Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Dear Friends,
News on the REUNION 2007 from Don Mitchell. This is the second insight on the Reunion .
Hopefully we are going to get the official report soon,
Since I have a complete Circular, the next one is going to be No.319 with a report by Jon Golding.
My report on the Trinidad Reunion
Don Mitchell CBE QC
Sunday, December 2, 2007 11:38:13 AM
Hello Ladislao,
I read Che Che's report on the reunion in Trinidad with interest. He really is a good writer in English. Though, I have a slightly different memory of the event.
I did not find the organisers patronising. I like to see people in action who have a firm idea of what they want and what they are doing. I might not always agree with them, but I appreciate knowing where people stand and what they are thinking about. It makes it easier for me to make up my own mind and to say what I think. The other type of person leaves you guessing. You do not know what that person is thinking. He does not come out frankly and tell you what he has in mind. I do not like that.
It is true that none of the organisers appeared to be aware of the existence of the Circulars or of the website. They were thinking of starting up a website, as if it was something new. We had to tell them about the Circulars and the website and tell them how to access them.
You have frequently written in the Circulars that none of the old boys from the 1970s and 1980s appear to be alive to the network that you have set up. I hope that several of them have now contacted you and have got themselves put on your mailing list.
Yes, several persons said that they were concerned about "the agenda" that some of the organisers appeared to have. Well, there are two things about that.
First, every meeting should have an agenda. It is not a negative thing to have an agenda in calling a meeting. It is a very useful device. It gives the organisers of the meeting a purpose. It helps them to have focus. I would never call a meeting of any kind unless I had an agenda. So, I was glad that the organisers had an agenda.
Secondly, the agenda was obvious. It was announced at the beginning of the meeting. It was not a "secret agenda". It was a published agenda. And, it was a good agenda. It was a very positive and constructive agenda.
The agenda that we were told about began with a funeral that several of the organisers had gone to. It had been the funeral of one of the 'old boys" who had fallen on hard times. He had died in a very sad way that was not gone into in any detail. The organisers also knew of other old boys in Trinidad who had fallen on hard times. They had been thinking that maybe they ought to get the old boys together to do something about it. Especially, those of us who had not done so badly with our lives after Mount.
They had thought that it might be a good thing to set up an organisation for the old boys to use to help any of the members who needed urgent assistance. That is not a bad agenda item.
Another agenda held by some of the old boys was the idea that somehow the spirit of the education of the Abbey School could be revived and continued into the future. The suggestion was that we might be able to start some sort of school again at Mount. This was not very welcome to most of us there.
It was probably too ambitious for us. Particularly, those of us from overseas would not be able to play any real role. We did not see how that could be something we could usefully get involved in.
Another agenda item that came out of the meeting was the need to do something to help the monks in their old age. We were assured that this was not a real problem. The monks had plenty of assistance. So, this agenda was not pursued.
Another agenda item was to elect a more permanent committee. We agreed that the organising committee had done a good job. We re-elected them with the understanding that they would serve for one year. There will be new elections at the next meeting.
We also agreed that they should discuss with the lawyers in Trinidad forming a legal entity. At the moment they are just an ad hoc committee with no juridical existence. We agreed that should change. They are to report to us at the next meeting what the lawyers have advised.
The final agenda of the organisers was to discuss the possibility of the monks lending us a room at the Abbey that we could turn into a sort of museum of the school. It was suggested to us that we might be able to find old textbooks, old clothes, perhaps blazers and school paraphernalia, that we could donate or lend to such a school museum. Perhaps, original photographs. We agreed that this was a good idea and we encouraged the organising committee to pursue the idea with the Abbot.
Finally, we agreed that the most important agenda for the organisation was to plan and to hold early next year a social event that could be widely advertised and published. It was agreed that the most useful purpose for forming an organisation of old school boys was social, and not charitable. That did not exclude old boys getting involved in charitable purposes. It was just that most of us already had our charitable interests and perhaps did not need another one. So, it would not be a priority for the organisation of old boys. But, those that wanted to do something could use the organisation to help in the cause, whatever it was.
We left the meeting feeling that much had been achieved. It was obvious that the Trinidadian old boys did not appreciate how much we regretted that there was no regular effort to get the ALUMNI together. They meet each other at the beach and in the supermarket and in church. So, they do not think about something like that.
I hope that they will not forget that this was agreed to be the most important thing that they could arrange for us.
If we can have a successful reunion next year during the Venezuelan national holiday it is possible that so much interest will be stirred up that many others will get involved in the various agendas, educational, charitable, and social.
Dennis and his beautiful wife, Marie, gave a dinner for all of us that evening. It was a very enjoyable end to a most stimulating event.
Keep well.
To: mitchell don
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2007 10:48 AM
Dear Don
I read in the report that you defended my Circulars, thank you.
Anything to write about this item??? Who else did express favourable opinion?
Why some of the ALUMNI prefer not to use the Circular as a venue to express their opinions??
Since you have been there, can you confirm Rafael´s report that some of the attendees were patronising and that the official reunion was not conducted with a firm purpose.
Was there an official reunion with someone taking notes??
Do you think that you will get a copy of this report?.
