesz: hi john
laszlo kertesz: It is the editor of the Circular
laszlo kertesz: The Abbey School
laszlo kertesz: Are you getting the Newsletters on the alma mater??
reaburn_john: yes
reaburn_john: I am getting the Circular's
reaburn_john: thank you
laszlo kertesz: please can you send in 50 words for the DUES
laszlo kertesz: could be your resume???
laszlo kertesz: and a xmas photo, this year´s
laszlo kertesz: glad you answered back
laszlo kertesz: I am just sending out No. 277, that was left behind for one reason or another
laszlo kertesz: won´t keep you, god bless ladislao
reaburn_john: cool
reaburn_john: I will try
reaburn_john: to send somthing
reaburn_john: but don't hold me to it
laszlo kertesz: maybe also the names of your classmates
laszlo kertesz: no problem, man
reaburn_john: I am from the same class as Miguel
reaburn_john: 1985
laszlo kertesz: Miguel Dvorak??
reaburn_john: no
reaburn_john: Gonzales
laszlo kertesz: ok the organizer of the 1st reunion two years ago.
reaburn_john: the one who put together the pass celebration
reaburn_john: yep
laszlo kertesz: any other names?
laszlo kertesz: he is a nice guy, I could not assist.
reaburn_john: yep
laszlo kertesz: I am of the 1960 class, just 64 two days ago
reaburn_john: he has all the class pic.
reaburn_john: I will be 40 in June
laszlo kertesz: but he is stingy, maybe you can pry loose one or two photos?.
reaburn_john: I live in New Jersey
laszlo kertesz: you have a long way to go, how many kids?
reaburn_john: none
reaburn_john: single
laszlo kertesz: good place N.J., I went to the Catholic University in Washington D.C.
reaburn_john: very good
laszlo kertesz: single but with lots of friends. Are your relatives are in TT
reaburn_john: so where are you living now
laszlo kertesz: I am an engineer, and live in Caracas Venezuela
reaburn_john: yes
reaburn_john: cool
reaburn_john: I am a Lab Tech in NJ
laszlo kertesz: Any other classmates or friends Alumni?. I am trying to get the 1980s´groups but the clergy are no help
reaburn_john: I gave Miguel the list I had from 80 – 85.
laszlo kertesz: which company?
laszlo kertesz: Can you twist Miguel´s arm to return the list??
reaburn_john: I will see if I can get a copy
laszlo kertesz: It is not a joke but I have a lot of names but no graduation date or would have graduated date (Form V)
laszlo kertesz: the 1980s´must have been some years at the Mount !!!
laszlo kertesz: I have some email addresses, would you like to check if a friend of yours is in it??
reaburn_john: ok
reaburn_john: pass it on
laszlo kertesz: Any actual photo to share
laszlo kertesz: Leonad Abbot Leonard@tstt.net.tt
reaburn_john: he was in my class also
laszlo kertesz: Chin Albert chinalbert@tstt.net.tt
reaburn_john: he was in in class of 83
laszlo kertesz: Gavin Albert caliente@cablenett.net
reaburn_john: he was in class of 83
laszlo kertesz: Costello Kerry kerkar23@hotmail.com
reaburn_john: class of 82
laszlo kertesz: unfortunately you and Miguel were the only school boys in 1985 according to the list.
reaburn_john: no
laszlo kertesz: no wonder the school closed
reaburn_john: leonard Abbot also
laszlo kertesz: and the others ?
reaburn_john: hold on
reaburn_john: let me look
laszlo kertesz: Paul Guillen and Avalon Kallo
reaburn_john: Miguel Gonzalez 1985 - Chief organiser
Robert O'Connell 1982 - President of committee & the guy that would not remove his tie.
Avalon Kallo 1985 - responsible for coordinating the bar.
Aaron Chin Albert 1984 - our hardworking never say die Treasurer.
Garvin Gonzales 1983 - our executive chef
Kerry Costello 1983 - instrumental in contacting a lot of the old boys that were there at the reunion night
Abbot Francis Alleyne - he offered his office to us for every Saturday afternoon for approx. 8 months and was a source of inspiration to us all when things did not look so bright for this reunion. He was also key to us linking up with the old boys from your years.
Reza Harditsingh 1985 – at whose ranch the family day function was held.
Leonard Abbott 1985
reaburn_john: Paul Guillen was in my class but did not graduate
reaburn_john: Avalon Kallo was also in my class
laszlo kertesz: ok so I shall put him as 1986 would have graduated.
laszlo kertesz: any emails or do you know their whereabouts.
reaburn_john: who's whereabout
laszlo kertesz: did you see the photos that I sent out in different emails, mainly taken by Don Mitchell, Christopher Marothy and Salvador Coscarart, if I am not mistaken???
reaburn_john: I happened to know them all
laszlo kertesz: I only have the emails for Miguel, Leonard, Garvin, Albert and you.
laszlo kertesz: All sent photos but Miguel did not, he took some??
reaburn_john: I have to look
reaburn_john: hold on
laszlo kertesz: I am still missing some names on the photos of the reunion, I shall send them to you for deciphering !
reaburn_john: all the information is on my old computer
laszlo kertesz: no problem, I am sending you the photos that are without names and you can send me the information
reaburn_john: ok
reaburn_john: cool
laszlo kertesz: it would be nice to have at least one alumni of the 1980, 1981, 1982, 1984
laszlo kertesz: so that I may ask them to collaborate with the reconstruction of the alumni list
reaburn_john: ok
reaburn_john: I will try
laszlo kertesz: bye, till next time, hope I am not interfering
reaburn_john: not at all
Reaburn_John: ok later
Re: Circular No. 287, The
Jan Koenraadt
Monday, May 7, 2007 4:53:55 PM
Thank you for your reply. About the Divali pictures, there was this very beautiful girl in green dress . . .
I lived in Surinam from 1953-1970.
A lot of Hindustani people lived there too who also had their annual Divali festival.
I visited often and one of my best friends from that time was also a Hindustani.
So I was acquainted with this Divali festival but your pictures were the top for me.
I enjoyed them very much.
I visited MSB from 1963-1967.
My class graduated in 1968. You were from a different year, I don't remember you.
Since 1970 I live in the Netherlands , being married and having a job.
Be well and thanks for your note.
Greetings from the Netherlands ,
Jan Koenraadt
From: John Gioannetti
Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2007 5:31 PM
From: John Gioannetti
Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2007 5:31 PM
What was the priest that was always taking photos; I think his nick name was Fr. Voosh
Fr. Martin was also a very accomplished photographer
Just to make an example of one of the classes for which I believed I had a photo, only 2 remember the photo sent out in the last circular. And did remember Miss Kitty Marcus.
Just to make an example of one of the classes for which I believed I had a photo, only 2 remember the photo sent out in the last circular. And did remember Miss Kitty Marcus.
Class 1967, existed?¿? or I have the wrong photo???
Obviously 40 years cannot be taken lightly, but those of Class 1958 remember all the alumni in the Class photo.
And some have sent me the names of friends in the 1940s.
Too much hash and Vat 19?
Things could not have been that bad.
This is for now, keep well.
God Bless
65UN0001CLASS67MAYBE, photo taken in 1965 of Class 1967.
The first two numbers are the year the photo was taken, please help.
65UN0001CLASS67MAYBE, photo taken in 1965 of Class 1967.
The first two numbers are the year the photo was taken, please help.
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