Saturday, December 29, 2007

Circular No 321

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 29 of December 2007. No. 321
Dear Friends,
A newcomer to the Circular, Azizul Mohammed, welcome.
From: azizul mohammed <>
Date: December 18, 2007 10:13:20 AM GMT-05:00
Hey mono
I spoke to Salvador about 2 days ago.
I was so happy, since I left school I have lost contact with everyone .
About 3 weeks ago I stumbled onto this blog by mistake and was shocked I never knew that the old boys every got together.
Hey I live in NJ and at the next get together I will be there.
Tell all the guys I say hi I cannot wait to meet everyone.
Pls lets stay in touch.
azizul mohammed
cell 718 702 2263
Robert deVerteuil ...
Monday, December 17, 2007 9:54:50 AM
Hello Ladislao
I have been reading with interest the various reports and comments reported recently in your bulletins regarding the 2007 Reunion.
I did not attend the function mainly because I heard (or read) about it only a few days/weeks before and had already committed to another gathering on that date.
Anyway, I recall that the planned event sounded very impromptu and casual and not a formal meeting of the MSB Old Boys especially those from my era (’55-’58).
This I mentioned to Gordon Mitchell prior to the date.
I can endorse a lot of what Jon and Don have said in their ‘reports’ and most certainly the fact that I would undoubtedly feel a total stranger amongst a group of MSB boys who were there 15-25 years after me.
I was away from Trinidad from ’58-’67 and after that the Mount was just buildings on the hills that I passed twice a day on my way to eke out a living in Arima.
My memories are confined to those I met there, co-students, foreign and local, priests, sports, scouts and general activities.
I recall hearing that MSB had become a drug rehab centre at some point.
Mentally, I may have switched off from the goings on at the Mount from then on.
As time went on, I always enjoyed an impromptu gathering to those of my era to relate happenings and especially the function held in POS when Manuel visited.
As said by others, your bulletins are what seem to hold the Old Boys together, albeit in a somewhat fragile manner.
I say fragile because most of the contributors or those mentioned are, or seem to be, from the pre or circa 1965 era with a few into the ‘70s and precious few after that.
The listing you sent me some time ago has over 500 names on it of which about 20% have email addresses.
I cannot add or update addresses unless they are sent to me or are shown in your circulars.
(Incidentally, the list contains only 2 ‘deVerteuil’s both of which I added. Maybe your mailing list has the other umpteen!).
So, where were the other hundreds on Re-union day?
The local committee needs to find them.
Surely, Don, David Bratt and I were not the only ones missing.!!!
Keep up the good work you do Ladislao with the publishing of the circulars.
I do enjoy reading them and on the very odd occasion, hearing about those who I knew and now live and work in far off distant places.
Robert deVerteuil
(PS I was away for 10 days hence the mail bounce back.)
FW: Merry Christmas...
david decastro ...
Thursday, December 20, 2007 1:36:36 PM
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Sunday, December 30, 2007 4:34PM
From:Glen Mckoy
This week in Abbey School Old Boys Association
Season Greeting,
Hello guys, hope every one had a good xmas and a happy new year.
How many abbey web sites are there??
Please we must have some kind of notice if a new site is coming up, I really like the newsletter.
Also if a new site is coming up make sure its link to the already existing abbey sites.
I hope that this site is not in conflict with with the Trinidad Abbey school old boys association which might be registered just good to know.
Don't get me wrong I know this site was set up in the best of interest .
Best Regard to all my brothers........Glen McKoy.
Happy new year.
Be good for another year....and
God bless you all.
and yes more SNOW coming, its a white out xmas here, its fun..
I can still see the sun.
Subject: This week in Abbey School Old Boys Association
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 01:06:35 -0800
Weekly Report of Abbey School Old Boys Association Group Activity
Re. MSB information on the Reunion...
From: ladislao kertesz ...
Sunday, December 16, 2007 1:37:46 PM
Dear Fr. Abbot
Sorry for not replying before but I am rather behind in answering and publishing the Circulars.
This Sunday I should have No. 320 out.
Yours is the fourth and last report that has been received on the reunion.
I am sure Bro. Rupert is polishing his report as your delegate at the meeting.
The other attendees have preferred the silence.
Maybe you could persuade Gary Matthews to write something personal, as the official minute is cold as it should be.
Please remember that the Circular wants to be positive, but there seems to be only negative news writers.
We must defeat this negative stance, so please persuade ALUMNI friends to send in positive news.
The only report from the committee of 10 members is the minutes signed by Peter Sammy.