Maybe it was conducted as a friendly gathering of ALUMNI, to get to know each other and not as a gathering to determine solutions to the problems that Mt. St. Benedict has?.
Was there an Agenda???
Please write so that I can publish it in Circular No. 318, for which I have photos that Rafael sent, your photos shall be soon.
God Bless
Organising Committee of the Abbey School Old Boys Reunion 2008
Minutes of meeting held on November 11, 2007
Attendant: Winston Ramsahai
Peter R Sammy
Garry Matthews
Rudi Singh
Mr. Henderson
Courtesies: Micheal D’Ornellas
Joseph Berment
Joseph Habib
Keith Allen
Note: 1. Mr. Henderson stated that he was unable to remain at the meeting as he had allotted time for the meeting and because of the late start he would have to leave early.
2. Garry Matthews asked to be excused early from the meeting and as such Peter Sammy was nominated to prepare minutes of the meeting.
1. A general discussion was held regarding the event held on October 27, 2007 event. The general opinion was that the event was successful however it was also felt that a higher turnout might have been better. The target size for the group should be set at a minimum of three hundred. Copies of the CD containing the photos of the event were given to members present. Mr Henderson indicated that he thought that a committee of eight was a bit large and that we might have problems in coordinating meetings.
2. Garry Matthews indicated that he had received the attendance data from the event. Discussions were held with respect to circulating the list. For reasons of privacy, it was decided that there was need to request permission from members before emails were circulated. As a result of the discussions the following were agreed to:
b) An email should be sent to all members who attended the October event thanking them for their attendance and asking permission to circulate their email addresses and with a link to Ladislao Kertesz blog (Garry Matthews).
c) The photos of the event are to be sent Don Mitchel (Winston Ramsahai)
3. Finances for the event were discussed a statement submitted by previously prepared by Peter Sammy and additional information was submitted. The complete statement is to be prepared and submitted to members of the committee (Peter Sammy)
4. It was decided that the name of the committee be, “Organising Committee of the Abbey School Old Boys Reunion 2008”
5. Following discussions, it was decided that a Summary of the event should be prepared with minutes of the meeting held following lunch on October 27, 2007. (Garry Matthews). This is to be given to the Abbot together with a CD of the Pictures and a donation of One Thousand ($1,000.00), this figure is to be fine tuned following receipt of the financial statement.
6. It was also thought that once the preliminary items are completed with respect to closure of matters arising from the October 27, 2007 event, that planning for the 2008 event should begin. Means of raising funds for the event were considered, sale of printed jerseys, caps, pens and other items via the email contact list. This is to be discussed further.
7. The matter of a “Vision” for the group was discussed and there was agreement that this should be discussed and decided upon as this would guide the organising process for the 2008 event.
Prepared by
Peter R Sammy
November 27, 2007
Don Mitchell CBE QC
Tuesday, November 27, 2007 6:19:32 PM
To:Peter Sammy
Hello Ladislao,
These are the missing minutes.
Since I am not a member of this committee, I assumed that I was getting it along with hundreds of other alumni.
I now see that your address is not included.
I am by copy of this letter to Peter asking him to make sure that in future you are included in all communications from the committee.
Keep well.
From: Peter Sammy
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 1:17 PM
Subject: Minutes and statement
Please find attached the minutes of the meeting held on November 11.
Sorry for the late submittal but I may have underestimated my recovery.
Please send your feedback.
Peter R Sammy
Since at this time there has not been a list forwarded,
In the photos some of guys had a tag on their shirts, information that I used to get the names of those that I did not know. But there are a lot that I have missed.
Additionally I have added those that have been mentioned in emails.
From the above the following attended for sure. Corrections are needed.
No image available:
Gerard Kenny
Steven Anderson
These appear in images sent by Cheche:
Dennis Gurley photo
Peter Tang photo
Harry Laughlin photo
Jon Golding photo
Fr. Abbot photo
Fr. Cuthbert photo
Bro. Rupert photo
Miss Kitty Marcus photo
Joseph Berment photo
Michael D´ornellas photo
Rafeal Echeverria photo
Don Mitchell photo
Gordon Mitchell photo
Gerard Kenny photo
From photos sent in by Don additionally to the above have new names
Christopher Knowles photo
John Abrams photo
Stewart Henderson photo
Winston Kerry photo
Fr. Hilderbrand Green photo
Richard Anderson photo
So finally December is on, and we have the second report on the REUNION 2007.
As soon as I can I shall be trying to get CLASS 1962 together, please need your help.
Photo of the Reunion shall be sent in groups so keep in contact:
61UN0002CLASS61, Finally all the names are in!!! Congratulations CLASS 61 This photo shall be sent in a future issue due to the lack of space
07DM0014GRP Fr. Cuthbert and Peter Tang
07DM0011GRP Rafael Echeverria and Gordon Mitchell
07DM0007GRP Some oldboys at the gate.(Can you identify them)
07DM0003GRP More old boys, (CAN YOU IDENTIFY THEM)
07DM0011GRP Rafael Echeverria and Gordon Mitchell
07DM0007GRP Some oldboys at the gate.(Can you identify them)
07DM0003GRP More old boys, (CAN YOU IDENTIFY THEM)
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