Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School , Mt. St. Benedict , Trinidad and Tobago , W.I.
Dear friends,
Latest news on the efforts to control the fire at the Mount.
Friday, May 18, 2007 1:04:01 PM
Friday, May 18, 2007 1:04:01 PM
From: Art & Val Knaggs
Sent: Tuesday,November 22 6:10 PM
CC: gordwalk@eircom.net
From: Art & Val Knaggs
Sent: Tuesday,November 22 6:10 PM
CC: gordwalk@eircom.net
Just spoke to Gord on the phone (in Wexford , Ireland ).
His phone is #110-353-533-7817 from here, 011 is the International #.
He is looking forward to the Bulletins.
He was at Mount between 1950 - 56.
So if you have any Bulleting with Boys of that era it would be of better interest to him. Adios, amigo!
To: av_knaggs@hotmail.com
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2005 21:37:15 +0000
To: av_knaggs@hotmail.com
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2005 21:37:15 +0000
Please review Gordon’s email address or telephone number, is he in Canada ?
God bless
From: "Art & Val Knaggs" <av_knaggs@hotmail.com
To: gordwalker@eircom.net
Date: Wed, 09 Nov 14:39:53 -0400
From: "Art & Val Knaggs" <av_knaggs@hotmail.com
To: gordwalker@eircom.net
Date: Wed, 09 Nov 14:39:53 -0400
Was really great talking with you, and touching base after all these years.
Have copied Ladislao and he will put you into the system, and we can move from there.
If you are ever over this way, Nova Scotia , don't hesitate to look Val & I up at
our ph # 902- 404-5845.
Wonderful pleasure,
Gord went Mount just after I left, he was there from 50 - 53, then finished schooling in Ireland , but he will give you all his data.
Thanks for reviving me, and all the best.
Send us some oil, our prices are out of sight these last few months!
As ever,
From: Art & Val Knaggs
Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2006 15:33:42 -0400
As we toboggan into the New Year in Canada , may The Man Upstairs look down upon you with deep appreciation of the Fabulous work you continue to do for so many good friends of MSB every day of every week of the Year.
I can see the rays from Heaven as God smiles down upon you and your "pilgrimage of love" for your brothers in Christ.
What fantastic treasures you unfold weekly to each and every one of us, thanks a million.
I saw some names on your list of Old Mounties, a couple of weeks ago, that I might be able to help with.
2) Anthony Boos :- I know Nigel Boos (who is in Canada ) and will do the same, and see if he knows Anthony.
3) Delano de Castro:- Know David (doogle) who is his brother living in Florida . Unfortunately Delano just lost his house to fire (in Trinidad ) a few months ago, but you can contact Dave at "thecalypsobandit@hotmail.com, I spoke to him on the phone and he would like to be on the mailing list.
4) Ernest Tempro:- is a "bajan" name and I know a Steve Tempro in Barbados , Mother owns Smugglers Cove, so I will try and get some info from him for you.
5) Jack Knaggs: - My brother (and One of the original students when Mount opened) does not have a computer or e-mail; but I keep him up to date when I see him. He lives in Tobago . Retired.
6) Dennis Cribbes:- He lives in Trinidad (I believe Diego Martin) his phone #868-629-1023.
Good Luck, and I will keep in touch.
Art & Val Knaggs av_knaggs@hotmail.com
Sunday, September 17, 9:12:33 PM
Art & Val Knaggs av_knaggs@hotmail.com
Sunday, September 17, 9:12:33 PM
Great work keep it up.
My wife and I are on our way (driving) to Toronto , we stopped off near Montreal at our Son & wife's home for a couple of days, and leave tomorrow to finish stage two of the trip.
Met with Old buddy, John D. Miller (JD) who just celebrated his 50th Wedding Anniversary with wife Michellene, (sister of Raymond & Alain Deveaux (also Mounties from Martinique ).
Raymond recently had a quadruple heart bypass, and is back playing Golf (his love).
Also learnt that Raymond Vivies (Guadeloupe ) died two years ago as a result of a car accident, perhaps we can all pray for him.
Will try to track down some other "Oldies" in the Toronto area.
Always a pleasure hearing from you with all the news.
Art (1949).
From: Art & Val Knaggs
Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2006 12:49 PM
Subject : Retirement
From: Art & Val Knaggs
Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2006 12:49 PM
Subject : Retirement
Still travelling, briefly spent an hour at La Guaira on way from Trini to Toronto on 3rd, but getting to the end of trip, should be "Home" by 15th Nov. in Nova Scotia .
All else going well, health holding up, and continue to share and enjoy life with Family and Friends.
Keep up the great work.
From: idmitch@anguillanet.com
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2006 12:33:36 -0400
From: idmitch@anguillanet.com
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2006 12:33:36 -0400
The only party was the 60th, but no one came!