The others are too busy or do not have the necessary inspiration.
I wish you a Nice Christmas festivities and a Prosperous New Year.
God Bless
Friday, December 21, 2007 11:59:27 AM
Dear Ladislao
Got a telephone call from Cecil Ince yesterday saying that Jack Knaggs who lived in Barbados brother of Arthur died on Wed. of a stroke.
He was one of the original boys of MSB 1944.
May I take this opponitunity to Wish you and your family a Wonderful Christmas and may 2008 be a good year.
It seems that without you the old boys assoc. would fade away GOD BLESS YOU.
Peace to You at Christmas Time...
Nigel P. Boos
Saturday, December 22, 2007 9:56:54 AM
Well, it's that time of year again, and we've missed all of the posted dates for the mailing of Christmas cards, so we're down to the last resort - good old email. (Thank God it exists!)
No one knows the exact date of the birth of Jesus Christ, but December 25th has been accepted for nearly 2000 years as a probable date. The date itself is insignificant, really. What is significant is that the Son of God became incarnate - took on the body of a human baby, being born miraculously of a simple virgin girl, Mary, to bridge the otherwise-unbridgeable gap between God and men which had developed as a result of sin. Because he loved us, he deigned to become one like us, and to offer himself as a redeeming sacrifice for all mankind.
This, surely, is worth celebrating - the Birthday of the Redeemer. And it is worth reminding ourselves that THIS is what we are celebrating. It's not MERELY a Holiday Celebration. It is in fact a most important day in the life of every one of us, because it is through Jesus Christ, the Son of God, that we are able to hope for future happiness in heaven, with God himself.
We would like to thank you for your friendship and your occasional contacts throughout the past year, and especially, to wish you peace and joy at Christmas time. May God be with you in your hearts and bless you now and in the New Year.
Jackie and Nigel
95 Warwick Ave.,
Ajax, Ontario
L1Z 1L5
Ph: (905) 426-8999
De: Hector Ahow []
Fecha: 05/11/2007 09:43:07
Me llego muy tarde la invitación.
Gracias por la información de Paul Stein tenía años tratando de ubicarlo.
Hector G. Ahow D.
De: megaaluminium []
Fecha: 13/11/2007 19:18:12
Estimado Ladislao,
Un fuerte saludo para ti y tu familia.
Con relación a la cena prefiero el 22, ya que me voy de viaje el 29 de Noviembre.
La cena incluye la media naranja?
Como dicen los Musiues "Keep up the good work" y mantenme informado y en contacto con los demas alumni de old Mount.
Una vez llegue a USA( 29/11) mandare un email resumiendo mis experiencias desde que me fui de Mount (mucho BS).
Estamos planificando, mi Sra y yo, ir a T&T la semana del 14 al 21 de Abril para el MSB Reunion.
A ver si en la cena coordinamos este viaje.
Enrique Castells
De: Bernardo Fontaine []
Fecha: 14/11/2007 14:06:36
Hola Ladislao:
Prefiero el 22/11.
Bernardo Fontaine
De: peter.demorvay []
Fecha: 15/11/2007 09:07:46
Hola Ladislao,
Para mi la fecha del 22 está bien.
Es la fecha aniversaria de la muerte de JFKennedy , pero supongo que podemos celebrar igualmente que estamos vivitos y coleando en este mar de felicidad.
Falta designar el sitio ..
Hasta pronto.
De: Giovanni Marini []
Fecha: 16/11/2007 14:28:40
Hola Ladislao.....
Te confirmo la asistencia para cualquier dia menos el 22, ya que ese día tengo un compromiso.
Gracias y saludos
De: Azier Atela []
Fecha: 17/11/2007 11:16:09
Hi Ladislao –
If you're waiting for Azier to answer - think again!!!
I believe he's anti-Email. Anyway, either date is fine.
Also, I would like to go too so maybe Mary Farcheg and Barbara Von Fedak will go too.
We haven t seen each other for a couple of years.
So, let us know what the final decision is.
Looking forward to meeting you.
Faye Atela
De: miguel luongo []
Fecha: 22/11/2007 23:06:07
Hi Ladislao!
These are to tell you that, I regret not having been there tonight, but, on Nov. 29 th I will, together with my cousin Winston Cabello Luongo.
I suppose that the hour will the same. ( Please confirm)
Ladislao, please, if you can, let me know Atila Gyuris's e-mail address, I tried to contact him through and he hasn't answered me.
Thank you, before hand. See you soon.
