Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Dear Friends,
A newcomer to the Circular, Azizul Mohammed, welcome.
Date: December 18, 2007 10:13:20 AM GMT-05:00
Hey mono
I spoke to Salvador about 2 days ago.
I was so happy, since I left school I have lost contact with everyone .
About 3 weeks ago I stumbled onto this blog by mistake and was shocked I never knew that the old boys every got together.
Hey I live in NJ and at the next get together I will be there.
Tell all the guys I say hi I cannot wait to meet everyone.
Pls lets stay in touch.
azizul mohammed
cell 718 702 2263
Robert deVerteuil
Monday, December 17, 2007 9:54:50 AM
Hello Ladislao
I have been reading with interest the various reports and comments reported recently in your bulletins regarding the 2007 Reunion .
I did not attend the function mainly because I heard (or read) about it only a few days/weeks before and had already committed to another gathering on that date.
Anyway, I recall that the planned event sounded very impromptu and casual and not a formal meeting of the MSB Old Boys especially those from my era (’55-’58).
This I mentioned to Gordon Mitchell prior to the date.
I can endorse a lot of what Jon and Don have said in their ‘reports’ and most certainly the fact that I would undoubtedly feel a total stranger amongst a group of MSB boys who were there 15-25 years after me.
I was away from Trinidad from ’58-’67 and after that the Mount was just buildings on the hills that I passed twice a day on my way to eke out a living in Arima.
My memories are confined to those I met there, co-students, foreign and local, priests, sports, scouts and general activities.
I recall hearing that MSB had become a drug rehab centre at some point.
Mentally, I may have switched off from the goings on at the Mount from then on.
As time went on, I always enjoyed an impromptu gathering to those of my era to relate happenings and especially the function held in POS when Manuel visited.
As said by others, your bulletins are what seem to hold the Old Boys together, albeit in a somewhat fragile manner.
I say fragile because most of the contributors or those mentioned are, or seem to be, from the pre or circa 1965 era with a few into the ‘70s and precious few after that.
The listing you sent me some time ago has over 500 names on it of which about 20% have email addresses.
I cannot add or update addresses unless they are sent to me or are shown in your circulars.
(Incidentally, the list contains only 2 ‘deVerteuil’s both of which I added. Maybe your mailing list has the other umpteen!).
So, where were the other hundreds on Re-union day?
The local committee needs to find them.
Surely, Don, David Bratt and I were not the only ones missing.!!!
Keep up the good work you do Ladislao with the publishing of the circulars.
I do enjoy reading them and on the very odd occasion, hearing about those who I knew and now live and work in far off distant places.
Robert deVerteuil
(PS I was away for 10 days hence the mail bounce back.)
FW: Merry Christmas
david decastro
Thursday, December 20, 2007 1:36:36 PM
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Sunday, December 30, 2007 4:34PM
From:Glen Mckoy
This week in Abbey School Old Boys Association
Season Greeting,
Hello guys, hope every one had a good xmas and a happy new year.
How many abbey web sites are there??
Please we must have some kind of notice if a new site is coming up, I really like the newsletter.
Also if a new site is coming up make sure its link to the already existing abbey sites.
I hope that this site is not in conflict with with the Trinidad Abbey school old boys association which might be registered just good to know.
Don't get me wrong I know this site was set up in the best of interest .
Best Regard to all my brothers........Glen McKoy.
Happy new year.
Be good for another year....and
God bless you all.
and yes more SNOW coming, its a white out xmas here, its fun..
I can still see the sun.
Subject: This week in Abbey School Old Boys Association
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 01:06:35 -0800

Weekly Report of Abbey School Old Boys Association Group Activity
Re. MSB information on the Reunion
From: ladislao kertesz
Sunday, December 16, 2007 1:37:46 PM
Dear Fr. Abbot
Sorry for not replying before but I am rather behind in answering and publishing the Circulars.
This Sunday I should have No. 320 out.
Yours is the fourth and last report that has been received on the reunion.
I am sure Bro. Rupert is polishing his report as your delegate at the meeting.
The other attendees have preferred the silence.
Maybe you could persuade Gary Matthews to write something personal, as the official minute is cold as it should be.
Please remember that the Circular wants to be positive, but there seems to be only negative news writers.
We must defeat this negative stance, so please persuade ALUMNI friends to send in positive news.
The only report from the committee of 10 members is the minutes signed by Peter Sammy.
The others are too busy or do not have the necessary inspiration.
I wish you a Nice Christmas festivities and a Prosperous New Year.
God Bless
Friday, December 21, 2007 11:59:27 AM
Dear Ladislao
Got a telephone call from Cecil Ince yesterday saying that Jack Knaggs who lived in Barbados brother of Arthur died on Wed. of a stroke.
He was one of the original boys of MSB 1944.
May I take this opponitunity to Wish you and your family a Wonderful Christmas and may 2008 be a good year.
