Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Dear Friends,
News on the REUNION 2007, Rafael Echeverría, CHECHE
News on the CD Reunion 2003 by Salvador Coscarart.
IT WAS MAGIC !!! ... The Mount Boys Reunion / Report / Photos Lot No. 1
Rafael Echeverría
Sunday, November 25, 2007 12:41:40 PM
Dear Ladislao !
I apologise for not getting back to you any sooner.
I have been "loaded" with so many things it was absolutely impossible for me to sit down and dedicate the time you deserve.
I have had to travel a lot.
I went back to Florida but I am again now in Maracaibo until December 9th when I will be travelling back home in the USA .
But let me start by saying that it was all magic.
Yes ... after 41 years I met with my old Mount Mates .... Dennis Gurley, Don & Gordon Mitchell, Steven Anderson (who picked me up at the airport with his lovely wife Sandy and with a one hour delay of the Aeropostal flight from Caracas), Peter Tang, Harry Laughlin, John Abraham and Father Cuthbert, Miss Marcus, Father Hildebrand, Father Benedict ... it was all magic ... Dennis and his lovely wife Marie had me at their beautiful home.
I felt so proud and honored.
"Hey CheChe !!! ... Oh My God !!! ... you have the same face man !!!"
they all told me ...
I guess that is a polite manner of avoiding saying how old I looked after so many years.
My heart was bumping in my chest as Dennis took Gerald Kenny and me to Mount.
I just could not speak.
Gerald had a noble act of "heroism" by handing me over his camera's battery.
Mine had ran out!
He just knew how much it all meant to me.
Thank you Gerald !
I shall never forget that gesture which by being simple and natural does not make it any less noble !!!
Thank you soooo much Gerald !!!!
You saved me and my moments.
As we reached Mount St. Benedict I was deeply saddened to see it all destroyed.
The football field, the pool site.
I was shocked at how deteriorated the buildings of The Abbey School looked.
Steven Anderson took me there so that I could take some pictures.
We were asked (actually shouted at) by some guy who asked us to leave the premises.
It was sad.
The reunion was a happening of old friendships being renewed.
It was great to see them all again and feel their appreciation and friendship.
That was the great part.
The reunion itself was not so good.
It was somewhat frustrating.
I agree with Jon Golding who mentioned that the meeting was not properly conducted into a firm purpose and that it seemed obvious that there were private agendas being handled sacrificing the true interests of The Abbey School of Mount St. Benedict, The Monastery and The Monks.
All this in spite of introductory speeches praising the merits of our school and what it meant to the speaker.
As if we didn't know it in our hearts or feel the same way.
I found that honestly unnecessary.
The patronising was absolutely excessive.
It was all so weird and unexpected.
Don Mitchell and Dennis Gurley did a great job defending the work carried by you Ladislao with the Mount Boys Newsletter and how it had got all Mount Boys together all around the world in a very effective manner.
Peter Tang defended the integrity and protection of the Benedictine Monks like a champion.
On my part I expressed my thoughts confirming what Dennis, Don and Peter had expressed.
They were like "the three musketeers" defending Mount (the concept and all it implied) like true champs.
Honest and direct.
Unfortunately, it seemed to me that such efforts did not seem to get through.
It is my thinking that there seems to be private interests at hand speculating with this scenario for their own particular benefit thus forgetting the true goal which is no other than rescuing The Abbey School of Mount St. Benedict and The Benedictine Monastery.
In my opinion: Mount St. Benedict constitutes a cultural and educational icon of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
The government should be involved in rescuing this institutional site for the benefit of the whole Caribbean Region.
The Abbey School of Mount Saint Benedict was the best place where Venezuelan students would go to learn good English under British educational system and under the guidance and discipline of the Monks of the Monastery of St. Benedict.
It is not by chance that Raul Leoni, the Venezuelan President's son was our school mate.
So was the son of the Ministry of Defence, Enrique "Chino " Gomez.
A commission of Mount Boys should be appointed to hold a meeting with the Ministry or Department of Education or Culture of The Government of Trinidad & Tobago .
T&T is a very wealthy country.
The whole community of The Caribbean will enthusiastically applaud this initiative.
I promise you!!!!
We shall see what happens in April.
I hope I can come with Norma this time.
Here are some photos annexed which I will send to you in two main lots:
1) Previous moments of the meeting.
2) Photographs of encounters with friends and Fathers and Miss Marcus in particular (who keeps an extraordinary inquisitive mind asking me all sorts of questions about my computer !!!! .... I was amazed!)
3) Moments of informal gathering at the dinner party hosted by Dennis Gurley and Marie at their lovely home.
4) I will send this lot in a separate mail so that their are easier to classify.
Well... take good care of yourself Ladislao.
I will copy Dennis, Don, Steven, Gerald and Peter so that they may complement my particular opinions.
Please help me with the names of the Mount Boys in the photos !!!!
Siempre Amigo ... and proud to be a Mount Boy !!!!
Rafael ... CheChe ....
(the Circular is anxiouly awaiting the comments of Dennis, Don, Steven, Gerald and Peter: editor)
On Nov 24, 2007 10:09 PM,
Dear Rafael,
How was the reunion??
FW: Video del Mount St. Benedict Old Boys Reunion
Salvador Coscarart
Monday, June 11, 2007 11:25:08 PM
Hola Ladislao
Si puedes poner en el web site de quien quiera una copia que me manden sus direcciones, y asi yo les mando una copia.
Es de aproximadamente como dos horas de video, del Abbey y de la Reunion 2003 y unica hasta la fecha.
Salvador Coscarart.
Mi direccion postal es:
Salvador Coscarart
1746 HWY 356
Sunset ,La 70584.USA.