Best regards,
MIguel Angel
I must remind all my friends that I do not read Blog or WEB sites.
This is because I barely manage to keep up with the emails and news.
So if anyone wants to be in the Circular please send a FW of the Blog comments and conversations between ALUMNI.
The photos are unusable for the Circular due to the low quality, so this is another thing that I cannot use when taken of the Blog site.
07DM0008GRP, Richard Anderson and Dennis Gurley
07DM0009GRP, Fr. Hilderbrand Green, Rafael Echeverria, Peter Tang.
07DM0023GRP, Stuart Henderson, Fr. Hilderbrand Green .
07DM0006RAN, Richard Anderson

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Circular No 320

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 22 December 2007. No. 320
Dear Friends,
News on the REUNION 2007, Fr. Abbot´s, this is the fourth insight on the Reunion.
Hopefully we are going to get an unofficial report from one of the officials, (Gary Matthews?).
Christmas Greeting that have been received by the 22 of December.
MSB information on the Reunion...
John Pereira ...
Sunday, December 2, 2007 9:57:58 PM
Dear Ladislao,
Thank you very much for your email.
The re-union was very well attended.
I would estimate that there were approximately 55 past students of the Abbey School - a very good turnout!
I had given an excuse to the organisers beforehand that I would not be able to attend the meeting as I had a previous engagement in Port of Spain on that day.
However, I did return to the Abbey just in time to give a brief address to the participants before the close of the proceedings.
I encouraged them to stay together and to keep their interest in the Abbey alive.
However, I asked them if they would be able to coordinate their activities with other groupings of former Abbey School students.
I mentioned to them of two previous gatherings of Abbey School students in Trinidad, where either group knew nothing of the activities of the other group.
They promised to ensure that there are greater levels of communications between the various groupings of Abbey School Students.
I did enjoy the brief time that I was there and the camaraderie between the "boys".
It was good to see!
I understand that you were able to meet with Br Rupert on his recent visit to Venezuela, which he did enjoy immensely.
I am delighted by your continued interest in the Abbey and the goings-on here.
He told me that he mentioned to you of the massive up-grading of the sporting facilities now taking place here at the Mount.
We are quite happy about this development as I am sure are all the past students of the Abbey School.
If you need any further information on anything here at the Mount, please feel free to write to me.
Yours truly!
Abbot John
Notes on Old Boys Assoc
stuart henderson
Date:Mon, 10 Dec 2007 12:08 pm
Hi Ladislao
1. I agree with Don Mitchell's points to a large extent; however an agenda for a meeting should be circulated before so persons may have a good idea as to what they will be attending,
Had I (or some others) known of all the "extra curricular" charitable causes and efforts that were planned, I / they may have not attended.
2. Although attending the "committee meeting" on November 11th from 3 - 4pm. I only received the minutes via your e mail 2 days ago.
That meeting was to start at 3pm and so I left home in Westmoorings at 2pm (Sunday) to get there well in time.
The next two persons showed at 3.25 and 3.40 pm - by which time I realised the punctuality problem of the others who apparently all live much closer in the Tunapuna/St Augustine area.
Having allocated one hour to the meeting, I left as politely as I could at 4pm.
3. I doubt very much I can be enticed to again join the committee.
Stuart Henderson
My report on the OctoberTrinidad Reunion...
Don Mitchell CBE QC ...
Sunday, December 2, 2007 6:25:56 PM
Hello Ladislao,
Most of us old boys are like Jon Golding described.
Our memories of Mount are mainly painful ones.
There is very little about the place that makes me nostalgic. It took me years to overcome the mental and physical scars I suffered from my years at Mount.
I would like to visit with my contemporaries from time to time to reminisce and to catch up.
The place itself fills me with forboding and a sense of doom.
As for whether those of us who were at the reunion were divided into segments, it is probably true that the old timers, like Jon and I who have been away from Trinidad for many years, found the younger generation complete strangers.
The middle aged ones probably thought both the old timers and the new ones were equally strange.
The youngest of the "old boys" must have thought both the middle aged ones and the old ones to be complete strangers.
Only Fr Cuthbert and Kitty Marcus could pretend to know us all.
David Bratt and Robert de Verteuil did not make the reunion.
They probably fall in the group of those "old boys" who would not wish to be caught dead going anywhere near the Mount.
We will find out because I am going to copy them with this comment.
Perhaps, they will respond with something that is publishable.
Keep well.
Re: Notes on Old Boys Assoc...
"" ...
Monday, December 10, 2007 8:06:12 PM
Dear Stuart,
Thank you for the input.