It seems that without you the old boys assoc. would fade away GOD BLESS YOU.
Peace to You at Christmas Time
Nigel P. Boos
Saturday, December 22, 2007 9:56:54 AM
Well, it's that time of year again, and we've missed all of the posted dates for the mailing of Christmas cards, so we're down to the last resort - good old email. (Thank God it exists!)
No one knows the exact date of the birth of Jesus Christ, but December 25th has been accepted for nearly 2000 years as a probable date. The date itself is insignificant, really. What is significant is that the Son of God became incarnate - took on the body of a human baby, being born miraculously of a simple virgin girl, Mary, to bridge the otherwise-unbridgeable gap between God and men which had developed as a result of sin. Because he loved us, he deigned to become one like us, and to offer himself as a redeeming sacrifice for all mankind.
This, surely, is worth celebrating - the Birthday of the Redeemer. And it is worth reminding ourselves that THIS is what we are celebrating. It's not MERELY a Holiday Celebration. It is in fact a most important day in the life of every one of us, because it is through Jesus Christ, the Son of God, that we are able to hope for future happiness in heaven, with God himself.
We would like to thank you for your friendship and your occasional contacts throughout the past year, and especially, to wish you peace and joy at Christmas time. May God be with you in your hearts and bless you now and in the New Year.
Jackie and Nigel
Ajax, Ontario
L1Z 1L5
Ph: (905) 426-8999
De: Hector Ahow [hector_ahow@sti-ca.com.ve]
Fecha: 05/11/2007 09:43:07
Me llego muy tarde la invitación.
Gracias por la información de Paul Stein tenía años tratando de ubicarlo.
Hector G. Ahow D.
De: megaaluminium [megaaluminium@cantv.net]
Fecha: 13/11/2007 19:18:12
Estimado Ladislao,
Un fuerte saludo para ti y tu familia.
Con relación a la cena prefiero el 22, ya que me voy de viaje el 29 de Noviembre.
La cena incluye la media naranja?
Como dicen los Musiues "Keep up the good work" y mantenme informado y en contacto con los demas alumni de old Mount.
Una vez llegue a USA( 29/11) mandare un email resumiendo mis experiencias desde que me fui de Mount (mucho BS).
Estamos planificando, mi Sra y yo, ir a T&T la semana del 14 al 21 de Abril para el MSB Reunion.
A ver si en la cena coordinamos este viaje.
Enrique Castells
De: Bernardo Fontaine [SoincaBF@cantv.net]
Fecha: 14/11/2007 14:06:36
Hola Ladislao:
Prefiero el 22/11.
Bernardo Fontaine
De: peter.demorvay [peter.demorvay@eni.com.ve]
Fecha: 15/11/2007 09:07:46
Fecha: 15/11/2007 09:07:46
Hola Ladislao,
Para mi la fecha del 22 está bien.
Es la fecha aniversaria de la muerte de JFKennedy , pero supongo que podemos celebrar igualmente que estamos vivitos y coleando en este mar de felicidad.
Falta designar el sitio ..
Hasta pronto.
Fecha: 16/11/2007 14:28:40
Hola Ladislao.....
Te confirmo la asistencia para cualquier dia menos el 22, ya que ese día tengo un compromiso.
Gracias y saludos
De: Azier Atela [azieatel102@cantv.net]
Fecha: 17/11/2007 11:16:09
Hi Ladislao –
If you're waiting for Azier to answer - think again!!!
I believe he's anti-Email. Anyway, either date is fine.
Also, I would like to go too so maybe Mary Farcheg and Barbara Von Fedak will go too.
We haven t seen each other for a couple of years.
So, let us know what the final decision is.
Looking forward to meeting you.
Faye Atela
De: miguel luongo [miguelangelluongo@yahoo.com]
Fecha: 22/11/2007 23:06:07
Hi Ladislao!
These are to tell you that, I regret not having been there tonight, but, on Nov. 29 th I will, together with my cousin Winston Cabello Luongo.
I suppose that the hour will the same. ( Please confirm)
Ladislao, please, if you can, let me know Atila Gyuris's e-mail address, I tried to contact him through atilagyuris@yahoo.com and he hasn't answered me.
Thank you, before hand. See you soon.
Best regards,
MIguel Angel
I must remind all my friends that I do not read Blog or WEB sites.
This is because I barely manage to keep up with the emails and news.
So if anyone wants to be in the Circular please send a FW of the Blog comments and conversations between ALUMNI.
The photos are unusable for the Circular due to the low quality, so this is another thing that I cannot use when taken of the Blog site.
07DM0008GRP, Richard Anderson and Dennis Gurley
07DM0009GRP, Fr. Hilderbrand Green, Rafael Echeverria, Peter Tang.
07DM0023GRP, Stuart Henderson, Fr. Hilderbrand Green .
07DM0006RAN, Richard Anderson
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