Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Dear Friends,
News on the REUNION 2007, Fr. Abbot´s, this is the fourth insight on the Reunion .
Hopefully we are going to get an unofficial report from one of the officials, (Gary Matthews?).
Christmas Greeting that have been received by the 22 of December.
MSB information on the Reunion
John Pereira
Sunday, December 2, 2007 9:57:58 PM
Dear Ladislao,
Thank you very much for your email.
The re-union was very well attended.
I would estimate that there were approximately 55 past students of the Abbey School - a very good turnout!
I had given an excuse to the organisers beforehand that I would not be able to attend the meeting as I had a previous engagement in Port of Spain on that day.
However, I did return to the Abbey just in time to give a brief address to the participants before the close of the proceedings.
I encouraged them to stay together and to keep their interest in the Abbey alive.
However, I asked them if they would be able to coordinate their activities with other groupings of former Abbey School students.
I mentioned to them of two previous gatherings of Abbey School students in Trinidad , where either group knew nothing of the activities of the other group.
They promised to ensure that there are greater levels of communications between the various groupings of Abbey School Students.
I did enjoy the brief time that I was there and the camaraderie between the "boys".
It was good to see!
I understand that you were able to meet with Br Rupert on his recent visit to Venezuela , which he did enjoy immensely.
I am delighted by your continued interest in the Abbey and the goings-on here.
He told me that he mentioned to you of the massive up-grading of the sporting facilities now taking place here at the Mount.
We are quite happy about this development as I am sure are all the past students of the Abbey School .
If you need any further information on anything here at the Mount, please feel free to write to me.
Yours truly!
Abbot John
Notes on Old Boys Assoc 

stuart henderson
Date:Mon, 10 Dec 2007 12:08 pm
Hi Ladislao
1. I agree with Don Mitchell's points to a large extent; however an agenda for a meeting should be circulated before so persons may have a good idea as to what they will be attending,
Had I (or some others) known of all the "extra curricular" charitable causes and efforts that were planned, I / they may have not attended.
2. Although attending the "committee meeting" on November 11th from 3 - 4pm. I only received the minutes via your e mail 2 days ago.
That meeting was to start at 3pm and so I left home in Westmoorings at 2pm (Sunday) to get there well in time.
The next two persons showed at 3.25 and 3.40 pm - by which time I realised the punctuality problem of the others who apparently all live much closer in the Tunapuna/St Augustine area.
Having allocated one hour to the meeting, I left as politely as I could at 4pm.
3. I doubt very much I can be enticed to again join the committee.
Stuart Henderson
My report on the OctoberTrinidad Reunion
Don Mitchell CBE QC
Sunday, December 2, 2007 6:25:56 PM
Hello Ladislao,
Most of us old boys are like Jon Golding described.
Our memories of Mount are mainly painful ones.
There is very little about the place that makes me nostalgic. It took me years to overcome the mental and physical scars I suffered from my years at Mount.
I would like to visit with my contemporaries from time to time to reminisce and to catch up.
The place itself fills me with forboding and a sense of doom.
As for whether those of us who were at the reunion were divided into segments, it is probably true that the old timers, like Jon and I who have been away from Trinidad for many years, found the younger generation complete strangers.
The middle aged ones probably thought both the old timers and the new ones were equally strange.
The youngest of the "old boys" must have thought both the middle aged ones and the old ones to be complete strangers.
Only Fr Cuthbert and Kitty Marcus could pretend to know us all.
David Bratt and Robert de Verteuil did not make the reunion.
They probably fall in the group of those "old boys" who would not wish to be caught dead going anywhere near the Mount.
We will find out because I am going to copy them with this comment.
Perhaps, they will respond with something that is publishable.
Keep well.
Re: Notes on Old Boys Assoc...
"kaviacion11@netscape.net" ...
Monday, December 10, 2007 8:06:12 PM
Dear Stuart,
Thank you for the input.
I am sure you going to like the next Circular, one by Jon Golding.
Please remember that the Circular lives because ALUMNI like you write.
Now let´s forget the meeting, its agenda or lack of planning.
Can you give me a couple of lines on the people that went to the meeting, were there friends??, at least some that you finally met after having read their emails through the years??.
As Jon wrote and you shall read, really all that remains are friends and our wish to meet them.
The Reunion should have been focused in a different way and surely the agenda was not transmitted to a larger group of ALUMNI, there was no Agenda to be published so none was sent to the Circular.
From Don´s email, the Circular and the blog page did not exist for that layer of ALUMNI that organised the Reunion , half of those mentioned in the INVITATION are receiving the Circular since 2003, so no excuse.
Luckily I did not attend as I am sure I would have been a total stranger to the event.
I am glad that the party afterwards helped to return the happy mood.
What are your thought on the 2008 Reunion ??
I would like to attend but with the aim of having a good time, and meet friends,with whom I have corresponded over the years.
I must finish, I am sure that I am boring you with my journalist questioning. (I am a graduated Electronic Engineer and I hate to write)
God Bless
Re. Reunion attendees...
Monday, December 10, 2007 8:37:15 PM
Dear Gary
Sorry to bother you, but the following names appear in the meeting, who are they??
I presume that they are ALUMNI?? If so please keep me updated.
G Ler***
Rangi Persad
Gabriel Farier
Zepheryn Robinson
Rory Pasea
And of course I need the uncensored list of names of attendees. I mean uncensored because there seems to be ALUMNI that do not want to be mentioned.
What kind of ALUMNI would these be?? How can we share ideas with these ALUMNI??. If they do not exist??
Fr. Rupert said that there were close to hundred attendees, Cheche down graded this to 50 odds and a latter the number was down to 30 aprox, my list is close to 20, just by looking at the photos that were sent in by friends, and not the committee.
Since I know that you are a good writer, from past correspondence, can you help the Circular straighten out this differences by collaborating a list, any list!! You are my last chance since you took on the burden of organising the reunion.
The minutes that were sent out is just too official and politically inclined (placing in a milk shaker all opinions and then print the results ) the Circular needs eye sight opinions or resume of individual ALUMNI.
God Bless
Happy Christmas...
Gillian & Leary Oconnor ...
Tuesday, December 11, 2007 10:00:56 PM
Gillian and I would like to wish you and your family a very Happy Christmas and all the best for 2008.
I have enjoyed your Mount news so much during the year even though nearly everyone is younger than I am these days!
Thanks for that great effort.
I think I may have motivated Esmond to contact you so hope he has.
So finally December is on, and we have the second report on the REUNION 2007.
As soon as I can I shall be trying to get CLASS 1962 together, please need your help.
61UN0002CLASS61. Finally, all the names are in!!! Congratulations CLASS 61. This photo shall be sent in a future issue due to the lack of space
07RE0175RECGRP, Rafael Echeverria and UNKNOWN
07RE0003RECGRP, Rafael Echeverria, UNKNOWN and Dennis Gurley
07RE0002GRP, Peter Tang, UNKNOWN, Dennis Gurley, and Don Mitchell
07RE0001GRP, Jon Golding, Don Mitchell, Gordon Mitchell, Stuart Henderson.
07RE0003RECGRP, Rafael Echeverria, UNKNOWN and Dennis Gurley
07RE0002GRP, Peter Tang, UNKNOWN, Dennis Gurley, and Don Mitchell
07RE0001GRP, Jon Golding, Don Mitchell, Gordon Mitchell, Stuart Henderson.
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