I am sure you going to like the next Circular, one by Jon Golding.
Please remember that the Circular lives because ALUMNI like you write.
Now let´s forget the meeting, its agenda or lack of planning.
Can you give me a couple of lines on the people that went to the meeting, were there friends??, at least some that you finally met after having read their emails through the years??.
As Jon wrote and you shall read, really all that remains are friends and our wish to meet them.
The Reunion should have been focused in a different way and surely the agenda was not transmitted to a larger group of ALUMNI, there was no Agenda to be published so none was sent to the Circular.
From Don´s email, the Circular and the blog page did not exist for that layer of ALUMNI that organised the Reunion, half of those mentioned in the INVITATION are receiving the Circular since 2003, so no excuse.
Luckily I did not attend as I am sure I would have been a total stranger to the event.
I am glad that the party afterwards helped to return the happy mood.
What are your thought on the 2008 Reunion??
I would like to attend but with the aim of having a good time, and meet friends,with whom I have corresponded over the years.
I must finish, I am sure that I am boring you with my journalist questioning. (I am a graduated Electronic Engineer and I hate to write)
God Bless
Re. Reunion attendees...
Monday, December 10, 2007 8:37:15 PM;
Dear Gary
Sorry to bother you, but the following names appear in the meeting, who are they??
I presume that they are ALUMNI?? If so please keep me updated.
W Ki*****
G Ler***
Rangi Persad
Gabriel Farier
Zepheryn Robinson
Rory Pasea
And of course I need the uncensored list of names of attendees. I mean uncensored because there seems to be ALUMNI that do not want to be mentioned.
What kind of ALUMNI would these be?? How can we share ideas with these ALUMNI??. If they do not exist??
Fr. Rupert said that there were close to hundred attendees, Cheche down graded this to 50 odds and a latter the number was down to 30 aprox, my list is close to 20, just by looking at the photos that were sent in by friends, and not the committee.
Since I know that you are a good writer, from past correspondence, can you help the Circular straighten out this differences by collaborating a list, any list!! You are my last chance since you took on the burden of organising the reunion.
The minutes that were sent out is just too official and politically inclined (placing in a milk shaker all opinions and then print the results ) the Circular needs eye sight opinions or resume of individual ALUMNI.
God Bless
Happy Christmas...
Gillian & Leary Oconnor ...
Tuesday, December 11, 2007 10:00:56 PM
Gillian and I would like to wish you and your family a very Happy Christmas and all the best for 2008.
I have enjoyed your Mount news so much during the year even though nearly everyone is younger than I am these days!
Thanks for that great effort.
I think I may have motivated Esmond to contact you so hope he has.
So finally December is on, and we have the second report on the REUNION 2007.
As soon as I can I shall be trying to get CLASS 1962 together, please need your help.
61UN0002CLASS61. Finally, all the names are in!!! Congratulations CLASS 61. This photo shall be sent in a future issue due to the lack of space
07RE0175RECGRP, Rafael Echeverria and UNKNOWN
07RE0003RECGRP, Rafael Echeverria, UNKNOWN and Dennis Gurley
07RE0002GRP, Peter Tang, UNKNOWN, Dennis Gurley, and Don Mitchell
07RE0001GRP, Jon Golding, Don Mitchell, Gordon Mitchell, Stuart Henderson.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Circular No 319

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 15 December 2007. No. 319
Dear Friends,
News on the REUNION 2007, Jon Golding’s report. This is the third insight on the Reunion.
A long winded one, but it explores the realm of why we keep in touch, why we write or not and our connections with MSB.
I did have a long talk with Bro. Rupert here in Caracas a couple weeks ago and I expressed some of the ideas that you have expressed later in your email, specially the part of fomenting an association to help one way or the other the MSB.
I told him that although there were many successfully businessmen at the Reunion, it did not meant that money would be forthcoming, maybe only material donations, because business does not work that way, and that these businessmen would really help by having the right contacts, where the money was, specially in a wealthy country.
Hopefully we are going to get a report from Gary Matthews (member of the organising committee) with whom I corresponded and is a good writer, soon, outside the official minutes by Peter Sammy, which were published in No. 318.
Since I have a complete Circular, the next one is going to be No.320.
In it, I am going to include Fr.Abbot´s email and the Christmas Greeting that have been received by the 22 of December.
Dear Ladislao
I don't know what others have said about the get together but I also went to the social evening afterwards at Dennis Gurley's house which was most enjoyable since the crowd all know one another - we were all from the same era (you would have been totally at home yourself).