We are getting into all sorts of mischief in Anguilla .
Not much travelling, as it only takes one hour to drive all around the island.
Actually, I have just come back from Nevis where I went yesterday to pick up my four promised peafowl, but the boys had not caught them and I could not wait, so I collect them next Friday.
Later that day I do go down to Barbados , but it is only to get my battery checked, and I will be back in Anguilla on Sunday.
So, I suppose that we do get around from time to time!
Keep well.
From: Art & Val Knaggs
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 11:26 AM
From: Art & Val Knaggs
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 11:26 AM
Kind of feel left out, we weren't even invited.
Val & I just returned to Toronto from a month's visit to family & friends in T & T (mostly Tobago with my Brother & Sister), and we soaked up all the sun & fun of the Caribbean Life.
We stay here till Fri/Sat then drive slowly and carefully back to Nova Scotia (about a 20 hr trip); but we have a son in St. Jean de Richelieu (just south of Montreal, Que), then will make another stop in Nackawic, New Brunswick, where his wife's parents hang their hats.
Travel is the greatest adventure of Life; one sees so much, touches so many, and shares all (time, talent & treasure) with all who cross our path.
The Good Lord really plans our trips, just one day at a time; yet He expects us to fill in all the details of the 16 hrs that we may have.
What a guy.
We have recently learnt that it is not really what we do in life that is a vital contribution to others, but HOW we do it (Honestly, Openly and Willingly) which we got from a book called TODAY put out by Emotions Anonymous, who use the same steps as A.
A. but gear it to those with Depression Problems.
Only old Mounties I spoke with are, Ray De Cambra, Trevor Evelyn, Charles Prada, & Raymond Deveaux.
All else just fine & dandy.
I was O.K. until I learned it means Old & Crotchety, so now I am just simply marvellous; and does it ever feel different.
Keep in touch. as ever,
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2006 5:37 PM
Subject : Our Greetings to You
Great work and joy you guys, really appreciate all that you do now.
It has been said 'better late than never'.
It is also quoted 'it is never too late to mend' (Mother of nine sewing up her husband's pyjama pants crotch).
I don't know really what this has to do with a wonderful, exciting time like Christmas, when we first reflect where we are, then celebrate His birth on that special day, then making our plans to change (New Years Resolutions and all that Jazz), and still fall right back into our same old natural ways and bad habits, within weeks of all these proclamations.
But before we glide into 2007, we need to Wish you all a Wonderful Christmastide (all 12 days), and a fabulous New Year; filled with all that we need to do, more so than we want to do.
It is really and truly a Spiritual turnover, as much as it is a physical and mental one.
Love, in all its five languages (plus its various dialects) is the great motivator, in both the giving and receiving, so let us all continue in the Spirit of it all, each and every day of the coming Year.
We have had a fabulous year, tremendous blessings and meaningful memories, as we stand beneath the waterfall of abundance blessings that we experienced in 2006, and gratefully thank the Good Lord for it all.
We hope that you too have been similarly inspired by His great presence at the start once more of His recurring journey with us, as we wish you everything for this New Year ahead.
God be with you and yours.
All our love, as ever,
Art & Val
From: Art & Val Knaggs
Sent: Friday, April 6, 2007 3:26PM
To: tevelyn@rogers.com
From: Art & Val Knaggs
Sent: Friday, April 6, 2007 3:26PM
To: tevelyn@rogers.com
Nice talking to you and thanks for the e-mail.
Answer me & copy me with Clive's e-mail, and we will be off to the races.
I usually get to a Computer at least once per week.
Get well soon.
Vaya con Dios, amigo.
From: "tevelyn" <tevelyn@rogers.com>
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2007 11:43:01 -0400
From: "tevelyn" <tevelyn@rogers.com>
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2007 11:43:01 -0400
Have given Clive BG your Email address but he says that he has not received any replies to his messages so we are wondering if you have not received his Email or you have gone away to some tropical island.
Hope you are all well.
This is for now, keep well.
This is for now, keep well.
58RB0003a1UNKNOWN, Photo taken by Roberto Bodington Class 1958.
58RB0003a2UNKNOWN, Photo taken by Roberto Bodington Class 1958.
58RB0003a3UNKNOWN, Photo taken by Roberto Bodington Class 1958.
58RB0003a4UNKNOWN, Photo taken by Roberto Bodington Class 1958.
58RB0003a1UNKNOWN, Photo taken by Roberto Bodington Class 1958.
58RB0003a3UNKNOWN, Photo taken by Roberto Bodington Class 1958.
58RB0003a4UNKNOWN, Photo taken by Roberto Bodington Class 1958.
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