If you can put in the web site of whoever a copy that their directions, and asi send to me I I send a copy to them. It is of approximately like two hours of video, the Abbey and the Reunion 2003 and only one to date.
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 19:54:26 -0700
From: gyuris@yahoo.com
Subject: Video del Mount St. Benedict Old Boys Reunion
Querido amigo Salvador:
Hoy mismo te mande por correo una cajita con el cassette de video VHS que me enviaste del Old Boys' Reunion en Mt St. Benedict 2003.
Tambien te anexe una copia que hice de la misma cinta a un DVD.
De esta manera podras hacer copias para los otros Old Boys mas facilmente, y sin perder calidad de imagen.
Disculpame la tardanza pero estuve de viaje de trabajo, y recien regrese.
De todas maneras gracias por enviarme el video.
Lo disfrute mucho y me trajo muchos recuerdos (algunos gratos y otros no muy gratos...) del Abbey School.
Hasta da miedo que hayan pasado tantos años y los recuerdos sean todavía tan vividos!
Yo tambien me hice otra copia a DVD para mis archivos para la posteridad.
Cualquier cosas en que yo te pueda ayudar por favor me avisas.
Quedamos pendientes..
Bueno,... saludos a tu familia, un abrazo y ten cuidado en las plataformas, que se ponen resbalosas con tantos "coon-asses" que hay en ellas!
Today I sent you by mail a small box with the cassette of VHS video that you sent me of the Old Boys' Reunion in TM St. Benedict 2003 . Also I annexed a copy to you that I did of the same tape to a DVD. This way you can easily make copies for the other Old Boys but, and without losing quality of image. Sorry for the tardiness but I was of business trip, and recently returned. Thanks for sending me the video. I enjoyed it very much and brought back many memories (some pleasing and others not very pleasing...) of the Abbey School . It gives chills that so many years has passed and the memories still are so lived! I also was made another copy to a DVD for my archives for the posterity. Any things in which I can help you please tell me. Good... greetings to your family, a hug and taken care of the slippery platforms
Salvador Coscarart <salborbolla@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hola atiila y familia
Como estan uds.
Yo como siempre en mi trabajo en el golfo instalando una plataforma para chevron.
A ver si me puedes enviar el video vhf que te mande del colegio pues enrique zanelli le gustaria verlo.
Y no encuentro mi master copy, asi que si no es ninguna inconveniencia te lo agradesco mucho un abraso y abrasos .
salvador coscarart.
Te adjunto una fotos.
Mi hermano pedro y yo.
Y la otra de mi esposa y yo .
How are you. I always at my work in the gulf installing a platform for chevron. If you can send me the VHF video that I sent you of the school, Enrique Zanelli would like to see it. I cannot find my masters Copy, if is not an inconvenience I would apppeciate it.
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 7:48:50 AM
Subject: Saludos
Gracias por las llamadas, he estado muy ocupado, como sabes, mi cumplanos y tal...oye los cincuenta no esta tan mal..........
Anoche pude reunirme con los Mount Boys,Assam, Niel Charles, Hudson McKoy, Paul Dewan y Rory............que buen tiempo estuvimos, te mandare las fotos cuando Hudson me las manda.
Saludos a todos.
P.S A veces cuando me llamas en mi cell, y no puedo hablar, es porque estoy en ( Criminal Court).........
la otra ves me llamaste estaba en una meeting con el Attorney General en respecto a una sentencia de un hijo de puta criminal.
Thanks for the calls, I have been very occupied, as you know, my birthday and so... it fifty is not so badly.......... Last night I met with the Mount Boys , Assam , Niel Charles, the Hudson McKoy, Paul Dewan and Rory............ we had a great time, we will send the photos when the Hudson send them to met. Greetings to all.
P.S Sometimes when you call me in my cell, and I could not speak, it is because I am in (Criminal Court)......... the other time you called me when I was in one meeting with the General Attorney in with respect to a sentence of a criminal son of puta.
So finally November is over is over, and we have the first report on the REUNION 2007.
From now on I shall be trying to get CLASS 1962 together, please need your help.
61UN0002CLASS61, Finally all the names are in!!! Congratulations CLASS 61 This phot shall be sent in a future issue due to the lack os space
07RE0144GRP, Reunion Group
07RE0143RECMARCUS, Rafeal Echeverria and Miss Kitty Marcus
07RE0141REGRP, Rafeal Echeverria and the group
07RE0139RECGRP, Rafael Echeverria and the group
07RE0142RECFRCUTH, Rafeal Echeverria and Fr. Cuthbert
07RE0142RECFRCUTH, Rafeal Echeverria and Fr. Cuthbert
1 comment:
My name is Ian Gomes. I also attended the reunion in Nov 2007. I attended MSB 1968 - 1972. My brother Nigel also attended for those years He left in 73. There was a vibrant group from our time present and the following attended.
Wayne Chang, Kieron Pierre, Milton Julien, Joseph Jagwansingh, Garth Alexander, Winston Ramsahai, Keith Allen, Joseph Berment, Michael D'Ornellas, Jimmy Samaroo, Wayne Ramlogan and his older Brother (Can't remember his name). We met a few older guys one or two i knew otherwise including Mr. Roxborough who attended MSB in 1944. This gentleman taught me prior to my attending MSB.
There was also a carnival time gathering of the boys from our time at one of Winston Ramsahai's houses in Cascade. Allan & Roger Juman and John Gionetti attended as well as Rene Villafana.
A few of us continue to hook up occasionally to play all fours, old talk and remember the good old days. For those of my time you would not believe Kieron Pierre's memory. The man never forgets and seems to know every body and their business. HEEE.
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