My candid view of the overall day and evening was that the meeting at Mount was well intentioned but there were several ambitions which I could not see happening for a number of reasons explained below.
The objectives of the meeting seemed to be:
(a) to form a non-profit association (legally) to act as the forum for the gathering of the clan;
(b) through this organisation to find ways to assist the monks/abbey in whatever way we could, and:
(c) to somehow try to re-establish a school (at the mount or elsewhere).
The gathering was reasonably well numbered (around 30) and stratified in about four disconnected time layers - old boys from the 1950s to the 1980s!!
This of course meant that there was little in common with most except their former affiliation with the school.
So few knew one another.
The centre of gravity was probably around the period 1958-1970 where several of us knew one another.
The difficulty which I saw was that there was no much in common between the various alumni layers and the culture of this last remaining remnant of the old school was a bit like Father Cuthbert's yogurts - good stem cells to propagate regrowth but regrettably the expected live-by date of the culture was probably only 20 years max on a declining yield curve.
There was limited floor participation in the free sense of discussion to get a true flow of feelings and ideas.
I put this down to understandable anxiety to get something material done in the short time.
This actually became counter-productive as more pressure was put on keeping attendees comments to a time guillotine.
A pity because an opportunity was lost to get heart-to-heart communication going after all the superb efforts to get this group together (hats off to the organisers).
The bottom line is that I feel the motive/rationale for this intended formal association is misguided and destined to fail.
Forgive my frankness but I have to say it as I see it.
The reason this initiative is unlikely to succeed is that only a handful of well-intentioned souls are trying to get the old boys to collaborate (through a formal association) in an effort to 'help' the monks and abbey generally, and even to fantasise about having an abbey school again!!
Let me defend my comments.
We all have mixed emotions about the penal years served at the prison on the hill.
In fact, I know some old boys who would not go near the place or put one cent in the collection because of the indelible emotional (and some physical) scars they took away from their years there.
But many of us have nostalgia for the friendships we made and personal achievements in sports, scouting, even academia.
This often has little to do with the Mount and monks per se and is in spite of them rather than because of them!!
Let me quickly add that I came away with good respect for only a few of them because they did add value to my personal growth and education (eg, Fr Ildefonse, who we all feared but admired, Fr Cuthbert with his balance and reliability, Fr Benedict who loved his science and taught it with conviction and caring, Fr. Peter who was our resident Saint, Fr Abbot, Adlebert van Duin, and even Fr Bernard (our 'Bobo') and of course several of the brothers like Br Joseph, Br Oswald, Br Vincent and others I have probably omitted in error).
The list of undesirables is much longer and challenges our anger hormones but we'll leave it at that!
I have to say the decade 1955-65 approx must be the golden decade for the Mount evidenced by the fact that not many years later the core monks who built and held the Mount together were gone (including Br Gabriel, the architect, Br Anthony, Br Ignatius Br Camillus ('Swa') and even Br Skull).
The Mount as we knew it is gone forever and will never be repeated.
Let's cherish whatever good memories and friendships we have as our relics.
Having said all that, to me, the old boys 'association' (as it stands on its last legs today) is about the old boys, not about the monastery, the monks, the school or anything up the hill, which are just inanimate memories.
The boys who are still in contact with one another are many and if they really had the kind of affection that some want them to have for those days they would gravitate to the website and e-letter network.
But I know many who would rather keep in touch with their old boy colleagues on the ground but have a resistance to admit their connection through something as public as the web or an e-letter.
I am not talking about cross-generational disconnect but about the same class groups we belonged to.
Think about this carefully. Why is that?
If anyone can answer that question they will have the answer to trebling the size of the virtual association that we are.
My humble view on it has already been stated.
They want to forget, not remember the Mount days.
This is a pity not for us who have surfaced but for them not having come to terms with the disappointments of their growing years. Serious stuff!
I take my chapeau off to Arthur Knaggs, Anthony Johnson, yourself and now Don Mitchell for actually holding together this virtual association (which is all it can be anyway, like a family circle which does not need a formal corporate structure, albeit non-profit, to exist).
We are all part of the old boys association whether we acknowledge it or not and whether we send in donations to pay for the online cyber-association structure or not.
Reason is we cannot exclude the memories of the boys we did not like as well as those who became lifelong friends.
They are all part of who we are today having influenced our development for better or worse!
By extension, the strict and even sadistic monk teachers we remember are part of that extended family too.
His Holiness Pope Benedict has beau-coup money and resources at his disposal and has mandated the way monasteries should operate and survive around the Catholic globe.
Why do we have to interfere in this process by thinking we need to 'help' the monks?
Our MSB monks voluntarily chose their lives and sacrifices and should be much closer to next life's rewards than we sinful old boys.
So, what are we doing by trying to be good Samaritans when they really did not ask or wish to receive our help?
We should simply be beseeching their prayers and intervention to get us a ticket to the big graduation ceremony they are close to attending, not trying to deal with earthly matters which matter little to them anymore! Capiche?
The Pope does not need us to do anything since he can see from the annual accounts and monastic intake/output if this Dutch relic real estate (with still some living Dutch relic retirees living/dying there) is to be continued or not.
The Abbot's bosses from the Benedictine HQ in Ireland (who determine the setup at MSB by the way) know the score better than we do and it is up to them to do whatever has to be done.
They are certainly not living in the dark.
So let's not get seduced into participating in this charity event industry which is now big business around the world (and incidentally most of the money raised goes to pay for the big dinners and socialising with precious little filtering through to the charities- check it and see).
Forget helping the monks; they don't need what we have to offer.
Forget trying to build a school on the crumbling foundation of a dying (soon to be dead) monastery.
Great memories, Yes, but that's where it should stay.
Incidentally, if we did not make lasting friendships when we had the chance under the oppressive MSB regime (best time to count your friends) what's the big deal of now trying to form such relationships when the movie is over?? QED.
No need for a formal association to rekindle relationships that will not spark anyway!
We all have better meetings to go to - ie the informal ad hoc gathering of the old boys who respect one another and have proven it by keeping in touch.
Back to the old boys!
Let's not paddle our canoe up the swamp.
We do have an association albeit a virtual one but it seems to be working fine (altho' I am sure some cash donations would help make the website and its operators' jobs easier).
We have an association through the e-letter and occasional enthusiasm of the mailing list to get together.
But to be fair it is not cross-generational. It covers only a window of time where those connected still know and have dealings with one another.
Ladislao, keep doing what you're doing and let's not get distracted with anything but getting our mailing list to stay alive for as long as possible and through this powerful medium.
You may lose readers after you publish this and I apologise in advance for my comments which are not meant to offend anyone but to raise awareness of where the focus should be - this very forum.
Our association exists and is as strong as the willingness of its mailing list members to keep in touch.
But we need to increase its potency beyond being a picture album association to one where we can exchange business cards and either do business or charitable works among and for one another.
That's how I see it.
Sorry again to be so direct but as my age increases my patience becomes less and so does the time I have to use it.
Warm and cordial regards
You are right Jon, at this closing date, yours is the third and last report?? on the meeting.
Three out of thirty odd ALUMNI that assisted.
I presume that this score tells it all.
Meanwhile as soon as I can I shall be trying to get CLASS 1962 together, please need your help.
If I can get long lost friends together then my job is or has been successful.
61UN0002CLASS61, Finally all the names are in!!! Congratulations CLASS 61 This photo shall be sent in a future issue due to the lack of space
07RE00172GRP, Fr. Abbot
07RE0168REGRP, Bro Rupert
07RE0149GRP, Dorenllas, Fr. Cuthbert, Berment.
07RE0148RECGRP, Laughlin, Tang, Jon.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Circular No 318

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 8 December 2007. No. 318
Dear Friends,
News on the REUNION 2007 from Don Mitchell. This is the second insight on the Reunion.
Hopefully we are going to get the official report soon,
Since I have a complete Circular, the next one is going to be No.319 with a report by Jon Golding.
My report on the Trinidad Reunion...
Don Mitchell CBE QC ...
Sunday, December 2, 2007 11:38:13 AM
Hello Ladislao,
I read Che Che's report on the reunion in Trinidad with interest. He really is a good writer in English. Though, I have a slightly different memory of the event.
I did not find the organisers patronising. I like to see people in action who have a firm idea of what they want and what they are doing. I might not always agree with them, but I appreciate knowing where people stand and what they are thinking about. It makes it easier for me to make up my own mind and to say what I think. The other type of person leaves you guessing. You do not know what that person is thinking. He does not come out frankly and tell you what he has in mind. I do not like that.
It is true that none of the organisers appeared to be aware of the existence of the Circulars or of the website. They were thinking of starting up a website, as if it was something new. We had to tell them about the Circulars and the website and tell them how to access them.
You have frequently written in the Circulars that none of the old boys from the 1970s and 1980s appear to be alive to the network that you have set up. I hope that several of them have now contacted you and have got themselves put on your mailing list.
Yes, several persons said that they were concerned about "the agenda" that some of the organisers appeared to have. Well, there are two things about that.
First, every meeting should have an agenda. It is not a negative thing to have an agenda in calling a meeting. It is a very useful device. It gives the organisers of the meeting a purpose. It helps them to have focus. I would never call a meeting of any kind unless I had an agenda. So, I was glad that the organisers had an agenda.
Secondly, the agenda was obvious. It was announced at the beginning of the meeting. It was not a "secret agenda". It was a published agenda. And, it was a good agenda. It was a very positive and constructive agenda.
The agenda that we were told about began with a funeral that several of the organisers had gone to. It had been the funeral of one of the 'old boys" who had fallen on hard times. He had died in a very sad way that was not gone into in any detail. The organisers also knew of other old boys in Trinidad who had fallen on hard times. They had been thinking that maybe they ought to get the old boys together to do something about it. Especially, those of us who had not done so badly with our lives after Mount.
They had thought that it might be a good thing to set up an organisation for the old boys to use to help any of the members who needed urgent assistance. That is not a bad agenda item.
Another agenda held by some of the old boys was the idea that somehow the spirit of the education of the Abbey School could be revived and continued into the future. The suggestion was that we might be able to start some sort of school again at Mount. This was not very welcome to most of us there.
It was probably too ambitious for us. Particularly, those of us from overseas would not be able to play any real role. We did not see how that could be something we could usefully get involved in.
Another agenda item that came out of the meeting was the need to do something to help the monks in their old age. We were assured that this was not a real problem. The monks had plenty of assistance. So, this agenda was not pursued.
Another agenda item was to elect a more permanent committee. We agreed that the organising committee had done a good job. We re-elected them with the understanding that they would serve for one year. There will be new elections at the next meeting.
We also agreed that they should discuss with the lawyers in Trinidad forming a legal entity. At the moment they are just an ad hoc committee with no juridical existence. We agreed that should change. They are to report to us at the next meeting what the lawyers have advised.
The final agenda of the organisers was to discuss the possibility of the monks lending us a room at the Abbey that we could turn into a sort of museum of the school. It was suggested to us that we might be able to find old textbooks, old clothes, perhaps blazers and school paraphernalia, that we could donate or lend to such a school museum. Perhaps, original photographs. We agreed that this was a good idea and we encouraged the organising committee to pursue the idea with the Abbot.
Finally, we agreed that the most important agenda for the organisation was to plan and to hold early next year a social event that could be widely advertised and published. It was agreed that the most useful purpose for forming an organisation of old school boys was social, and not charitable. That did not exclude old boys getting involved in charitable purposes. It was just that most of us already had our charitable interests and perhaps did not need another one. So, it would not be a priority for the organisation of old boys. But, those that wanted to do something could use the organisation to help in the cause, whatever it was.
We left the meeting feeling that much had been achieved. It was obvious that the Trinidadian old boys did not appreciate how much we regretted that there was no regular effort to get the ALUMNI together. They meet each other at the beach and in the supermarket and in church. So, they do not think about something like that.
I hope that they will not forget that this was agreed to be the most important thing that they could arrange for us.
If we can have a successful reunion next year during the Venezuelan national holiday it is possible that so much interest will be stirred up that many others will get involved in the various agendas, educational, charitable, and social.
Dennis and his beautiful wife, Marie, gave a dinner for all of us that evening. It was a very enjoyable end to a most stimulating event.
Keep well.
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2007 10:48 AM
Dear Don
I read in the report that you defended my Circulars, thank you.
Anything to write about this item??? Who else did express favourable opinion?
Why some of the ALUMNI prefer not to use the Circular as a venue to express their opinions??
Since you have been there, can you confirm Rafael´s report that some of the attendees were patronising and that the official reunion was not conducted with a firm purpose.
Was there an official reunion with someone taking notes??
Do you think that you will get a copy of this report?.
Maybe it was conducted as a friendly gathering of ALUMNI, to get to know each other and not as a gathering to determine solutions to the problems that Mt. St. Benedict has?.
Was there an Agenda???
Please write so that I can publish it in Circular No. 318, for which I have photos that Rafael sent, your photos shall be soon.
God Bless
Organising Committee of the Abbey School Old Boys Reunion 2008
Minutes of meeting held on November 11, 2007
Attendant: Winston Ramsahai
Peter R Sammy
Garry Matthews
Rudi Singh
Mr. Henderson
Courtesies: Micheal D’Ornellas
Joseph Berment
Joseph Habib
Keith Allen
Note: 1. Mr. Henderson stated that he was unable to remain at the meeting as he had allotted time for the meeting and because of the late start he would have to leave early.
2. Garry Matthews asked to be excused early from the meeting and as such Peter Sammy was nominated to prepare minutes of the meeting.
1. A general discussion was held regarding the event held on October 27, 2007 event. The general opinion was that the event was successful however it was also felt that a higher turnout might have been better. The target size for the group should be set at a minimum of three hundred. Copies of the CD containing the photos of the event were given to members present. Mr Henderson indicated that he thought that a committee of eight was a bit large and that we might have problems in coordinating meetings.
2. Garry Matthews indicated that he had received the attendance data from the event. Discussions were held with respect to circulating the list. For reasons of privacy, it was decided that there was need to request permission from members before emails were circulated. As a result of the discussions the following were agreed to:
a) An email account should be setup, possibly (Winston Ramsahai).
b) An email should be sent to all members who attended the October event thanking them for their attendance and asking permission to circulate their email addresses and with a link to Ladislao Kertesz blog (Garry Matthews).
c) The photos of the event are to be sent Don Mitchel (Winston Ramsahai)
3. Finances for the event were discussed a statement submitted by previously prepared by Peter Sammy and additional information was submitted. The complete statement is to be prepared and submitted to members of the committee (Peter Sammy)
4. It was decided that the name of the committee be, “Organising Committee of the Abbey School Old Boys Reunion 2008”
5. Following discussions, it was decided that a Summary of the event should be prepared with minutes of the meeting held following lunch on October 27, 2007. (Garry Matthews). This is to be given to the Abbot together with a CD of the Pictures and a donation of One Thousand ($1,000.00), this figure is to be fine tuned following receipt of the financial statement.
6. It was also thought that once the preliminary items are completed with respect to closure of matters arising from the October 27, 2007 event, that planning for the 2008 event should begin. Means of raising funds for the event were considered, sale of printed jerseys, caps, pens and other items via the email contact list. This is to be discussed further.
7. The matter of a “Vision” for the group was discussed and there was agreement that this should be discussed and decided upon as this would guide the organising process for the 2008 event.
Prepared by
Peter R Sammy
November 27, 2007
Don Mitchell CBE QC ...
Tuesday, November 27, 2007 6:19:32 PM
To:Peter Sammy
Hello Ladislao,
These are the missing minutes.
Since I am not a member of this committee, I assumed that I was getting it along with hundreds of other alumni.
I now see that your address is not included.
I am by copy of this letter to Peter asking him to make sure that in future you are included in all communications from the committee.
Keep well.
From: Peter Sammy
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 1:17 PM
Subject: Minutes and statement
Please find attached the minutes of the meeting held on November 11.
Sorry for the late submittal but I may have underestimated my recovery.
Please send your feedback.
Peter R Sammy
Since at this time there has not been a list forwarded,
In the photos some of guys had a tag on their shirts, information that I used to get the names of those that I did not know. But there are a lot that I have missed.
Additionally I have added those that have been mentioned in emails.
From the above the following attended for sure. Corrections are needed.
No image available:
Gerard Kenny
Steven Anderson
These appear in images sent by Cheche:
Dennis Gurley photo
Peter Tang photo
Harry Laughlin photo
Jon Golding photo
Fr. Abbot photo
Fr. Cuthbert photo
Bro. Rupert photo
Miss Kitty Marcus photo
Joseph Berment photo
Michael D´ornellas photo
Rafeal Echeverria photo
Don Mitchell photo
Gordon Mitchell photo
Gerard Kenny photo
From photos sent in by Don additionally to the above have new names
Christopher Knowles photo
John Abrams photo
Stewart Henderson photo
Winston Kerry photo
Fr. Hilderbrand Green photo
Richard Anderson photo
So finally December is on, and we have the second report on the REUNION 2007.
As soon as I can I shall be trying to get CLASS 1962 together, please need your help.
Photo of the Reunion shall be sent in groups so keep in contact:
61UN0002CLASS61, Finally all the names are in!!! Congratulations CLASS 61 This photo shall be sent in a future issue due to the lack of space
07DM0014GRP Fr. Cuthbert and Peter Tang
07DM0011GRP Rafael Echeverria and Gordon Mitchell
07DM0007GRP Some oldboys at the gate.(Can you identify them)
07DM0003GRP More old boys, (CAN YOU IDENTIFY THEM)